Consciousness Videos

SCP-136 Helpless Doll Makes You Lose Consciousness

SCP: Chronicles

#SCP #SCPfoundation #SCPanimation #SCPchronicles

If you stare at this unremarkable clay doll for a long time, it will disappear, and then you’ll see a phantom of a half-naked creepy woman. Seeing her causes uncontrolled panic, nightmares and will drive you mad. Why? It’s simple – it’s an anomalous object SCP-136 the Naked Doll.


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44 thoughts on “SCP-136 Helpless Doll Makes You Lose Consciousness
  1. ok i love the animation it is great but i must tell you that as a prior military person I hate it when people say over and out on the radio. Just to add the reason why in the military you say over when you want further information (such as entering over) and if you want to end the conversation you just say out. Saying over and out is like saying continue but i am no longer listening. Just some constructive feedback for you.

  2. Ive to take back what I said in one of my previous comments. Now when I hear the females voice, it reminds me of Michelle Rodriguez. And that's badass. 🖤

  3. People often don’t analyze or realize why they do things. But if you think about it, using the Lord’s name as a curse word, started as being angry at God or blaming God for what happened. It’s a little temper tantrum. And it is misdirected and uncalled for, because God didn’t cause it, but He is getting the blame.

    The name of Jesus Christ is the Name above every other name. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Almighty. So to take that Name as a cuss word is a high rebellion against God. Consciously or unconsciously, it shows the person knows the authority or high respect we should have for His Name. You don't hear any one shouting these in anger: “Oh Buddha!” or “Hare Krishna!” or “Muhammed!”

  4. Yeah I definitely gotta agree with EVERYBODY in the comments here, this channel REALLY IS the best place for SCP not only on YouTube, but probably the WHOLE WEB entirely! Keep up the great work guys, you've come far! 👍 ⭐×10=U! Glad I'm subscribed with ALL notifications on.

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