
16 Body Language Signals He's Attracted To You!


Top signs that he’s attracted to you! These are the biggest body language signals and signs he’s interested and how to tell if a guy likes you!

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12. Eye Contact –

Another way to tell if a guy is attracted to you is by where he’s looking. It’s normal for a man to look you up and down to check you out, of course, which is a sign that he’s attracted to you; but, another place he should be looking is directly into your eyes. If he makes eye contact with you, it’s a strong signal that he thinks you’re good-looking. If the two of you are having a pleasant conversation and he keeps eye contact throughout it, then he’s into you. You can also tell if he thinks you’re attractive if he catches your eye from across the room. Let’s say you are on separate sides of a club, you lock eyes, and he continues gazing at you; this means that he’s probably getting ready to come and say “hi.” However, if a guy is looking everywhere but at you, then it’s safe to say he’s not interested.

11. Begins Talking –

Another way to tell if a man finds you attractive is if he places himself in your vicinity; this is probably to be close to you and to begin a conversation. If he starts talking to you or tries to initiate a discussion, it means that he’s attracted to you. He wants to get to know you better and be close to you physically. If he’s shy, he might not introduce himself first. So, it’s more important to note that he has intentionally put himself next to you, most likely with the intention of catching your eye and sparking your interest. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself in a situation like this… if the attraction is mutual anyway.

10. Legs Apart –

This one might seem a little strange… and suggestive. To be honest, it is a little suggestive, but a man usually isn’t doing this deliberately. Another signal to pay attention to concerns how a guy is sitting. If he is sitting with his legs crossed while he’s around you, he might not be interested in you; however, if he is sitting with his legs open, it is a strong signal of his physical attraction to you. First of all, it means he is making himself vulnerable. If his legs are open, he isn’t concerned about protecting his sensitive areas from you, and he’s letting you know that he trusts you. Secondly, this posture is implicative of his feelings; if he sits with his legs spread, it not only implies his physical interest in you but also means he wants to know you on an emotional level. However, if things are getting a little too risque, go ahead and let him know. .


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37 thoughts on “16 Body Language Signals He's Attracted To You!
  1. would this count as 15?
    ok so, me and my friends went to the cafeteria and my crush saw us and decides to go there as well with a friend but walks in front of me and my friends, then when hes done buying food he stands there and waits for me and my friends until we get to near where he is and he continues walking in front of us…

    idk what to do but please hElp 8-8

    also number 11?
    he doesnt really come near when im with other people me because he usually goes somewhere further away with his friends but whenever im with my friends he usually comes and hangs around my group of friends but he never talks to anyone i know, only his friends ;/ he also makes sure ik where he goes bc he kind've just walks away without really saying anything but he glances at me to see if i know hes leaving and once he knows i know he walks away

  2. This sounds very weird plus it's very illegal, but I've caught my teacher showing some of these signs a few times,or I could be wrong. If you think this is wrong and you want to report it, we'll don't, everyone is only human, just like you when you feel attracted to someone you are showing you care and are human. Reporting me is just going to take you nowhere and irritate me

  3. My crush does most of these!
    I really want to tell him I like him but I don't know how.
    Can someone give me advise on how to tell someone you like them over text?

  4. OMG my crush has given all this signs and I never knew till now all though my friend told me he as not asked me out because he act tough on the outside but he's actually a shyish guy

  5. i have an officemate who walks with me , keeps an eye contact with me , holds the door for me, visits me in my work station and starts a conversation coz he said he's " SLEEPY" but also touches me not in the hands but on my waist .? i dont know if he likes me or he's just a perv lol

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