Consciousness Videos

9 Attitudes Jon Kabat Zinn

Recovered Mindfully

Compilation of series produced by mindfulnessgruppen, Used without demand to withdraw. Please visit their website @ and

Thank you Victoria.


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33 thoughts on “9 Attitudes Jon Kabat Zinn
  1. I discovered that i have perfectionism years ago, i always had big goals, lofty dreams even though i achieved some of them to some degree, i never felt so much peace until you mentioned about the non-striving attitude, which makes me happy even though i had just messed up big time.

  2. He talks about Non-striving at 20:00 and I can't help but think of Germany and how it is the complete opposite of what he is saying. How can we improve a society of things are just "good enough"? Is there salvation in Protestantism rather than Buddhism?

  3. paying attention on purpose in the present moment non judgmentally …. SO MUCH IN THIS SHORT VIDEO. When I teach mindfulness I show this video to the people learning mindfulness. I love this man. Beautiful teacher.

  4. Mindfulness training is the best . Thank you . Mindful working walking resting writing breathing meditating talking thinking etcetera …

  5. This kind of discernment is like seeing through the emotional self, down one level deeper, and seeing how things really are. You are no longer dragged away by emotional judgements, but discerning and understanding rationally, you know why, you know the relationships between one thing one thought and another, in other words, you sort of understand yourself and things in way not possible when you are driven by your desires and preconceptions, and there is peace and clarity in that.

  6. lot of words, mindfulness is mainly having some influence at the thinking level of awareness ,meaning plenty of mood making. It might create a false sense of well being ….like self convincing thinking process "i am good i am good i am good" and at the first hurddle giving up…..

  7. So many of us judge, wish things were different or "fair," and want to cling on to some sort of belief or attitude or behaviour that no longer serves our best interest or best interests of people who are close to us. This is a ROOT CAUSE of anxiety, which goes along with depression, and can possibly lead to even more debilitating psychological and physical problems.

    The solution for this is to go through all these steps. And yes, IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. However, unless anxiety is dealt with at the root, taking medication will only "treat" the anxiety. Getting to the root of the anxiety, processing it, dealing with it, resolving it, and letting it go is the only way to heal. Otherwise you get caught up in the medication pushed on us by big pharma. I've kicked anti-psychotics and anti-anxiety medication cold turkey, both since the summer. I've dealt with all this. Still going through the process. And I tell you, I feel more alive than I've felt in over a decade.

  8. Beginners Mind, Non-Judging, Acceptance, Letting Go, Trust, Patience, Non-Striving (then it comes from being), Gratitude, Generosity

  9. The problem is if you don't have good idea of "who you are" then who does? Certainly not the therapist that listens to whatever you decide to talk about? A mental diagnosis is by definition, the opinion bias of a therapist to generalize activities into one label or another. Every single person should be taught self examination of their own conscience, early.

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