
藝苑掇英 Barnett Newman (1905-1970) Abstract Expressionism Post-Painterly Abstraction American
Barnett Newman , One of the great figures of the abstract expressionist movement, Barnett Newman was an intellectual, developing his ideas in his painting, sculpture, and writing. Born and raised in New York, Newman took classes at the Art Students League while in high school and college. At New York’s City College he majored in philosophy, graduating in 1927. In the course of the next fifteen years he operated his family’s clothing manufacturing business, was a substitute art teacher in New York high schools, and ran as a candidate for mayor in 1933. His platform advocated civic programs for the arts as well as anti-pollution measures. He also studied the writings of Henry David Thoreau and the anarchist Peter Kropotkin and became interested in botany, geology, ornithology, and tribal art. Believing that all earlier twentieth-century painting styles were obsolete, Newman destroyed most of his paintings from the 1930s and early 1940s.
In the spring of 1945 Newman set down a number of his developing ideas about the proper goals of aspiring abstract painters in various drafts of an unpublished "monologue," The Plasmic Image. There he asserted that between the time of the impressionists and the 1940s, modernist painters had solved the technical problems of the language of painting (color, shape, atmosphere) and should go on to transcend such decorative aspects of art to project concepts.
When he started to paint again in the mid-1940s, Newman sought a new style of mystical abstraction, and it was at this time that he made his first works using his signature vertical elements, or "zips," to punctuate the single-hued fields of his canvases. In 1948 he, along with Mark Rothko, Robert Motherwell, and others, founded the Subjects of the Artist School as a means for exploring and promulgating ideas about the inspiration, subjects, attitudes, and possibilities of abstract expressionism. Although Newman’s first solo exhibitions in the early 1950s met with ridicule, by the end of that decade his work was well-accepted and influential.
當他開始在40年代中期再刷一遍,紐曼尋求神秘抽象的一種新的風格,這是在這個時候,他用他的簽名垂直元素,或“拉鍊”圈點單色調做了他的第一部作品他的畫布的領域。 1948年他與羅斯科,羅伯特·馬瑟韋爾,和其他人一起,創辦了藝術家學校的主題是探索和頒布有關的靈感,主題,態度和抽象表現的可能性思想的手段。雖然紐曼在20世紀50年代初第一次個人畫展先後與調侃,由十年結束他的工作是廣泛接受和影響力。

Tuen Tony Kwok


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