Consciousness Videos

WOKE Tik Tok Video That Will Make You Question REALITY!


These woke tiktoks will have you second guessing your own reality!


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31 thoughts on “WOKE Tik Tok Video That Will Make You Question REALITY!
  1. sometimes when I listen to out of body music like theta realms, I meet a really scary creature similar to the Lovecraft show. It speaks in a very low guttural growling voice – I can't bring myself to face it, but I know deep down it's a part of me, and one day I will overcome the fear and give it a hug. This is hard shadow work I need to complete, but I'm close.

  2. I do believe that we need to exercise our amendments and overthrow our government. They are the evil ones. Just think of the day all those years ago of the ones fighting to give us our amendment rights. What is the second amendment? The right to bear arms in case our government tries to control us so we can overthrow the government because if we rise together we can take their asses and that's what they don't want they have been trying to take our amendment rights away from us because they know it's coming they know what they're going to do they've known for years they just had to first distract us make us believe stupid things or condition us so to speak… Make our minds weak.

  3. I don't know about all of this. I can see the bigger picture but in the Bible it says in the last days they will try to turn you away from God. Maybe they want or planted these thoughts if os being something higher so we would think that we were greater and there really is no God😮

  4. When our government pretends to be the aliens, how many people or cities will they destroy, to make us truly believe that is's all the fault of the supposed aliens? Because if they want to believe the lie, I"m afraid that there's going to be a huge chunk of the world population that will be taken out and THATS how they will get us. We grow closer and closer to their goals of this NWO BS bc people won't just wake the heck up and realize what's going to happen if we all don't all get on the same page. It's disheartening.

  5. U guys hear what that kid just said. I show up next to u snd take u into the sky and u get powers. Just like I told u I would do. I am a man of my word.


  7. I have been in a mental prison for decades, I am soooo grateful, it sounds like the whole world is finally waking up.
    Question everything peeps, find the primary source of any information that is fed it you ( in other words, any information from presented by mainstream forces, media, government, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS,make sure you get the true information by going to the source where these organisations got their info from.
    They are presenting facts skewed to the bias that the CORPORATIONS THAT THEY REPRESENT.
    All advertising, television programming – my dad always called it the one eyed babysitter, what the fuck?!😂

  8. The dude was so close about time WE ARE TIME
    think about it
    You are on time
    You were just in time
    The "internal clock"
    Oh yeah, gotta give you props on your channel bro, love ya work
    First time commenting, long time watching,
    Do ya dig it?
    You are so ready for your shrooms and or DMT journey my brother
    If possible do it where you pick me, flick then pick is the golden rule for shrooming.
    If you can't do it in nature, do it somewhere you know you are safe and only with people you truly know and trust , or are offering it within a reputable spiritual setting.
    It's an amazing journey this life and the odd trip here and there allows you to peak beyond the veil and combines this 3d and 4d into a visible consciousness.
    Think about it, stay in a trip forever, I kinda like the idea of it personally but not many could handle it.
    I just heard something re the Dr Strange clip, we are made of only matter, no spirit – then into my head came Metallica, and nothing else matters
    Anyway, love ya bro❤

  9. So there is a magic creature designed to kill white cops in dark people?sounds stupid stop believing this crazy stuff.

  10. The first slaves were white not just Irish slaves from Ireland but the name Slave comes from Slav who were also white. Plus that woman at 9:30 looks demonic. Didn’t Jesus ask the man demon possessed what there name was and he replied I’m Legion for we are many? We need to love each other whatever race!

  11. Oh no! The part where the guy is sharing “How to train to access your powers” I can’t hear it, not sure why? I do live in Canada?!?!?! Would like to hear what he says! BTW love your videos! 👌🏽

  12. The first girl…..Did she say we think God is a man? God was never a physical man. He is a physical being. Not an actual man. Also, I feel like time has sped up too. Interesting, but if you listen to these people on Tik Tok, you will become a crazy person 😂 Read the Bible and God will tell you the truth. Rely on God and your faith. Put your faith in God not man.

  13. I have done shrooms and this do not sound like shrooms sounds like dmt. But we are not gods that is lost, we are not gods at all. Bro be careful listening to these people. They find anything to tell you besides believe in one God

  14. Make believe is a very good outlet for poverty I get it I do believe in some wild shit but when I get my super powers oooooooioiiwwwwwwweeeeeee🎉😂😂😂😂

  15. Also its funny about the metal going to its original form didn't we make paper clips and springs so doesn't that mean it did forget its original form i mean its still impressive it can go back to the form that we made it in

  16. Maybe people all races but not just blacks cuz yous know I don’t have to even bring it up I mean behavior speech common sense some in all races have melanin so don’t think whites don’t have it cuz they do I also want to point out who’s doing the separating the races that’s really godly

  17. So if blacks came first what is he trying to say about whites then?? Super confusing?? Because i believe we all children of god or apart of god however you wanna look at it i do not think any races is superior then the other

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