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29 thoughts on “13. Bipolar Disorder & Consciousness Part 2: Who Heals, Who Doesn´t
  1. I had this awakening/rebirth and am still using depakote. I would have to do some serious consulting with God, my wife and Dr though before I start tapering off. I think it's important to not judge someone to be at a lower level of consciousness based on their age, religious affiliation, whether they're taking meds, etc.

    Also I've felt an 8th level of consciousness which is God consciousness, becoming aware of God's infinite love and awareness of you and others, being able to talk with God face to face.

  2. I think you give "traditional" religion a bum rap. I am not even sure what you consider traditional religion, as even the religion most would consider traditional today is nowhere near so traditional as that of the mid-1950s or the mid-1500s. And there are many post-modernists who bear a striking resemblance to their grandparents at Woodstock. I think I understand your point, but its crude oversimplification could do some damage.

  3. Someone close to me is going thru the SAME thing. Bipolar. we are all suffering because of it. We don't know who to trust. Also other family members hold the belief that our loved one is possessed by a demon. Its sad they scoff and do not understand. But we support our loved one. And will do so forever. maybe someday he will be off the meds.

  4. So you feel strongly this experience should be welcomed and is evolution of the soul/body/spirit? If so why have these episodes been noted in Ancient Rome/Greek physicians notes? it has been a few thousand years, were they of a modern consciousness then?

  5. Seems to me you have a very inflated ego to not even consider your just ill and giving urself ur own charming diagnostic. Which is the case of many that have this attitude of
    " oh I'm a white witch" , "oh Im enlightened"
    "oh I'm so spiritual". Here on earth we are alll the same. Sorry to point that out to you. The day you turn water in wine I'll change my mind. Till then stop the propaganda and not letting people have help, if you undress at work yeah there's a problem!

  6. I have no connection to spirituality or a god. I am 38. I've been spewing levels of consciousness since high school. I was confrontational and contentious. In my twenties, I began to accept that many of us exist on a different levels of consciousness. I became less argumentative and more accepting. Now in my late thirties, I have come to terms with this alleged bipolar label placed upon me. I value my psychosis. I take an anti depressant(very low dose) and I am able to control the manic thought processes to a point where the general society can digest my viewpoint. I call it a balance between form and function. Meaning that, I do not want to worry my friends and family but, I also don't want to lose my point of view or identity. I am quite sensitive to social mood swings that some would describe as mob mentality which only solidifies my own hypothesis that evolution of the conscience mind is evident to those who actually look for it. This whole topic of conversation is the proof.
    In conclusion…please do not harm yourselves when you feel that the world is backwards and hope is nonexistent. If you ever feel that low just remember, your experiences and documentation of said experiences serve as a text book for those in their early steps towards enlightenment. You all have a very deep and influential point of view that is absolutely indispensable. Thank you for reading this.

  7. i literally cannot believe i came across this channel… being 20 and suffering bipolar all my life born into an extremely capitalist/ athiest family, I resisted the meds due to intuition and my awakening has happened soo slowly over years what seems like, I feel I have only finally had a rebirth last week yaaaaaay 🙂

  8. First I really love your work and your perspective on bipolar mania. From my experiance it is really spot on. Before I had my first episode I was convinced there was no God. After I knew for sure there was but was confused about it. I became open-minded to it and went in search for the Truth. I found it in Jesus. Something you mentioned in this video about the traditional level of consciousness is that they don't believe that God can be in you. The Bible is clear that he is in you this is what is refered to as the Holy Spirit. The levels of consciousness you speak of make perfect sense. It's my belief that Jesus was on a whole other level that is not known to man and is not of this world. In my case by getting to know him better threw reading the Bible and prayer and meditation and being blessed with his Holy Spirit I have been healed from my bipolar episodes. So I believe that if you were to really study Jesus and who he was and the level of consciousness he was on at the time he was here that it could help to get to the possible further levels of consciousness you mentioned are possibly out there like tapping into the oneness and miraculous healing and so on and so forth.

  9. I'm going through as we speak …. listening to you its keeping me calm your describing exactly what's in my mind. I had 4 panic attacks this month they came out of no ware … when it happens I can't control my body I start to vomit and it looks like I'm having a seizure. I having one right now but listening to you it's helping me understand what's going on so I'm cal but I feel it…

  10. I'm going through as we speak …. listening to you its keeping me calm your describing exactly what's in my mind. I had 4 panic attacks this month they came out of no ware … when it happens I can't control my body I start to vomit and it looks like I'm having a seizure. I having one right now but listening to you it's helping me understand what's going on so I'm cal but I feel it…

  11. Thank you Sean! I was diagnosed and medicated at 30 and by the time I was 50, the psychiatrists and their pills had almost destroyed me. I decided to think for myself, for a change, and stopped all meds, ate healthy food, exercised etc. Then the spiritual awakening began and I managed all the symptoms with no support….I was sure anyone I told would think I was crazy. On the contrary, I have never had such clarity of thought. I have enjoyed perfect health and a stable mood for many years now and life is a beautiful thing. Peace and serenity are a gift from God to all beings. Your videos are groundbreaking. Remarkable

  12. Ana may have healed, but once she submitted to the psych meds, her opportunity to awaken to the next level were limited, as the psych drugs are damaging, on the whole.  Additionally, she went on and off them, causing relapse, which deepens the hold the drugs have on the brain.  Levels of consciousness are not the only answer.

    I fit your criteria, was having depressions, after age 25, university educated, spiritual seeker, thought I was a deep person.  I battled for 10 years before submitting to the psych world (and drugs) out of desperation.  There was nothing traditional, or even modern about me.  Now I look back at those experiences as disappointed delusions.  And struggle to get off the drugs to see if there is something on the other side.  It is this experience which says Ana was too young to do anything other than submit, and once she submitted (as parents and psychiatrist insisted), the canvas of consciousness was ruined for any depth of experience.

  13. If people such as Joan of Arc were alive today, they too would probably be considered as schizophrenic or psychotic and locked away in a mental hospital.

  14. Sean, I have been following you for about 6 years. I want you to know how greatful i am to you. Had it not been for my constant obsession that my psychosis was deeper than insanity and stigma ive been plagued with, I never would have found you. You have greatly aided in saving my life. Thank you.

  15. I go along with this train of thought Ive had these experiences and like your self I knew this was a natural and normal part of being human and associated it something sacred and a conscious contact with a God / creator./universal conscience ? I think these experiences are good or bad depending on how much you beleve whether your sociatial conditioning is actually your personality

  16. It would be super helpful if you linked the following video in the description of each video so that viewers don't have to go search for them individually 🙂

  17. i do not agree that those needing to be medicated shouldnt be because of some "spiritual experience" such people can be a danger to themselves and others! i speak from experience from a family member, and i dont say this dissing Christ, as I am a believer.

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