Art Theory

Teaching and Learning Approaches: Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Social Constructivism

Contemporary Education

#contemporaryeducation #education #projectbasedlearning #teaching #studentcentered #learning #playbasedlearning #playfullearning #innovativeeducation #tranformeducation #21stcenturylearning

I am Sarah Weiler, founder of Contemporary Education. Contemporary Education is an educational services company and consultancy committed to transforming education to meet the challenges of the 21st century. This mission is accomplished by providing resources for critical reflection to empower innovative action to stakeholders in education (teachers, school administrators, parents, child care providers, public policy makers). Through informative, thought-provoking content, Contemporary Education aims to question commonly held assuptions about education and make proposals for change (such as the Contemporary Education Framework and Pedagogic Play).

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11 thoughts on “Teaching and Learning Approaches: Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Social Constructivism
  1. "from a behaviorist standpoint, human beings should all behave the same way"

    This can't be the assumed prescription you've come to associate with behaviorism, at least behaviorism as Skinner would know it. A more legitimate deduction would be that it is possible for all human beings to behave the same way. This means that, barring any lesions of the brain, the notions of cognitive blockages and innate incompatibilities are out as explanations for reprehensible behavior.

  2. Instead of discussing values and philosophy attributed to these approaches to understanding learning, we need a critical analysis in well-defined scientific terms. Non-scientist educators usually have poor understanding of behaviorism and make up many straw men they can knock down. Behaviorists do not believe knowledge is transmitted. Responses (your know, the R in S-R) are important. Animals emit behaviors that are the basis of their learning. Behaviorism is about reinforcement and punishment, not positive and negative reinforcement. Behaviorists look only at behavior without making up non-explanatory mental constructs (like self regulation). Social constructivism mainly claims that children acquire their behavior and thinking by interacting with others (e.g., parents, culture) and modeling them. This, if you think about it, is a assertion that knowledge is transmitted to the learner, not that they are somehow responsible for what is learned.

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