Consciousness Videos

It Is Confirmed, Your Consciousness Creates Reality


Consciousness, a mysterious force, now stands at the forefront of a groundbreaking scientific revelation. Viewers embark on a journey through quantum physics, uncovering how thoughts weave the tapestry of our lives, and how the power of the mind transcends the physical world. The journey reveals the profound impact of consciousness on personal realities, highlighting our role as creators in our own lives. What if the key to transforming your world lies hidden in your own thoughts?

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#science #universe #spirituality
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00:00 – The Connection
01:44 – The Power of Belief
02:58 – The Neuroscience of Belief
04:35 – Rewiring the Brain
07:19 – New Belief Systems
Music created by Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse.
Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse YouTube:

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26 thoughts on “It Is Confirmed, Your Consciousness Creates Reality
  1. “We are the cosmos made conscious and life is the means by which the universe understands itself.”

    Brian Cox

    Thank you for joining me on this transformative journey. As you continue on your path, I extend my sincerest wishes for your growth and fulfillment.

    Your support means the world to me, so please remember to share, like, comment, subscribe, and hit the notifications bell to stay connected and never miss out on our future videos.


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    Thank you once again for your presence and engagement. May your journey be filled with blessings and profound enlightenment.

  2. The creator of all creation made us in its image, we are also creators. We create our own reality through our thoughts, beliefs and imagination. What you put in your mind affects you. Don’t consume negativity.

  3. "With the exception of the artificial and abstract thinker in you, you are pure Nature". This is a phrase from a book titled Toward your Real Self.

  4. Too many seeking truth fail to find 'cos they're easily led astray by worldly logic, sensuality, vain esoterism or specious mysticisms. I know I was.

    I'm an ex neo-vedantic (hindu roots) new ager. I used to be into so much "cosmic/spiritual" stuff: trance channelings, ancient wisdom, gnosticism, psychedelic drugs, hindu gurus and buddhist variants. I was illuminated by the kundalini (serpent) spirit then 8 years ago I got rightly enlightened by the HOLY SPIRIT – who showed me what a fool I was before. Spirit led to the REAL Yahusha/Jesus Christ and everything changed – paradigm shifted.

    This is being BORN AGAIN (John 3) and it's an ongoing surprise to me 😁

    The end-times are dead ahead; a time of tribulation/Antichrist is near…… Sadly, it escapes the notice of our self-absorbed, glamour-saturated world that we're in a spiritual war for souls, the immensity of ignorance is astonishing: the dark powers *BEDAZZLE* the minds of the masses (Ephesians 6:12). We've inherited ancient spiritual subversion…. the Earth is fallen …… The holistic fields of nature are degraded; morphic resonance is way out of alignment with Divinity; Life hunts, kills and feeds on itself; humanity is a spiritually fallen race highly prone to deceit and delusion ….. Frankly, we need a SAVIOUR and by JESUS CHRIST we have a GLORIOUS ONE

    As a new ager I couldn't believe it but in the Light of Spirit Jesus really is the Way, the truth and the Life just like He said: no one comes to God except through Jesus, there's no other way (Matthew 7:13-14). Being a neo-vedantist I wasn't convinced (I was damn sure I knew better) but turns out the Bible is Spirit breathed, written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is vividly portrayed and endorsed in the new testament, in fact he's apparent in the old testament too (Luke 24:27 & 44) and by His Light we're allowed to see that and know Him. ……. Any previously perceived discrepancies or contradictions are ironed out and the supernatural narrative flows most beautifully.

    The Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:6-7 & 45:23, Daniel 7:13-14, Matthew 28:18, Revelation 1:7-8 & 18, Rev 19:11-21)

  5. Extremely good content.. Thanks! <3 This is deep philosophy and science combined. I love it.. but need to listen more and check it out more.. thanks again

  6. as Alexis Carrel said, one is both the marble and the sculptor.

    Yet we have to remember to have the intent of creating a beautiful sculpture instead of shaping ourselves into what we are not.

  7. Go tell a child that when he learns the most. Dont let people fuck up their lives amd be too deep in debt and problems. U people crack me up

  8. Sehnend you are reaching the masses rapidly which you already know.. please continue to lead through the genuine knowledge you exude.

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