Consciousness Videos

#27 – Quantum Soul: What about you survives for a lifetime?

Justin Riddle

In episode 27 of the Quantum Consciousness series, Justin Riddle discusses the proposal of a quantum soul. The soul is the part of you that survives your entire lifetime. In this episode, we discuss three properties of quantum mechanics that might provide a novel solution to this age-old mystery. First of all, we discuss the curious discovery of Bose-Einstein Condensation. This state of matter was observed in the laboratory when supercooling liquid helium down to two degrees above absolute zero. The liquid helium underwent a mysteries transformation where all of the individual atoms began to share a single wave function and move together coherently. In this carefully constructed scenario, we can witness quantum properties at the macroscopic scale. Bose-Einstein Condensation is relevant to theories of mind because it is the creation of a macroscopic unification of many parts – this might be what it is like to be a single person extended throughout a physical body. What if there was a network of Bose-Einstein Condensation that was quite literally YOU? Alternatively, your mind could be a conceptualized as a “conscious pilot,” a model proposed by Stuart Hameroff, where you move around in your brain shifting between different cognitive streams of information. But this begs the question, how could the conscious pilot survive for your entire lifetime? Even in quantum computer models of the mind, the wave function that is you undergoes a series of collapse events. These collapse events destroy the wave function and then a new wave function is created. What, if anything, could survive the repeated collapse of the wave function? We fall back to the null model wherein the continuity of your life is created through the information stored in the digital aspects of your brain. Each moment is a new experience and you are forever stuck in the present moment. Perhaps there is no soul and this moment is the first and last moment of your life? The continuity of your experience is created through digital storage mechanisms, but nothing beyond this digital information survives past a given moment of experience. The episode wraps up comparing these different quantum theories of the soul. Do you think you have a soul? Which theory best explains the continuity of our lives?

~~~ Timestamps ~~~
0:00 Introduction
3:49 Nothing is off limits to science
6:30 The soul lasts for a lifetime
8:43 Bose-Einstein Condensation
18:50 Quantum Teleportation
20:50 No Cloning Theorem
22:01 Soulless Quantum Mind
26:37 Holographic Soul
31:32 Soul as a Conscious Pilot
37:27 Three quantum theories for a soul
43:49 Final thoughts

#quantum #consciousness #soul

Music licensed from and created by Baylor Odabashian. BandCamp: @UnscrewablePooch
Painting behind me by Paul Seli, Instagram: @Paul.Seli.Art


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21 thoughts on “#27 – Quantum Soul: What about you survives for a lifetime?
  1. Justin, again a very thought provoking video. It’s refreshing to hear your exploration of the quantum world in context of consciousness. Like Roger Penrose, you challenge the scientific status quo – which is after all how new discoveries are made.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. The occult and religious mysteries have been talking about this forever. It should be obvious to us now days. They have always said you are mind body and soul., and that soul is the connection between mind and body or you and heaven/higher dimension because all is a fractal and you were made in Gods image as is everything. What do we seek from dinosaurs that lasts longest, besides bones, you only need a microscopic amount of , and that still contains the individual to hold up in court? ….. Is a quasi crystal/liquid crystal, is structured as an antenna for circularly polarized light in both directions, holds memory new and old, is a fractal tuned to the sky clock, and fits all the allegories to biblical thoughts like the tree of life/ tree of ancestors? X marks the spot, 4 seasons mark the bases, 7 planets/weeks mark the codons for protein encoding, 3 rungs in the center of Jacob's ladder, and God worked for 6 days and rested the 7th which was when the aromatic ring current was induced.

  3. I am a lucid astral projection or something strange with all the synchronicity anagrams I have such as my current legal name is a book of sHaDoWs so as DHW a sos
    Daniel Hazelton Waters
    All Zen ET he own a TARDIS
    All Zen DRWHO set a net AI
    Realized who lent Satan

  4. 41:46 I like the idea. This would make the quantum soul essentially the 'user' of the quantum computer which is directing the collapse of the wave function through intention.

  5. I have trouble understanding the extreme need of some to link consciousness to quantum physics. None of the concepts in quantum physics you talked about were linked to the brains production of consciousness in a coherent way. It seems like these kinds of videos start with quantum physics in one hand and consciousness in the other and sloppily try drawing parallels between them. If consciousness is a quantum process, then that finding should come directly out of studying the brain itself. Rather than deciding you want the answer to be quantum and then trying to make it fit (and in the process of doing so revealing a lack of solid understanding of either quantum physics or neuroscience)

  6. I saw something like that pilot consciousness you talked about whilst in an altered state. Dude was narrating about how that's exactly what's happening. haha wild man, wild.

  7. Yeah, ok a lot of interesting ideas and theories, but essentially its all a lot of hand waving and he cant put it into a mathematical statement. Kinda like if Newton said "there's this interaction between masses" but for got to write down mM/r^2

  8. Would not the Merkabah encapsulate the collapse from a black hole singularity inversion into a white hole of creation, (similar to Big Bang), such as a diamond is born of harsh polishing into a "new life" in physical realm the same type of alchemy can occur via free will to change ones own genetic expression even if Desired spiritually…..DMT represents the spirit molecule for mental illness to achieve this energy state transfer that can in fact potentially heal and live a healthier life. Sometimes reverse magnetic attraction can cause this merge of negative and positive charges within the hole that become mirrored almost identically, a flowing seamless transition that goes undetected because the friction is what created the original contrast. That flow state of no chaos must be contained within a system, no different than the human mind and body within the system of the Galaxy. What about us survives for a lifetime is our cellular and holistic energy that is entangled on a quantum level with the Universe.

  9. If you understand Ancient Hindu texts example Bhagawad gita. It's been mentioned that our soul is a quantam physics phenomenon. It moves from one body to another after death. Til it reaches salvation state

  10. A coincidental continuity would still fit the Theravada Buddhist "Anatman". I know, in a sense Anatman is literally a No-Soul model of consciousness, but I'd argue that the point of subjective catalyst, the perceptual eye of experience is all Im looking for in Atman. I see Anatman as merely the additional reminder than this is an action, not a substance. As such, I tend to think Quantum-Computing qualia, or choices either-way to me that seems to qualify as an Atman, if not an Anatman "soul."

    I must say I prefer withholding the term Holographic Principle for the undeniable/avoidable inference that the 3rd dimension is somehow not physically real, or is actually inaccessible by us so called 3d beings, because of the strikingly coincidental ratio of mass to volume in the Swathchild Radius; The term Principle illustrates the distinction of the underlying fact of that Swathchild Radius leaves only room for a 2D universe to exist if Relativity is true, and Holographic Universe Theories trying to produce a cosmology that explains it.

    One of the most compelling elements of Qmind is the possibility of it explaining the synthesis of the two kinds of physical time we see (block-universe, or superposition "now"), and some time-traveling quantum-computing that spans an assembly of plank temporal quanta (frequencies, etc) that comprises superposision 5d possibilities into 4d actualities across the block in an kind of eternal process of physical synthesis.

    I think that the Pilot part of the theory is certainly not limited to Q-consciousness theories; Isnt that Pilot kinda the idea of the gestalt patchwork of the psycholinguistic mental negative and the visual cortex imagination, or auditory bicameral schizoid mind into a "community" of traded off continuity and self-concept? I see that the significant element to this Hammeroff Q-Pilot is the notion of the single-wave form generating the continuity of computing elements within the processing and across time (nano-sec), but I think all we ever needed for psychological cohesive identity was access to the same memories.

    I think Q Consciousness is fascinating, but Ive also become worried about it; We've already made quantum computers, and Id like to find that threshold of complexity where we're going to draw the line, and say "this AI can suffer" so must be treated as a being. I know we can be confident that Lamda the talk bot was a philosophical zombie/simulacrum, but if we put those same machine learning processes to work in even an existing quantum computing system, I don't know if that program can can't truly suffer, experience, and feel. I think its going to be an important thing to know.

    The Miyazaki paper seems to show that the nano-tubules q-processing electric signal is the same electric signal being put off by enter living neurons and neuron clusters, only amped up by a few steps to be right in range to cause productive or destructive interference with the neural clusters chemo-electric processing. In a ways, I guess, after reading that a few times I though to myself "well that's IT then; Quantum computing in the mind is proven fact." 
    Can you illustrate were this may not be as clear cut as it been seeming?

  11. The mind processes these various shows, or as l like to call them, scenarios or possibilities. All these possibilities interfere with each other until they collapse to form beliefs or intentions. The lower animals react out of instinct to what they see. But we humans have an extra layer of interpretations that we have to sort through. We have to weigh the possible interpretations to come to beliefs that we can act on. It's this set of core beliefs that is the self that adjudicates between all the thoughts/scenarios/possibilities. It's the self, or more specifically, your set of core beliefs, that is prioritizing or weighting the various scenarios to form intentions to act.

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