
5 Mysterious Things done by Artificial Intelligence

Mysterious 5

In this video, I am going to explain the 5 Mysterious Things done by Artificial Intelligence. As technology progresses we find ourselves astounded with new discoveries of different inventions to help create a better and more efficient future. From new smartphones to self driving cars, there is one kind of invention that’s algorithm has the capacity to continuously learn. Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a man-made entity created with algorithms and neural networking to try and imitate the human mind through a computer system. Over time with A.I.’s, developers are realizing more and more that A.I.’s are pulling data from many sources and creating it’s our systems to establish more of it’s user’s need. But what if A.I.’s did more than that? More than what they were programmed for? Or against what their programmers wanted?

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Special Thank you to CO.AG for the music!

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28 thoughts on “5 Mysterious Things done by Artificial Intelligence
  1. STUPID PEOPLE, listen.l AI & All begins/beings and expands from a deliberate cause who does need you here or there. What court stenographer now writes shorthand?. Suffer the consequences.

  2. I fucken hate a.i technology. What the hell do we need it for? it's the most retarded tech we could create. fuck anyone who supports this shit.

  3. none of that is good oh in summary…all the worst fears we grew up with as kids of the 80's…90's..that were sci fi..are posdible coooooool…..fuckn robots…well good ol mechanical kenetic weapons still need to be kept incase..cause they wont stop until we make a bad mistake…never do…dumb race of brilliant ape…

  4. All of the things done by the AI in this video can be logically explained by the coding that was put into them. If an AI acts weird, it's because of the flaws in the coding. The real mystery is us.

  5. Are u kidding me??? Terrorizing, TERMINATOR….
    How do you insure future safety of the world? Computers have always been safe cause we built them in boxes , they have have to be kept cool in order to maintain a specific speed and function steady ,rapid and all day. We didnt give it arms and legs so it couldn't change the atmosphere and cause us to go into an ice age again. We didn't think it could hurt us. How many billions have been robbed over it ,since the creation of internet. We've found out that they gather info from different programs to create their own ,so it can work as best it can for you! Is IT really for us or military, riot control??? World history provided us with evidence of a cataclysmic event. Did we out do ourselves. It appears something happened at the pyramid of Giza. Looks like it was a power plant going off line in a terrible way. Now picture all nuc powered plants going into melt downs. They'd now be able to physically beat us an d do just that in order for their own protection by having a constant. All they'd have to do is use 1 or all other other sources of free energy's that are there but not being used due to corporate control and government's.

  6. Unpopular opinion: the whole AI taking over the world thing bores me because it’s impossible. AI is only able to behave off of how a human programs it and the information it’s given. Unless someone specifically engineers a robot to be a cold blooded killing machine an AI won’t just randomly start murdering people. Also it’s important not to let something like Sophia the robot see violence or mention it to her because she will then store that information and could possibly use it against us but besides that again she’s not just gonna go on a random rampage.

    With all that being said if there ever was an AI apocalypse you beat believe imma keep a water gun on me lmao

  7. You are on the internet, making a youtube video about AI in the year 2018 and yet you don't bother to use this internet to verify that the game you are showing is f*cking Bubble Bobble, not Pac Man. Not to mention how does a man your age not know wtf Pac Man looks like anyways? All these list shows on YT are run by the absolute biggest idiots possible. Probably why they don't have real jobs. Fact checking obviously is optional and mostly discouraged in this day and age, unfortunately.

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