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14 thoughts on “Reality is Energy doing Work
  1. I have an interjection regarding god being energy – energy is part of gods creation and is in the physical universe, the mind is what holds this reality together (like a blockchain everything is recorded) we are in the mind-universe (the all-agreed-upon universe by us all) its the summ of all agreement made since the beginning, its like a computer that stores all data and relations of that data to each other and the mind also solves problems, one asks the mind for the answers to a questions of life – and not questions about energy – energy belongs to the creation-process/phase, once one has found one-self and sees that the glory is to the one, the process switches from creation to discovery and conquest, discovering "is-ness" and by realizing the truth "as-is" that datum of knowledge, it goes back to god, god has completed the cycle from know-all(potential), to know, to not-know (losing once-self in creation), then finding one-self, one goes from not-know, to know, to know-all.
    The first part is creation in the physical universe (energy) from infinite high frequency down, down, down, then comes the realization, one-finds-self, then it switches, we are at the low, low, low frequencies (now) and by rediscovering the truth about one-self we start on the path back to god (conquest), one goe's back up the frequencies to infinity and god ….

  2. How do we explain the energy that is awake? Consciousness seems too complex to allow thought, basically this whole other world within each of our physical realities- simply through an arrangement of energy. I just have an intuition that consciousness is special and doesn't come from the same place everything else does because it just isn't tangible except within my mind

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