Art Theory

Espresso Theory


Learn the theory, and perfect espresso can be yours. Get the technique:

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30 thoughts on “Espresso Theory
  1. I've tried several local brands for several months, change settings on the espresso machine, watching video tutorials on how to make good coffee like this, none seems to work, when the beans are meh, the coffee will also be meh no matter different settings I used, and of course different videos use different methods, so there is no correct one, if they all different, then I might as well USE MY OWN METHOD. For me the secret to good coffee is IN THE BEANS !

    If I like the coffee taste, no matter what ratio what setting I used whatever I add, it will taste great. So find the most consistent brand for taste that you like and never change it. Other things to consider for more kicks in taste is COLD and SWEET enough but not too much ( I use 8-10 gram of sugar to 150ml of milk and 40-70ml of espresso with 10gram of coffee).

    Another thing I forgot to add about the coffee taste is its smoky/burnt taste, I think that is also VERY important. Smoky/burnt taste as we all know it is good for food/meat, I think that also applies here for coffee.

  2. A six year old video… and it's still one of the best and clearest explanations of espresso and what it takes to make a proper shot.
    1.Brew ratio 1:20
    2.Grind Size to Brew Time 2:07
    3.Brew Temp: 3:09

  3. Now, you don’t have to wait in line or drop by your favorite coffee shop to get your morning pick me up drink. So if you are short in time to do the hassle of going to the coffee shop, you should definitely get yourself a super automatic coffee machine.

    Having an espresso machine at home, you don’t also have to spend money each time you need your espresso. If you would do the math, you can save so much every year. And less the time, you can have your coffee after only a few minutes

    #espressomachine #superautomatic #coffeemachine

  4. this is a hard video to watch, the music is tacky and way too loud, the guy presenting just drones on and why the stooge, he adds sod all really. Just because you make your drink on an espresso machine, as the recipe has changed it's no longer an espresso!

  5. When I watch these 3rd Wave how to make espresso videos it explains at least to me why things like Nespresso have become so popular. 
    Imagine getting up at 6AM (you slept-in) staggering to the kitchen getting out your coffee scale and phone stop watch then grinding and weighing your coffee and putting it into a fiddly portafilter basket tamping it down and hoping that you are getting all these bits and pieces exactly right.
    Then flushing out the brew head to warm up the machine (right temperature) and using your coffee scale finally pull 36 grams of espresso (roughly a 2oz shot). Then realizing to get to work on time you have to be out of the house by 7:30AM so drink down this sweet, fruity, clean, bright 2 ounces of coffee and realize clean-up (there will be clean-up) will have to wait for your return from work.

  6. should I be concerned about the pressure? I BREW good tasting spresso, but I neve got the right pressure on mine machine display, this up set me a bit.

  7. I see some of the comments discussing about the italian espresso, yes we made it first and ours coffee is very appreciated all around the world but as an italian I would like to point out that not all the espresso are made in the same way here, they’re almost all good for our taste but some other are not so much, it depends on the bar that makes it, Naples is also considered the best place to drink coffee and to eat pizza, because they come up with that, you will be 100% pleased for sure after being there, the city is also wonderful with all his history and art, his volcano and one of the best seaside and isles of our country, moreover the majority of people who lives here are the best of our boot, very kind and cozy and that statement is said by a north italian person 😉

  8. Are you taking about 25-35sec after the first drip, or including the prefusion, like pretty much as soon as I flip the switch?

  9. For those masters of coffee, please advise if beans of Gut und Gunstig is ok for coffee shop. I'm sorry for asking this but I think they're quite fine.

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