Consciousness Videos

Ken Mogi – Quantum Physics of Consciousness

Closer To Truth

Are quantum events required for consciousness in a very special sense, far beyond the general sense that quantum events are part of all physical systems? What would it take for quantum events, on such a micro-scale, to be relevant for brain function, which operates at the much higher level of neurons and brain circuits? What would it mean?

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Ken Mogi is a Senior Researcher at Sony Computer Science Labs.

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Closer to Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.


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31 thoughts on “Ken Mogi – Quantum Physics of Consciousness
  1. "In the beginning of time, the universe was undifferentiated swirling chaos which separated into sweet fresh water, known as Apsu (the male principle) and salty bitter water known as Tiamat (the female principle)…." One day we might learn something from the past 😀

  2. Accepting that information update by its own experience because this intellect is vulnerable by the state of conterminous environment which makes the information ,it will insist you to believe that thought process is governed but it could be an activity of acceptance that you really start to feel that way if it's really dependent on activity, intellect can be vulnerable by the environment

  3. It seemed like there may have been an interesting line of inquiry at the beginning of this video – namely, that consciousness works with objects, which depends upon collapse of super positions, etc. In that sense, consciousness depends implicitly on quantum mechanical activity in the sense that consciousness as we know it could not be make sense in a state of quantum indeterminacy. This line of inquiry was lost when you shifted from talking about consciousness to the brain.

  4. It's 11:11am on 5/28 and I am watching this 5 minute 28 second-long video on Kumiko and I's 28th anniversary. She was married at 28, I was 29. We owned a school in Japan at the time without a name. We found a name for it after visiting the Alamo and finding a Japanese stone gift written in an old style of script which my wife was fortunate enough to decipher. The gift held the key to mystery of time's arrow which she discovered after first encountering measures of likeness in sound between her name and Japanese numbers 9, 3, 5. We have observed frequent sightings of '935' license plates after parking BLINDLY into a spot. For example, yesterday we saw a '935' plate number directly across from where I'd parked. A few cars down I also saw "KZJ-8687" which caught my eye because a previous 935 plate (Thanksgiving Day 2019, immediately before the pandemic) was "KZJ-0935" The plate reminded me of 'KZ' an abbreviation for Kazu, itself an abbreviation. KZ and I often exchanged ideas about the future of GPS navigation technology and it sparked an early memory of my attempt at mapping out space and time. When I combined my wife's observations with this early memory we hit a jackpot- The Holy Grail Spiral of Life, a map of the regenerative wave at the heart of the dipole moment highly suspected at the root of every subatomic particle. Over the years of developing the model, we've encountered more and more signs that the model has made a substantial impact in our languages and religions going back thousands of years. The model will certainly go far to help end the Russian-Ukraine impasse. A gentleman from Donbas appealed to us and time's arrow for help in 2016 given the ongoing war in the conflict zone. Kumiko and I have reached out to universities on both sides of the Pacific and at Quora. Images of Christ and Pi have appeared in our home during the pursuit and grasp for understanding. We hope Japan and America will respond for the sake of world peace. The world awaits. The people of Ukraine especially.

  5. I appreciate Ken's intellectual honesty here.. Obviously we do not know the answers to these questions with certainty, especially since we don't know how to INTERPRET the math of quantum mechanics to accurately reflect the ultimate truth of reality.. My humble opinion is that quantum effects do not play a significant role in consciousness, particularly so if the Copenhagen translation is correct.. Peace

  6. The basis of consciousness is a reaction. A reaction implies a sense. A particle may measurably react when hit with an external wave of energy. Waves and the particles are described according to quantum mechanics.

  7. What makes it so difficult to comprehend?

    One side of its mouth says, Consciousness Is EVERYWHERE.

    the other side of its mouth insists on seeking CONSCIOUSNESS's Origin in some sort of mysterious undefined activity in the brain, specifically THE HUMYN BRAIN

    Freud's EGO much, Humyns?

    Northingness REQUIRES Consciousness

    in order to blow-up into ALL Probable Universes all at once in zero-timespace where NO TIME OR SPACE exists, and if Something ever Taints Consciousness Imbuing Nothingness infusing in return it all just plain grinds to a halt and we as Observational Entities Operating Here Where Nothingness=Consciousness all at once at the same t-Zero moment, and until they make up their mutual yet separate minds exactly which Universe gains the most votes in Self-Sustaining LIFE, then we cease to exist in or Loser Universe.

    and then Plop Plop

    Fizz Fizz

    oh what a relief it is

  8. This is one of the most comically empty videos on CTT that I've ever seen. As far as I can tell…and this is so ridiculous it makes me think I must've missed something…but he's just saying 'there might be a connection'. For a little over five minutes. What the hell? 😂

  9. Speculative science. The Mind is software, it is abstract and exists in the Spiritual Realm, not made of atomic matter that can be quantum in nature. The hardware transducer, the brain, is physical. Where your Conscious Mind, your very soul, YOU, will spend eternity after it is gone from this body, is the most important thing you can ever decide in life. Christ gives you life, or He can send your Conscious Mind into outer darkness to be alone forever. There is nothing quantum about Mind, it is abstract software, not hardware.

  10. Could the probabilities of quantum fields / wave function be physically manifested as frequencies? And if so, could such quantum frequencies be used by neurons, showing up as correlates (consciousness)?

  11. Do the neural correlates of consciousness attach a subjective feeling to perceptions and thoughts? With perceptions and thoughts having something to do with probabilities in quantum fields / wave function?

  12. Every thing is a conceptual abstraction used to encapsulate and understand an specific process or behaviour that takes place within existence.

    The separation that we make is totally arbitrary and it serves only pragmatical purposes, so there're not even separate processes but the whole universal process.

    Therefore, reductionism is totally a mental approach within the abstract mind.

    The same process of reductionism can also be applied to consciousness from the inside, to encapsulate and understand specific behaviour as experienced qualities. This separation is also arbitrary and serves only pragmatical purposes, not truth.

    What remains when you understand this is truth itself: existence as a qualitative process with many layers of focus/abstraction that create mental structures.

    At the bottom layer of all those structures and abstractions resides the pure potentiality of being. But now this is just a pointer because it is not something, not even a process that we can encapsulate and understand, it's just "the becoming", the alfa and the omega, the whole qualitative process as unrecognizable/unfocused existence.

  13. This is ALL a simulation absolutely 100% everything is simulated, the weather, people, animals, ghosts, UFOs, Not one single solitary thing here is real. And this could very well be a lot of people's eternity through incarnation to live the exact same life over n over again called eternal recurrence.

  14. Link to a case of verifiable remote consciousness in a patient where the heart and brain were not functioning. If Consciousness was a product of the brain, cases like these would not exist. The surgeon's account in the video is verified by a surgeon that was present, in the comment section.

  15. Quantum mechanics/physics is important in relation to consciousness, because Quantum mechanics/physics permeates everything, as does consciousness too. Yes, ALL (and everything), is consciousness. Consciousness does NOT arise from out of the matter/material of the brain. We are all drops of consciousness, in an (Universe/Multiverse), ocean of consciousness. We are in the ocean, and the ocean is in us. … As Above, So Below … 'As within, So without … As the Universe, So the Soul' (Hermes Trismegistus).

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