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Mindscape Ask Me Anything, Sean Carroll | April 2024

Sean Carroll

Blog post with audio player, show notes, and transcript:

Welcome to the April 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number — based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good — and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

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25 thoughts on “Mindscape Ask Me Anything, Sean Carroll | April 2024
  1. Carroll’s argument against anti-natal ism doesn’t account for people without the means to provide basic amenities,health care, permanent housing, food, education, transportation.

    It’s not about consent as much as it is about provisions.

    Anyone thet cannot provide these things as a basic necessity cannot procreate responsibly.

    This displays to me that the speaker in this case doesn’t understand responsible care for life.
    Which brings me to the question,

    What is the point of understanding reality if you don’t understand care for life first?

    I feel it would be irresponsible at this point not to take a second look at antenatal ism with a lens of respect for those who do suffer.

    Science to me as a discussion about ethics inherently by asking what is actually happening.

    Also a low blow to point out there is a low rate of su*cide as having su*cidal thoughts is it’s own form suffering and the actual rate that should be considered

  2. @seancaroll I understand the view that entanglement can not be used to send information faster than light but is there any way to know if the entangled particles wave function already has collapsed(or not) . If so then the information can be encoded in collapsed or not. Just curious…

  3. Dear Sean, if the curvature of spacetime is affected by large masses and masses are determined by the interaction of particles with the Higgs field, wouldn't it make sense to assume that dark matter is a distortion in the Higgs field. I've heard that it's supposed to be isotrope, but maybe we are wrong about that? It would be great, if you could help me understand more about that! Thank you for your great content!

  4. Just letting you know Sean that I will be listening to you here on youtube. It is becoming increasingly difficult to listen to anything on Spotify without paying for the service. Thanks for making your incredible content available to us for free.

  5. Non sequitur🤪: The universe is most definitely not contingent. … there are several reasons for this, but Parmenides would agree; at least he would insist that it’s impossible for nothing to exist, and so something must exist. And if we are to be egalitarian in this, then all things must exist, and all things includes our particular universe. Or does it? What is a thing. David Letterman used to have a segment called “Is this anything?” Most people would agree that anything that has specific well defined properties must be a thing. By that definition our universe is definitely a thing. So by Parmenides, together with existential egalitarianism, and a cursory nod to Dave, our specific universe must exist. So it is not contingent!

  6. Can't wanted
    Any more

  7. I don't think your argument against antinatalism is very solid. I don't want to give the arguments because the very simplest antinatalist arguments defeat it. But I get most people aren't well read on it. Anyway, you're amazing Dr Carroll. You're doing nothing but good for the world as far as I see. Thank you!

  8. For Great Deceiver: Remember that all houses aren't priced at the average price. Most houses are more house than you need.

  9. Libertarian free will is dead. Other types of free will do but they aren't true. So I understand how people can be compatibilists because it seems real to us. Here are points I don't think Sean covers (or talks to at the higher level).
    1. at an atom scale quantum effects are not changing the behaviours of atoms and molecules and their reactions and stability in our world. Nor do quantum effects have any demonstratable effect on neuron interactions and your thoughts.
    2. general relativity says we live at a macro scale in a block universe. if you traveled back in time in our universe it would unfold as it did. The future depends on the choices of the past.
    3. It is proven that the decisions you make are made before you are aware of them (subconscious is running the show for us)

    In a real way libertarian free will is dead, even with the quantum level probability being random. Though even at that level if the randomness is 99.9 % predictable, we can still predict the future very well if we have enough decimal points even if not perfectly.

  10. "who cares! I don't care!" 🤣 "No demon can stop me from moving my coffee cup" … Thanks for the lol moment.

    1:33:40 I like the home ownership dream. They say it's impossible at the surface layer but I think it just depends on how we reconstruct the energy distribution and values of a system. For example, buying a house doesn't necessarily mean it's a forever home or whatever. Nowadays buying a home is because you understand your position in the market and you have a responsibility to keep it updated. It may even require a new way to think about beneficiary in family dynamics or flexible life style choices. I don't know enough about the former yet but the later is more my cup of tea and view to perceive possibilities.

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