
(5) Daniel Dennett au Centre de sciences cognitives (UniNE) – "A Confusion about Consciousness"

unine tv

11.01.2012 – 5e conférence

“A Confusion about Consciousness”

Daniel Clement Dennett (born March 28, 1942) is an American philosopher, writer and cognitive scientist whose research centers on the philosophy of mind, philosophy of science and philosophy of biology, particularly as those fields relate to evolutionary biology and cognitive science. He is currently the Co-director of the Center for Cognitive Studies, the Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Philosophy, and a University Professor at Tufts University. Dennett is a firm atheist and secularist, a member of the Secular Coalition for America advisory board, as well as an outspoken supporter of the Brights movement. Dennett is referred to as one of the “Four Horsemen of New Atheism,” along with Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and the late Christopher Hitchens (…)

Source: Wikipedia

Les sciences cognitives regroupent un ensemble de disciplines scientifiques (neurosciences, intelligence artificielle, philosophie, linguistique, éthologie, psychologie et anthropologie) qui poursuivent un objectif commun : comprendre la nature de l’esprit humain .
Leur perspective est ainsi naturaliste : les sciences cognitives considèrent que des phénomènes aussi typiquement humains que la sémantique, la persuasion dans le discours, le comportement social, les passions collectives, la propagation des idées ou la diffusion des croyances dépendent de principes généraux présid ant au fonctionnement de l’esprit humain.



Réalisation: Paolo Migliorini


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