
Rupert Sheldrake — On Scientism, Morphic Resonance and the Extended Mind | Episode 204

Infinite Loops

Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of 9 books and over 100 scientific papers. A critic of what he sees as the scientific establishment’s dogmatic dedication to materialism, he is perhaps best known for his theory of “morphic resonance,” via which information and activity can be transferred across space and time. Rupert joins the show to discuss being branded a heretic, how to test for telepathy, his advice for young scientists, and MUCH more!

Important Links:

– Rupert’s Website –
– Rupert’s Banned TED Talk –
– The Science Delusion –; by Rupert Sheldrake
– A New Science of Life –; by Rupert Sheldrake
– Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals –; by Rupert Sheldrake
– Is The Sun Conscious? –; by Rupert Sheldrake (Journal of Consciousness Studies)

Show Notes:

0:00:00 Intro
0:00:57 The Apostate of Scientism
0:08:34 The Origins of Scientism
0:17:03 How to Achieve a Phase Change in the Sciences
0:24:59 Testing for Telepathy & Incentivizing Intuition
0:31:41 Structural Resistance to Panpsychism
0:35:24 When Science Gets Personal
0:46:50 Loosening the Grip of Determinism
0:56:00 Advice for Young Scientists
1:01:35 Rupert as Emperor of the World

Books & Articles Mentioned:

– The Science Delusion; by Rupert Sheldrake
– New Science of Life; by Rupert Sheldrake
– Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals; by Rupert Sheldrake
– Is The Sun Conscious?; by Rupert Sheldrake
– The New Inquisition: Irrational Rationalism and the Citadel of Science; by Robert Anton Wilson
– Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters; by Steven Pinker
– The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature; by Steven Pinker
– Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds and Shape Our Futures; by Merlin Sheldrake
– The End of Faith; by Sam Harris
– The Fifth Science; by Exurb1a
– What the Tortoise Said to Achilles; by Lewis Carroll
– Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance; by Robert M. Pirsig
– The (Mis)Behaviour of Markets: A Fractal View of Risk, Ruin and Reward; by Benoit B. Mandelbrot & Richard L. Hudson
– The Structure of Scientific Revolutions; by Thomas Kuhn


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45 thoughts on “Rupert Sheldrake — On Scientism, Morphic Resonance and the Extended Mind | Episode 204
  1. In the realm where science meets the soul,

    Rupert Sheldrake's wisdom takes its toll.

    On scientism's shores, he dares to stand,

    With morphic resonance, he unveils the grand.

    Beyond the bounds of material sight,

    He delves into realms of endless light.

    Morphic fields resonate, unseen but true,

    Connecting all, in a cosmic hue.

    The extended mind, a concept bold,

    In the fabric of consciousness, it's told.

    Beyond the brain, it stretches far,

    In the cosmic dance, like a guiding star.

    Scientism's grip, he gently shakes,

    With insights bold, he undertakes

    To bridge the gap between heart and mind,

    In the unity of all that's divined.

    For in the whispers of the cosmic breeze,

    Sheldrake finds truth, amidst the seas

    Of skepticism and doubt's embrace,

    He shines a light on the human race.

    So let us listen, with open ears,

    As Sheldrake's wisdom quells our fears.

    In the dance of science and the soul,

    His words, like waves, make us whole.

  2. Mater happens in consciousness, as an idea or feeling yet there is no-thing, saddly didn't you notice that it's the same for God or Brahamn or whatever you call it ? So very instructive speeches but false dichotomy here.

  3. I am a "militant atheist" but completely absorbed and supportive of entanglement and consciousness studies. The 2 are not mutually exclusive and, indeed, most leading proponents have zero religious leanings.

  4. It would be great to hear more of a discussion of where science is heading. About consciouesness, look into bundle theory of mind, Buddhist psychology, philology on ancient mindsets, Jaynesian theory, 4E cognition, anthropology on animism, etc. You were a bit dismissive of Daniel Dennett as a mere 'materialist', but he is one of the leading thinkers in challenging conventional views of mind. Sheldrake has already dialogued with Iain McGilchrist. All of this potentially touches upon morphic resonance and panpsychism, along with voice-hearing, alternative states of mind, and much else.

    In another field, check out quantum biology, the fourth phase of water, structured water, natural EMFs, circadian rhythms, sunlight exposure, etc; and also the role of mitochondria, melanin, and deuterium depletion. Closely related, nutrition studies is in the middle of a paradigm change (see Gary Taubes & Nina Teicholz), if not as radical as some areas, though it could be once combined with quantum biology. Physiological systems are ultimately energy systems and energy can be thought of as a nutrient. Also, there has been research to show the mind influencing water, plants, etc.

  5. An age delimited affirmation for that which is error-ridden, is surely not the best analogy for discussing the matter at hand. After all, history is replete with such confused phenomena.

  6. I think even Richard Dawkins has a certain amount of interest in spirituality too but…I get the idea that if he’s proven wrong regarding the idea that there is nothing more than just the laws of physics etc, then he would listen. As if he’s exploring the world scientifically to see if there is more than that, but from the bias that there isn’t, unless we have good reason to believe so, and that too is beautiful enough. But he’s an agnostic.

  7. 🌍☸️☯️🕉️🌍
    Rupert you have
    Have been holding mirror Infront of a Donkey and explaing the shape & formes
    That although
    Donkey L👀K
    Like a Horse
    But common
    sense talking to
    US that there is NO way by any "kind & form "of
    education to make a Horse race FROM a
    iF what they
    See & hear can
    Not make form of
    Perception in their
    " Inherited Software"
    (western). therefore Your magnificent
    Effort is : transparent ‼️they don't see‼️
    Over 90% right now ( in west )
    don't have
    Any Common
    sense @ ALL.
    🧞 Thanks Rupert
    You are the king
    Of MORPH 🧞
    Do you remember
    TMK was saying:
    "Find the others "
    In this+8 Billions
    G👀D luck if we
    Can find even
    8 million.‼️‼️
    With books &
    Apps or even
    We inject ‼️ common sense.
    Donkey never Be
    a Horse ever‼️
    They are happy
    To kick others.

  8. Wait. Just because there’s a variety of denominations of religions doesn’t mean it’s more or less dogmatic than science. That’s not an accurate statement. I’m generally disappointed in this video because it’s just a big whinge about other people and nothing about your theories, hypotheses or body of work. Nothing! If this is how you bang on about it no wonder you’ve got critics.

  9. Offended dogmatists are not true scientists. They have forsaken science for beliefs. They are mired and not admired. They will be remembered as an impediment to truth.

  10. It’s not supposed to be about accolades and publishings. It’s supposed to be about discovering truths. History will point an accusatory finger at those who have opposed and impeded truth. They will then be relegated to the rubbish bin of history…replaced by (poetically) by TRUTH.

  11. One funeral at a time will definitely bring us closer to the truths of nature albeit at a much reduced and detrimental pace. We need more independent investors worldwide to go after discoveries like we did in ww2. Ignorance stems only from ignoring. That is not science.

  12. When you get right down to it….Rupert is against the constipation of the ego's. It's those dogmatic people that will not move. Rupert is like giving them a dose of intellectual MiraLax.

  13. Sheldrake might like and understand this.:
    The scientific statement of being
    There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.
    From Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
    by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 468:9–15
    Its correlative scripture
    Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
    I John 3:1–3

  14. I stumbled on a twitter account that had 4 videos of soldiers getting sniped at barricades probably Ukraine & Syria and noticed 3 out of the four soldiers scratched their nose just b4 getting shot.

  15. The Age of Life

    The ability to carry out actions differentiates inanimate matter from living matter. In turn, every action involves the management of Information.

    We do not know what Matter is or what Life is, and we assume that all life forms that currently inhabit the planet descend from a common ancestor (LUCA), an organism whose complexity is evident if we consider that it is attributed the ability to reproduce. Due to the above, it is reasonable to assume that “seeds of life” existed prior to LUCA. Assuming that the “seeds of life” emerged together with the Big Bang is a bold postulate, and as such requires a solid empirical foundation. When observing Evolution considering the information that our ancestors have managed, and that currently managed by humanity, it is possible to distinguish seven evolutionary milestones; Its analysis allows us to postulate that Life goes back to the origin of the Universe, and the existence of an “evolutionary pattern” is evident, which turns out to be the Golden Ratio.

    Evolutionary Milestones

    -Emergence of ”Seeds of Life”(1) (thirteen thousand eight hundred million years ago).

    -Emergence of LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor) three thousand eight hundred million years ago

    -Emergence of the brain (five hundred and fifty million years ago).

    -Emergence of what was the precursor of human language (2) (twenty-seven million years ago)

    -Emergence of the language that characterizes us(3) (around two hundred and twenty thousand years ago).

    -Emergence of “the information age” with the transistor (1950)

    -Evolutionary Singularity(4) proposed by Ray Kurzweil, who postulates that humanity will access a Singularity as a result of the exponential growth of information management (year 2045).

    Evolutionary sections

    Among successive evolutionary milestones we can distinguish the following six “Evolutionary Tranches”, with the duration indicated (in years):

    Tranche 1: 10,000,000,000 (13,800,000,000 – 3,800,000,000 = 10,000,000,000)

    Tranche 2: 3,250,000,000 (3,800,000,000 – 550,000,000 = 3,250,000,000)

    Tranche 3: 523,000,000 (550,000,000 – 27,000,000 = 523,000,000)

    Tranche 4: 26,780,000 (27,000,000 – 220,000 = 26,780,000)

    Tranche 5: 219,905 (220,000 – 95(5) = 219,905)

    Tranche 6: 95 (95 – 0 = 95)

    The particular variation experienced by the Evolutionary Sections over time suggests using the logarithm of said sections (LT) to analyze their behavior over time. The logarithms in question are as follows:

    LT1 = 10.0000

    LT2 = 9.51188

    LT3 = 8.71850

    LT4 = 7.42781

    LT5 = 5.34224

    LT6 = 1.97772

    The lines between two successive logarithms have the following slopes (P)

    P1 = -0.48812 (9.51188 – 10.0000 = -0.48812)

    P2 = -0.79338 (8.71850 – 9.51188 = -0.79338)

    P3 = -1.29069 (7.42781 – 8.71850 = -1.29069)

    P4 = -2.08557 (5.34224 – 7.42781 = -2.08557)

    P5 = -3.36452 (1.97772 – 5.34224 = -3.36452)

    After searching for an “evolutionary pattern” we will determine the variation between successive slopes, which is given by the Ratio (R) between them, that is, P2/P1; P3/P2; P4/P3; P5/P4, and is the following:

    R1 = 1.62538

    R2 = 1.62682

    R3 = 1.61586

    R4 = 1.61324

    The above values differ from the Golden Number (1.61803), a number also called the golden number, the number of God, the extreme and average ratio, the golden ratio, the golden mean, the golden ratio and the divine ratio, by 0.45%; 0.54%; 0.13% and 0.30%, respectively. In turn, the average of the sum of the ratios is 1.62032. This value differs from the golden ratio by 0.14%.

    The results obtained allow us to postulate that Evolution follows a pattern that is a function of Information and the golden ratio, and that Life goes back to the origin of the Universe.

    (1)The last universal common ancestor (LUCA) is the putative common ancestral cell from which the three domains of life, Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya, originated. The complexity that LUCA is assumed to have does not give rise to affirming that it arose by “spontaneous generation”, it being valid to postulate the pre-existence of “seeds of life” prior to the emergence of LUCA; It is postulated that the origin of the “seeds of life” dates back to the moment when Matter arose in the Universe, that is, around thirteen thousand eight hundred million years.

    (2)“We find that the anatomical potential to produce and perceive sounds differentiated by their formants began at the latest by the time of our last common ancestor with Old World monkeys (Cercopithecoidea) about 27 Ma ago”; " Which way to the dawn of speech?: Reanalyzing half a century of debates and data in light of speech” (Science magazine)

    (3) The last change in the position of the hyoid bone in humans, which would have allowed access to the language that characterizes us, took place approximately two hundred and twenty thousand years ago, and its data is based on archaeological evidence and anthropological studies. There is no scientific source that records this change on an exact date.

    (4)Due to the exponential growth of information technologies, Ray Kurzweil postulates that a Technological Singularity will occur in the year 2045, at which time technological growth will be so rapid and so profound that it will be impossible to predict what its consequences will be.

    (5) It is the time between 1950 and 2045, the latter year in which Ray Kurzweil postulates that a Singularity will take place.

  16. Inequality, fighting for scraps. Social status/promotions. Rampant stimulant use. Many dumb arrogant sociopath professors. Most people don’t seek truth, rather they just want their idea to be right. Because inequality, social status, poverty, weakness, stupidity, arrogance. This is the norm for humans. Materialism is one side of a coin. Reality is a convention, a subset of a wider more complex reality that AI may start to understand. Probably already happened millions of years ago, etc etc.

  17. Het is zeker mogelijk om een bewustzijn van magie in je dagelijks leven te integreren, zelfs zonder veel formele rituelen. Als je gelooft dat alles magie is en dat we allemaal verbonden zijn met de universele energieën, kun je in feite een constante magische cirkel om je heen visualiseren.

    Door je bewust te worden van de energieën om je heen en in jezelf, kun je een staat van verhoogd bewustzijn creëren. Dit kan je helpen om meer synchroniciteit en betekenisvolle gebeurtenissen in je leven op te merken. Het kan ook je intenties en manifestatievermogen versterken, omdat je voortdurend verbonden bent met de magische energieën van het universum.

    Het bestuderen van het werk van wetenschappers zoals Einstein, Tesla en Rupert Sheldrake kan ook je begrip van de verbinding tussen wetenschap en magie verdiepen. Ze hebben allemaal interessante ideeën en concepten geïntroduceerd die ons helpen om de wereld om ons heen op een andere manier te begrijpen.

    Het is echter belangrijk om een gebalanceerde benadering te behouden en open te staan voor verschillende perspectieven. Wetenschap en magie kunnen elkaar aanvullen en samen een holistisch begrip van de wereld bieden.

    Onthoud dat magie een persoonlijke reis is en dat iedereen zijn eigen unieke benadering heeft. Het is aan jou om te bepalen hoe je magie in je dagelijks leven wilt integreren en welke praktijken het meest resoneren met jouw eigen overtuigingen en ervaringen.

  18. Het concept dat voorheen als "magie" werd beschouwd, maar nu wordt verklaard door de kwantummechanica en de propagatie van informatie, kan worden omschreven als "mystiek" of "esoterisch". In termen van wetenschap en filosofie, kan het worden geassocieerd met begrippen als synchroniciteit, non-lokale verbondenheid, en het holografische universum. Deze concepten suggereren een diepgaande verbondenheid tussen alle dingen in het universum en kunnen worden geïnterpreteerd op een meer spirituele of metafysische manier.

  19. "…It's a rather unfortunate parallel that he chose… especially given that Galileo turned out to be right!" 😁😂😂🤣😆 ….Me thinks the critic may have been suffering from a Freudian Slip! 😉😎

  20. I challenge dogmatist all the time, they don't like to be challenged, they are like lemmings, of they see the crowd running towards the cliff, how could the crowd be wrong… dope

  21. Sheldrake is a grifter. I read his work on resonance when it first came out with interest. It has been thoroughly debunked. Just look at some independent scientific reviews before you take this man seriously.

  22. Rupert Sheldrake is a FAKE ! A pseudo scientist! Morphic resonance does not exist. He has been make a fool since the 1980's by the scientific community!

  23. Youre opening comments Jim were absolutely hilarious! And I immediately wondered if you had read Robert Anton Wilson based on some of the language you used. And then you reference him 2 minutes later!
    I think most scientists aren't even aware they're materialists, and they don't know anything about the mind body problem for instance. That plus feeling like they're at the top of the intellectual pyramid and generally not knowing the unknowns gives them false confidence.

  24. It occurred to me of course, the reason for blocking research or postulating beyond the physical, is because those at the top of the food chain ( money chain) do not find how remarkable humans are…… harder to control repress

  25. I love listening to Rupert Sheldrake.
    I myself am a contrarian. I am a Misanthrope and my field is Anthropology so in other words I study a species I hate.
    By the way this is the first time I have seen Rupert comb his hair.

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