Consciousness Videos

[02 Feb 2021] Edward Riordian, Clif High, remote Viewing & Tracking Consciousness + more!…

Penny Kelly

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Clif High:
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30 thoughts on “[02 Feb 2021] Edward Riordian, Clif High, remote Viewing & Tracking Consciousness + more!…
  1. Many, many mass media entities & workers will be corralled for "Conspiracy to Commit Treason" &/or "Sedition", imo. I love you & your work to educate us all about our consciousness development or the lack thereof. You are Needed! FREE

  2. Penny it’s gotten bad here in Canada severe lockdowns Canadians coming back from other countries are tooken from the airports by police they are driven to certain locations forced in quarantines family looking to know we’re there family members are and being told

  3. Thank You for explanation about orbits, because I used to see them all around, but mostly blue- like a fire from gas stove.. sometimes that fire just like flower opening ( only faster) and yes it appearing usually on some good thoughts or feelings

  4. Hiya Penny, Recent subscriber (name's Tony, although Mom must've been still under the influence, I look like a Sven) and was wondering out loud and thought I'd share:
    Are you sure that everyone experiences shifts as a sound, or is it perhaps that you are more attuned to a clairaudient antenna as opposed to another way that frequencies are felt and interpreted?
    I sure would like to see if the end of the year 2046 is going to be how I expect it might, but that would put me at 85 years on this incarnation and I don't expect to stick around to being that ancient. (For the longest time -I didn't think I'd even make it to 30 ; -)

  5. At 2:30 Penny says there are 75K Chinese Troops on the northern border, in Canada, and 150K Chinese Troops along the southern border, in Mexico. Where is the evidence of and for this. In someone’s mind?

    Satellite and surface photo evidence please. Those encampments would be huge. The logistical supply lines to feed, arm, and otherwise support those troop levels would require continuous military convoys. Where are the photos of those convoys?

  6. The blue pearl was something Muktananda discussed a lot as being the "essential being" who created consciousness. He said to see it is very auspicious. I have found it has an energy that is incredibly healing and like a spark of incredible energy. Whatever energy I was in when I saw it, it cleared it out into incredible joy or bliss. Muktananda said it was the "blue person" that he says is at the root of everything. THANK you for your work Penny.

  7. Great explanation of how impressions of the future come, makes a lot of sense and confirms the idea that things you think are coincidences or just your imagination actually have legitimacy. This rings true to me, because I have had such meaningful "coincidents" more and more as I have become more aware in the last few years.

  8. Penny-wenny,
    Stop calling Clif High “Cliffy”.
    It’s very obnoxious and disrespectful. 🤮
    You don’t call Joe Cosmides “Joey”.
    You don’t call Bix Weir “Bixy”.
    Start disrespecting THEM.

  9. The movie “The Secret “ on Netflix and read “ The Science of Getting Rich”
    We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Buddha.

  10. Being aware that you are aware is the beginning of connecting to the consciousness. Giving something back to that consciousness intentionally is our gift to it. I never put it together until the other day, Penny interpreted a dream I had 15 years ago. It honestly changed the course of my life and gave me purpose. Thank you, Penny!!

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