
8/8 Daniel Dennett & John Haught & David Sloan Wilson on Religion



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13 thoughts on “8/8 Daniel Dennett & John Haught & David Sloan Wilson on Religion
  1. This was such a frustrating video…the one theist guy just kept sidestepping the fact that his religion makes claims WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN DEMONSTRATED TO BE TRUE.

    And if you can't demonstrate your claims, what good are they, really? How are you not just playing a child's game of Pretend™ with yourself, really?

  2. @brightsuperstition You're right about Dennett, he's not breaking new ground here, and this man is my intellectual hero, so its not easy for me to say that.

    Maybe he should think up a fourth, 'religious' stance and look at religious truth as an emergent property of values and culture and so on.

    (Except for him to do that their claims would have to stop being easily disprovable, transparent projections.)

  3. I love the look that Dennett and Wilson share in the last few seconds of this video. Dennett shakes hands with Haught, then looks at Wilson as if to say "Did you hear that load of horseshit?"

  4. Atheists got no churches, no beautiful songs and no preachers (aka salesmen) espousing a sky god who sacrificed his only son to forgive us rotten sinners of all our sins – so if we come forward and be "saved" we will live forever. This cherished story is for weak minds and could have been made up by an 8 year old. Science and Human Values by Bronowski might help you understand the truth of real science, which has given us everything wonderful we have – fighting religions every step of the way. Meanwhile we wait for Israel to nuke Iran as a last resort before being destroyed. Imagine a world with no religion.

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