Consciousness Videos

Spirit Science Lesson 3 – The Solution [& Mass Consciousness]

Alexander Light
After the Martians collapsed the Atlantean way of life, the Naacals didn’t know what to do. They asked for help from the highest conscious beings in our universe, and they received a potential solution. If it could pull it off, we would become something incredibly new and different in the universe. If we did not, we would not survive. Our entire planet was walking a very thin line.


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6 thoughts on “Spirit Science Lesson 3 – The Solution [& Mass Consciousness]
  1. Then suddenly…  something appeared from heaven, with a shout of the archangel, and with the spirit of the end planning of God as being fulfilled; it was realized by all those who did not follow the Christ, that everything they ever did was to be up on the Jumbotron and that their individual choices and subsequent actions did matter; as the people realized as an absolute serving others with a God directed, pure heart is the most rewarding action a person can make; they wept in sorrow that they did not do more and even more painful, they realized that they would never be able to do it again. They (both living & dead) then fully understood that their poor choices need to be reconciled with the great creator.  As they felt the just guilt of a people group who purposed to oppose God all their lives as they fully contemplated the heaviness of their choices.

    For those who had chosen faith and to follow, admit and turn their lives over, the Jumbotron was turned off, and the gates of heaven were swung open wide to accommodate them with a paradise specifically designed to fulfill all their needs for eternity.

  2. Have you read David Wilcock's new book "The Source Field Investigations?" Excellent book, expands on many of these concepts. Important reading.

  3. Some very interesting information. Ill be researching some of Drunvalo Melchizedek's
    work. I hadn't heard of him until I watched your video. I have been meaning to study some of the Thoth information for a while now but just never got around to it. Thank you very much.

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