Consciousness Videos

Why Science Can’t Explain Consciousness


Today we’re discussing why I personally don’t think science is able to explain what consciousness is and where it comes from, as well as why psychedelics are more efficient at understanding the nature of reality.

Honoured to be featuring some amazing visuals from the wonderful @LokaVision in this episode, his content is easily some of the very best in the field of psychedelic replications. He is immensely talented at what he does and I can’t wait to incorporate more of these awesome visuals in future videos. Please go and support his work!






1. Kaer Morhen – Witcher 3
2. Menu – Dark Souls
3. Save Room – Resident Evil Remake
6. Dreiton – Minecraft


#psychedelic #mushroom


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28 thoughts on “Why Science Can’t Explain Consciousness
  1. Thanks for the shoutout brother! Been a long time watcher, finally felt like I could help with a supplement. Cheers 🙏🏼👁️

  2. I had a lot insights for theories about the afterlife and consciousness while taking psychedelics. Ofcourse these theories could be untrue but if scientists start to take psychedelics and get insights from it and start to investigate these theories I think science could explain consciousness and the afterlife one day. It opens our frame of thinking and gives us revolutionary thoughts and theories. I know the universe is really complex but we have a lot smart people on this world who could manage to figure these theories out. The only problem is input for insights that are needed to get a path to figure things out and psychedelics could deliver that. The fact that we already achieved things like cloning life and the ability to hack nature by its DNA already feels mystical to me. All these inventions one day could be combined and maybe can explain life. If even I could come up with this crazy theory about the fungusnetwork is our worlds database after taking psychedelics. Ofcourse I’m not skilled enough to investigate this but maybe some can. It’s all about imagining thing and try to find the truth throughout the theory. Don’t underestimate science, we imagined so much stuff and stated it as sciencefiction but then one day some people managed to create it. It’s like no idea is impossible so why would explaining consciousness would be.

  3. You can't point at your own index finger with that same index finger, unless you wanna argue that it already is. It's really as simple as that. I hope scientists have fun trying to figure it out, and I'm sure they'll make some fascinating advances, but it's really the realm of subjective philosophical paradoxes, rather than empirical investigation.

    But you know scientific materialists. They're like a dog with a bone.

  4. There’s new science that shows there is a connection between consciousness and dna. That your dna dose not change with age but with your state of mind. Alchemy is law.❤

  5. I think they are the key to science finding the answers! I have only done psychedelics a few times in the last 6 months and I haven't got my life to where I want but man I can see and feel the difference the insights have shown me and I haven't even had a full on mad trip!

  6. Our conscience comes from outside out body. We have a chemical process for this avatar to live but we tap to that higher spiritual realm where conscience comes from and psychedelics open those doors a little wider for brief periods.

  7. The thing that really began consciousness being a wild concept to me was when I began lucid dreaming. Conscious unconsciousness is such a crazy concept to grasp. But I try not to over think it, and just enjoy it and learn from it. Loved this video man

  8. This seems like the perfect place to recommend the philosopher Bernardo Kastrup. He claims consciousness is fundamental and the material world is just a representation within it. I could not do his theory justice by explaining it here but if this video is interesting to you, you will definitely be interested in Bernardo's theory.

  9. it's so beautifully comforting reading this comment section full of consciousness explorers with our own ideas about the whole game ❤

  10. Very insightfull video, really makes you think. Especially about reality and if this is all real. Great video, keep it up!

  11. I’m confused by the idea that science is “fearful” of psychedelics. The science does support psychedelics. It supports your position that psychedelics can be phenomenal for mental health. The problem is those who aren’t willing to listen to the experts and those who want to keep it illegal for whatever reason.

  12. David Chalmers really started to change my worldview by illustrating the Hard Problem of consciousness.

    Qualities cannot be derived from quantities/symbolic rerepresentations, so there is reason to believe consciousness might he fundamental. In this view, the neural correlates of the brain are only correlates (an image), not the cause of consciousness itself

  13. Born into Christianity, went down the rabbit hole of spirituality after a couple psychedelic experiences, and then have been trapped in a scientific dogmatic way of thinking ever since I was misdiagnosed and put on meds. I've been putting off this video, as I have really bad anxiety when it comes to psychedelics recently, but I am very happy I finally took the time to take in this video as I desperately needed it. Thank you both.

  14. In my experience, when 5:55 happens one of the things can happen. You’ll come to the conclusion of what it was you were just thinking heavily about everything will return to less infinity and you continue your trip. Or you get snatched out and it looks like that for so long and you keep going down rabbit holes, then you’re in for a good time 🙃

  15. In my opinion, science CAN explain consciousness, but humanity might never be able to explain to itself how science applies to it because consciousness is just so complex. I think consciousness adheres to science just like anything else, but it operates on such a microscopic and complicated scale that at this moment in time we couldn't hope to comprehend it through theorems and the scientific formats which we follow in this day and age, but in the transcendent state of consciousness experienced under psychedelics, in meditation, etc etc

  16. Science can help explain the physics of our reality and objects and the nature of the universe as we have studied, hell we’ve literally take images into the deep field of galaxies far beyond our own, but when it comes to consciousness you simply cannot just explain it, psychedelics we’re created by the universe as were we so how can one doubt that they can connect you to the realities of consciousness as well as other universal mysteries?

  17. Reality is in here and now, im honestly not sure if this extends onto psychedelics. Science is useful and explaining alot about reality, but for sure theres many things it can't explain. Since all of us are direct witnesses to the material world, it exists.

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