This video is all about the Hungarian language, including its history and features! Learn Hungarian with HungarianPod101: ► ◄ *Black Friday sale: Courses are currently 51% off for a limited time!* Don’t miss this chance!
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Special thanks to Viktor Kovács for his Hungarian audio samples, and to Erik Tóth for his feedback and help with the Hungarian samples.
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Main – “Dama May – Primal Drive” by Kevin MacLeod.
Intro: “Foundation” by Vibe Tracks.
Outro: “Tribal War Council” by Doug Maxwell.
Hi everyone! If you're currently learning Hungarian, visit HungarianPod101 ►( )◄ – one of the best ways to learn Hungarian. I'm an active member on several Pod101 sites, and I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I do! Black Friday sale: Courses are currently 51% off for a limited time! Don't miss this chance!
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(Full disclosure: if you sign up for a premium account, Langfocus receives a small referral fee. But if I didn't like it, I wouldn't recommend it, and the free account is pretty good on its own!)
The rules of the hungarian is really understanble for turkish speakers. As a grammaticaly they share lots of rules
I was so happy when you made the Goomba reference
My grandpa knows Russian perfectly and Hungarian at an intermediate level ! And he said that if he was able to learn Hungarian, he will certainly be able to learn English and he started learning English 2 months ago and he is really making progress! He is 85 years old and said that it is never too late! and honestly he is right! (We are from Romania)!
Magyar vagyok, nyugdíjas újságíró, és most magam is meglepődtem, hogy tényleg ilyen bonyolult lenne a nyelvünk? 🙂 Na jó, sejtem, hogy első hallásra nem egyszerű, de a kezdőknek azt javaslom, hogy ne a videóban látott módszerrel kezdjék, mert csak megrémülnek tőle! A kezdetekben semmi esetre se bonyolódjanak bele ennyire a nyelvtanba! A videó első fele nagy vonalakban korrekt – ha azt a pár apró történelmi hibát figyelmen kívül hagyom -, de amikor elkezdi boncolgatni a nyelvtani részleteket, az már doktori értekezésnek felel meg, és néha még nekem is kínai. 🙂 A végén az előadó szerencsére már ad némi bátorítást. Arra a kérdésre, hogy melyik nyelv hasonlít leginkább a magyarhoz, gondolom, többen a finn nyelvre tippelnek, de nem, semmivel több hasonlóság sincs köztük, mintha például a némettel hasonlítanám össze. (Mellesleg beszélek németül is.) Elképzelhető, hogy pár ezer éve abból az irányból jöttünk ahonnan a finnek, de tapasztalatból is tudom, hogy a nyelvünkön ez már nem érzékelhető. El kell fogadni, hogy a magyar nyelv egy egyedi, sajátságos nyelv! Én örülök, hogy magyarnak születtem és próbálom ezt meg is becsülni.
Arf! Arf! Arf! 😂🐕🦺🐩🦮🐕🐶
The most similar language with the hungarian is the language mansi, spoken in Russia
BOZGORIA Gypsy Punjab land. 🤣🤣🤣
Lassan Michael elsétál az autódtól. 😀
been in hungary for 1year and I can only speak pina
I must correct you, “autónak” means something from the car. The car’s. Like “autónak a széke”- the cars seat.
12 215 komentarzy
As a Hungarian, I always had the same impression, that the language is not that much complicated, only different in logic from most other languages.
azt mondják a hatalmasok hogy ha hat alma sok az hatalmas ok ezért hatalma sok. – its mean:the powerful say that if six apples are a lot, the reason for the power is that they are powerful. or te tetted ezt a tettetett tettet,tettetett tettek tettese its mean – you did this pretended act, the perpetrator of pretended acts. or its also good🤤:már ősz volt szinte,mikor egy őszinte ősz inte,hogy legyek őszinte mert ő szinte már őszinte – it was almost autumn when an honest autumn warned me to be honest because he was almost already honest. it's a word:elkáposztástalaníthatattlanították – they was disenfranchised..😄
The easiest language for hungarian sprakers is Manshi and Hanti
danial is dani in hungary (im from hungary)
So cool!Would love to speak the language!
Best from Poland!
Min. 1:54 – if the Hungarian language is a Uralic – Finno-Ugric – Proto-Ugric, how come Hungarians anf Finns never understand each other, not even a bit ? New lingvists reached the TRUTH of this mistery : the 2 languages have NO common root(s). In fact, the Hungarians are Mongols who lost their language during the long migration years, learning and adopting a new language from the people they came into contact and lived among them in the Mari people area (Russia). Hungarians ARE Turkic people right from the beginning. The Hungarian historians and linguists always intentionally misled their people trying to make them thinking they are…Europeans since the beginning of Time which is false. In fact, they are emerged from the depths of Mongolia as far as Manchuria.
When we talk about the Romance languages having a common root (Latin), all those languages have a lot of similarities and different people understand a lot of words from language to language.
Az alapfeltevéssel tévedésben vagy. A magyar nem finnugor nyelvcsaládhoz tartozik.Ez csak egy régi megtévesztö állitás, hogy eredetünk valodi tényét elferditsék. Nézz utána más, nem mainstrem forrásoknak is. Egyébként mokás ahogy magyarázod a magyar nyelvtant. Nekem mokás, mert látom, hogy a külföldiek miért szenvednek vele. Mert a saját észjárásuk szerint elemzik a nyelvet. Pedig sokkal egyszerübb, mint pl. az angol, hiszen mi általában mindent ugy ejtünk, ahogy irunk. Ezért nincs nálunk olyasmi, mint az angol nyelvterületeken, hogy a szavak kiejtési versenye.😀 Egy angol gyereknek nem irni és olvasni kell megtanulnia, hanem azt, hogy amit kimond tulajdonképpen hogyan irja le. Tehát minden szot külön, külön meg kell jegyeznie, hogy hogyan irando. Hát ez tényleg mokás egy magyar ember, egy magyarul gondolkodo ember számára. Üdvözletem.
Grandpa was Hungarian and showed me some books from Hungary. Only language besides Russian where i swear they just put letters together randomly and call it words.
Even as a hungarian i still find this language's grammar hard
Én magyat vagyok 😁😁
12:00 In fact the verb "vezet" has Slavic influence – in bulgarian it's "возя" (vozya); in serbian as I remember is "возити" (voziti); in russian it's "водить" (vodit'). It's the same as the mushroom one.
It would have been more fortunate if he had mentioned that from 1526 Hungary was divided into three parts, and the Principality of Transylvania was the only semi-independent Hungarian state where the Hungarian language and culture survived and even flourished. This was not mentioned in the otherwise excellent work.
It's also earblowing.
The Hungarian people are originally from Mongolia
Ez egy nagyon jó videó azoknak, akik szeretnék megérteni a Magyar nyelvet
As a Pole, I’ve been attempting to start learning Hungarian. I’m already learning Korean, Japanese and Finnish and I’m doing pretty well and I love how unique Finnish is and how… expressive it is? I like learning languages with rich vocabulary because one of my main passions is songwriting so I appreciate languages that let you express your thoughts very precisely. Korean, Japanese and Finnish are wonderful when it comes to means of expressing yourself, you can even express very specific nuances in countless ways! I thought Hungarian would be good for that as well because supposedly Hungarian poetry is really interesting.
The pronunciation is a little hard though, like it’s confusing. 😅 For example, s is pronounced more like our Polish sz and sz is pronounced like our Polish s. So confusing lol
That’s what I imagine Satan sounds like when he speaks. 👹 😱
A Magyarok ősei nem hon foglalták a Kárpát medencét, HANEM VISSZATÉRTEK AZ Ó HAZÁJUKBA ! Mert a Kazár zsidó birodalomtól szakadtak el, ezzel a vándorlással !!!!! Kérem a közzétevőt, hogy vegye ezt figyelembe az előadás hallgatása közben .
For the foreigners the language is very strange!
…hungarian language is nőt uralic,not finn-ugrog,not even turkic…it is a unic language …
I would say Hungarian is the most difficult to learn. Pronunciation is easy. Grammar is a no no lol
I know enough Hungarian to understand and speak reasonably well but after seeing this video I realise how much I don't formally know. My Hungarian speech always gives me away as a non-native speaker when in Hungary, probably due to accent and incorrect grammar.
Dear Langfocus: Don't think that you are doing all this work for nothing; you woke up my hibernating love of Etymology and my love of "playing" [re: learning all about different languages. My native language is 'American' English, though I did learn French in high school & college, then I studied and live in German for 9 years, during that time I studied cl. Greek, koine` Greek, Latin and Hebrew {'all' in German}, then I moved to Israel and learned Ivrit {modern Hebrew}. I remember while in Hamburg, I met a 'pure' Linguist who (via 'natural' talent) taught himself 28 languages but was hired by Hamburg University to teach and do research in ancient Javanesian Dialects {🙄, don't ask}; …anyway, he mention along the way [which I questioned him about Hungarian] that "if" you know 'any two' of the following 3 languages (Hungarian, Turkish and Finnish), you could figure out the 'other one'. => Why-?, …"he said" because they all came from the same 'root' language brought across via (either Genghis or) Kubla Kahn from Mongolia. ~ Would you agree-?!, or what is your opinion-? BTW, I love your videos; 👍
Hungary gave the most Nobel price scientist to the world. I'm not saying this from pride or bragging but it is a fact. If you look around in your room you can find immediately a lot of things invented by Hungarian engineers. I think the reason of the unique capability of Hungarian thinking is the language. This difficult and complex language makes profound changes in the brain, it makes more connections between those brain cells, etc…
We never should forget that this only makes us smarter in a way. But to be smart emotionally is as important to be smart as academically. Without this we are only smart robots, but with this together we become real humans…