
‘The Evolution of Confusion’ by Dan Dennett, AAI 2009

Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science

Dan Dennett talks about purposely-confusing theology and how it’s used. He also describes his new project interviewing clergyman who secretly don’t believe anymore, and introduces a new term: “Deepity.”

Dan Dennett is the author of many excellent books, including “Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon” and “Darwin’s Dangerous Idea”. He is also featured in the video “The Four Horsemen” along with Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.

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Produced by The Richard Dawkins Foundation and R. Elisabeth Cornwell

Filmed by
Josh Timonen

Edited by
Joel Pashby


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26 thoughts on “‘The Evolution of Confusion’ by Dan Dennett, AAI 2009
  1. one way even religion is evolution is how female hormones at ovulation time completely make females irrational so as to make them completely dependent on men in their lives … it suits men because then that is their opportunity to impregnate them … in many cultures blood flow upon impregnation attempt failing is also a time when women are taken off household duties but at that time temporary irrational state women are gives way to their lucid state again … whole thing is totally miraculous to them and family and galvanizes them in behaviors that might be contributing to fecundity … other thing that is also evolving in darwinian fashion is culinary traditions and quackery … where food ends its role for health herbs and quackery take over … any good food recipe ought to help with procreation and sanity and ability to hard labor that necessarily would have been needed during hunter gathering and agriculture … so also herbal remedies and quakery

  2. Dan thinks he's making sense. He's for a tiny subset of population. Religion's target is majority, not thinking individuals. I don't think Dan or Richard will ever understand how resistant the populous is towards using brain. They're trying, but they'll never truly understand the extent of the resistance.

  3. I really love about him is that he treats these people with love and charity. These are men and women who have been duped into wasting their lives in the service of a totally ridiculous belief system and now realize it. They are objects of sympathy, not denigration.

  4. I think philosophy is the underpinning of every subject or topic. Science by itself cannot solve problems. You need to know how to think. Philosophy is what teaches that

  5. HAHAHA, i could only think about Jordan Peterson all along, unfortunately, Dann is not as active in social aspects anymore, I would love to see him clap JP.

  6. Raised in a evangelical home I was sceptical of the motivation of people pleading for forgiveness. After seeing a black man for the first time, I asked my father what had that person done that was so evil as to turn his skin so dark.
    Now I understand melatonin.
    So my wondering, as a child, building the foundation for adulthood , I would not want to foist on anyone.
    A famous German philosopher once claimed self dilution is the bridge over the chasm of life. I follow the other philosophers who claim life is like a train rushing for the bottom of the hill and the bridge at the end of the line is out.
    That’s why God gave humans poppies.

  7. As someone who has had profound spiritual experiences, it is clear to me that many clergy do not know what they're talking about, because they've never had, as far as I can tell, actual spiritual experiences of a profound nature. All they can do, is trot out the book and read it aloud to the congregation. They are the blind leading the blind.
    Spirituality is a pretty vague concept for most people. As such, it's hard for most people to know when they're listening to someone who knows what they're talking about as opposed to someone who's only had a bunch of book learning. That makes it really easy for charlatans to become preachers. Some sects don't even require any schooling for their ministers the way Methodists do. And then there are the pastors who have political agendas. They thrive on confusion.

  8. Well, the good news is, if a non-believing pastor causes any of his congregation to tune in and turn onto God, their faith is not nullified if and when their pastor quits.

  9. I recall a movie with Martin Sheen years ago called “ The Catholic”.
    I really was impressed but not sure how much traction it received.
    Ostensibly about not stopping the Latin Mass at a remote Abbey, Sheen is sent to get this right. Finds the Abbott lost his faith.
    Hit me between the eyes!

  10. Atheism…. Why is there even a term applied to the non belief of something that doesn't even exist??? There is no term for people who don't believe in Easter bunnies…. There is no term for ppl who don't believe in tooth fairies etc because those things doesn't exist so the mere fact that there is a term that a group of ppl subscribe to, for an ideology they do not subscribe to says a shit ton about both language, belief, logic and a shit ton of other stuff. Atheism is literally "a thing" dedicated to the non belief of "no thing".

  11. 13 years later and the "God is no being at all" bit sounds an awful lot like Jordan Peterson's parade of nonsense >.>

  12. I wondered what "Kippel" and "Grandfolung" where. Asked bard (google's GPT). Then asked for a summary of chapter 2. (After confronting it with the full name of the chapter it had provided earlier). Then asked for a summary of his take on the origins of the Torah in that chapter. Still not clear what this book was saying I finally asked: "could it be that kippel's book about the bible is giving believers the option to continue having faith in god and to continue believing that the bible is the word of god , while learning the evidence about the bible's earthly origins?" and got a full answer, proving the point, which is basically: Yes. (But also stating that possibly it's only an informative book)

  13. I'm willing to bet that all preachers especially the highest priests and any politician who claims religion, is what we'd call a "hard" atheist: they know very well that it's all made up.

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