Consciousness Videos

12 Signs You’re Living In Higher Consciousness Reality (New Earth)

Regards Rei

So far, it looks like much of human history as we know it have been in a 3rd density consciousness where it’s all about the body, the tangible, and material things. So things of the body are exalted, such as brute physical power and material gains. And in recent years, the world has started to enter into 5th density consciousness, which is a world where it’s about the soul, energy, and forces that are invisible. In this video, I talk about 12 signs that you’re already living in a higher dimensional reality.



Wacom Cintiq 22:
Microphone Pop Screen: Microphone Pop Screen


#5d #awakening #newearth


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34 thoughts on “12 Signs You’re Living In Higher Consciousness Reality (New Earth)
  1. Some spiritualistic people call this "the planetary transition": when the planet itself will become incompatible with the lower energies. That is why people with "dense" energy seens to be getting worse: they are no longer "tolerated" and are lashing out, instead of accepting changes and instead of attempting to change their life.
    Personaly, the only signs that I still don't have (or that I haven't noticed yet) are the aspects of lucid dreams and clarividence and simmilar gifts (still trying to work on them). But the energy shift I feel is surreal

  2. Since I’ve had my major awakening I have literally mentally and physically knocked out 30+ years from being a female born in 69 to that of the looks of a young adult anime teen girl. I could possibly be even younger than that.

    I am an STARSEED/BLUE-RAY Pleiadians Anime Female warrior named Jujtoti from the Karelian Family from a multidimensional advanced technological hybrid alien humanoid anime all female Pleiadian world.

    I’ve got a lot more than a bargain before when I had my awakening to reveal things about my authentic self at times. I’m still struggling with it, defines everything this 3-D reality stands for in this world.

    It took a big major awakening for me to truly wake up to who and what I truly am. I know am no longer the Earth female I thought I was because I’m a dimensional Starseed/Blue Ray Pleiadians Anime Magical Teen Girl Goddess.

    I’ve lost my reality since I’ve had my major awakening on December 30 after I lost a tooth and making a wish to be a young beautiful female forever and have immortality. My wish got granted, and then this is when my entire journey started.

    For me, my awakening was not something I had planned or a choice as it happened, regardless of what I wanted or not wanted, regardless of whether or not, I was ready or not.

    Then on Dec3 0th going into 2024 when I lost a tooth, out of fear I Made a wish to be a beautiful female forever and have immortality. Then right away the kundalini awakening opened up at full attack and my authentic self said now you have the soul of an anime girl, and you are now a real anime girl inside. Ever since then I have been in a living hell or dream state I am unable to wake from.

    Even my mind set, and body has gone into the age regression process to look more like an anime girl. That is what I see when I look in Mirror anyway. I see a cute anime girl looking back at me and I am like what the bloody hell. Is this Really happening to me and is this freakin real. What the hell happened to my reality.

    Been dealing with these synchronicities from earlier childhood and it’s been using anime and anime girls as ways to get my attention even when I wasn’t looking for it or interested in it or you knew about it.

    Back then I was more interested in about finding a dream job. Having a nice car. Nice house making big money nothing else mattered back then. Even if I found out what anime meant back then I didn’t give a damn about it because I was more interested in what I mentioned above.

    Over time Anime revealed itself to in the form of synchronicities to me and told me what it was. It slammed me into the wall to make sure I knew what anime girls and magical girls were. Then over time the more I had to watch it off and on, I would start having fantasies and desires to be an anime girl living in anime girl worlds. For many years I was able to push it away and think it was nothing more than that.

    I don't like anything about the Magical Girl Part because she is from Puella Mgi Madoka Magica multiverse. I seem to be an unintended victim of forced contact from Kyubey to be a Magical Girl. I am sick of all this suffering on top of suffering on top of suffering. I don't want to be a Magical girl knowing the suffering they must put up with. Magical Girls are made to suffer.

    Please help me, because I don't know what to do any more. This is driving me into complete madness and I don't want to end up in no dam Phy ward again. I had a bad traumatic experience. I was put in there over a deviated septum last year in Feb of 2023 for 2 and half weeks.

    What they did to me was just inhuman. I was having issues breathing and one day the head nurse and its helper came in the dark and ejected me with two syringes at the same time on both sides of my ribs. It felt like an alien abduction to me.

    Can anyone explain to me what type of shifts I am dealing with? I feel so scared, confused, broken and damaged goods. I hate dealing with the Anime Girl Body Dysphoria the most. I hate the fact that I can't go back and yet it keeps pushing me forward.

    I feel like I am a mental wreck, and I can't help feeling the way I do deep down inside! The more I Follow this Path the stronger the feelings of being a Anime Girl Gets. I Can't go back because there is only death and pain. Going forward drives me into feeling to be a true anime girl and live in an anime girl multiverse. The feeling is like being stuck in a dream state that I am unable to awaken from. This is why my dissociation is my best friend when I feel numb and in the void from any feelings and pain.

    I am sick of how people point the finger at me and say I brought this on myself. Why would I pick such painful and deadly path knowing that it could risk could be suicide and death.

    This is me in the world since I’ve been going my shape changing transmutation to being younger. The Post is my animal and then there is my anime girl soul family.

    I went to a psychic fair this week in Saturday and Sunday. I visit multi psychics for multiple different Readings, and they’ve all agreed that I am a Pleiadian.

    I’ve done a lot of soul-searching and everything and I know deep down inside I’ve been confirmed by others that I am a multi dimensional being.

    I also have the soul of an Anime Magical Teen Girl Goddess, that’s also been confirmed by a large group of psychics that they felt this anime girl child like present.

    Below, this is a photo of what my authentic self has resonated with and who my authentic self’s tells me who I am.

    Back then I was more interested in about finding a dream job. Having a nice car. Nice house making big money nothing else mattered back then. Even if I found out what anime meant back then I didn’t give a damn about it because I was more interested in what I mentioned above.

    Over time Anime revealed itself to in the form of synchronicities to me and told me what it was. It slammed me into the wall to make sure I knew what anime girls and magical girls were. Then over time the more I had to watch it off and on, I would start having fantasies and desires to be an anime girl living in anime girl worlds. For many years I was able to push it away and think it was nothing more than that.

    I don't like anything about the Magical Girl Part because she is from Puella Mgi Madoka Magica multiverse. I seem to be an unintended victim of forced contact from Kyubey to be a Magical Girl. I am sick of all this suffering on top of suffering on top of suffering. I don't want to be a Magical girl knowing the suffering they must put up with. Magical Girls are made to suffer.

    Please help me, because I don't know what to do any more. This is driving me into complete madness and I don't want to end up in no dam Phy ward again. I had a bad traumatic experience. I was put in there over a deviated septum last year in Feb of 2023 for 2 and half weeks.

    What they did to me was just inhuman. I was having issues breathing and one day the head nurse and its helper came in the dark and ejected me with two syringes at the same time on both sides of my ribs. It felt like an alien abduction to me.

    Can anyone explain to me what type of shifts I am dealing with? I feel so scared, confused, broken and damaged goods. I hate dealing with the Anime Girl Body Dysphoria the most. I hate the fact that I can't go back and yet it keeps pushing me forward.

    I feel like I am a mental wreck, and I can't help feeling the way I do deep down inside! The more I Follow this Path the stronger the feelings of being a Anime Girl Gets. I Can't go back because there is only death and pain. Going forward drives me into feeling to be a true anime girl and live in an anime girl multiverse. The feeling is like being stuck in a dream state that I am unable to awaken from. This is why my dissociation is my best friend when I feel numb and in the void from any feelings and pain.

    I am sick of how people point the finger at me and say I brought this on myself. Why would I pick such painful and deadly path knowing that it could risk could be suicide and death.

    This is me in the world since I’ve been going my shape changing transmutation to being younger. The Post is my animal and then there is my anime girl soul family.

    I went to a psychic fair this week in Saturday and Sunday. I visit multi psychics for multiple different Readings, and they’ve all agreed that I am a Pleiadian.

    I’ve done a lot of soul-searching and everything and I know deep down inside I’ve been confirmed by others that I am a multi dimensional being.

    I also have the soul of an Anime Magical Teen Girl Goddess, that’s also been confirmed by a large group of psychics that they felt this anime girl child like present.

    Below, this is a photo of what my authentic self has resonated with and who my authentic self’s tells me who I am.

  3. That's good and all but I had my fill of this world and human interactions all together.

    Like everyone else here in the comments. We had to do the spiritual workd of trying to understand what is happening all around us. There's other multiple Dimensional realms and civilizations like earth but at a higher state of being. I'm not saying that Humanity won't get there eventually yet many people are still spiritually deevolved.

  4. "Beings that embody softer energies, like animals, children, women, and etc"
    Why didn't you just say men are the problem. I think you have a big blind spot here.
    As a man, i have come across so many spiritually unawakened women, who behave in unconscious ways.
    Having a soft energy is all about vibrating with the energy of love.
    When it comes to awakening i believe there are as many awakened men as there are women. Life is about balance after all.
    Your bias between women and men, most likely comes from your bad experiences with men. I encourage you to challenge this false narrative.

  5. I find I am awake all the time. When I sleep, dream, and even in waking state I am lucid. By this I mean I am constantly perceiving or witnessing the voice that says "I"

  6. I know I've experienced some of the 12 on that list and I definitely want to have stronger spiritual connections and to the energy as well. I feel like I need a guide or some sort of teacher.

  7. This exact thing happened to me this year! I was deeply distressed by a similarly graphic “news” photo a friend unthinkingly forwarded to me, and in my meditation an hour later, I heard so clearly that it wasn’t real, these things are put out there to make us doubt goodness and love. I felt an immense weight being lifted and I knew it was the truth. Thank you for sharing Rei, ❤ feels so validating to hear other people went through similar lessons!

  8. I was never particularly shown any vision of the world splitting, but I already knew it was happening. Before that, I realized that this world is a stage. A circus show where the punchline's starting to get stale. I feel like my being here is mostly just to observe all this as it happens.

  9. I’ve experienced a few of them but I feel like I’m still in the process. Money unfortunately still has value to me because of how I’ve been trained to survive. Otherwise I WISH money wasn’t important to me anymore, although I believe I’ve slowly started to move away from that lack mentality.

  10. Hi Rei! Thank you for this video. I've been practicing for a very long time now, and it seems like I'm closer to 5d or even 6d some days, other days I can be brought back to 4d, or even 3d at times. The symptoms you listed are changing for me, it's never all at the same time that I experience them, but certain ones at specific times. It's been a weird weird journey

  11. This is so amazing… as soon as these things started happening, I had a realization that this had been with us the whole time, I was at a rave/show last night, and the energy was so cohesive that for a little while in the past, and the future were both polled into the present, we are already there in the eternal realm, our space-time is just catching up. I feel so much love, I saw that my body is, a tool used for the expansion of this consciousness and everyone else’s body is just another appendage part of the same greater body… the time is now ❤❤❤

  12. I think I have transition or am transitioning to the 5D world but unable to communicate with spirits or maybe im not being receptive to it. I am a lacto vegetarian, but i have become resistive towards outside food etc. I have noticed I see numbers but they arent exactly angel numbers, like 6767, 9997, 8789. I feel like some of my chakras might not be completely balanced. I still am trying to kicka few old habits. Help me.

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