Consciousness Videos

Amir Tsarfati: TV7's Times Observer – The Stability of Jerusalem

Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati

Jonathan Hessen and Amir Tsarfati discuss the outcome of the 23 March national elections in Israel through a biblical lens, as well as the 10th anniversary of the civil war in Syria.


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26 thoughts on “Amir Tsarfati: TV7's Times Observer – The Stability of Jerusalem
  1. Devil worshippers- your end is nearing you hide and mask yourselves as true believers but you are “WATERLESS CLOUDS ☁️,”

    This is your warning to the real believers

    This man “Amir “ just said he will accept the BEAST when he comes





    Time marker 4 minutes to about 6:36 “we will gladly accept him as a nation am talking about “ Amir ,

    minutes he says this for those looking to wake up

  2. Amir you might fool a lot of people but you're not fooling God. Pride and arrogance comes before a fall. Don't do things for money do it because you truly love the Lord.

  3. Thankyou for keeping us updated with the news from Jerusalem we know that Jesus is coming soon and everything in the Word of God must take place it's truly an exciting time to be alive! We pray for the peace of Jerusalem! GOD BLESS YOU! Have a blessed Resurrection day!

  4. Since you want say my name you should cancel easter god said y'all have done no good honest nor stood for his work thru me.but keep on passing your pick or your false books ending and god will pay you nothing good

  5. Good day, Brother Amir, thank you for your broadcasts, they are excellent. On another note: blessings from our faithful high priest Jesus Christ. I am writing from Canada and I would like to make financial contributions to Iranian Christians, for gospel material, food, clothing, and general support for Brother Christians needs. Can you please point me in the direction of reputable ministries who can get these finances into their hands, and not into the hands of Iranian governments? Thank you in Jesus's Mighty Name.

  6. Not sure what Amir means by we're coming out of the plandemic! It's never ending and now they rolling out vac passports 😳. Israel leading the way dividing people further 🤔

  7. We pray for you Jonathan Hessen, Amir Tsarfati and your ministries. Love to all of you in Israel from Michigan's Upper Peninsula/United States Shalom my brothers in Christ Jesus.

  8. Yes Damascus, re; in Isaiah17 What I believe the said distruction was already happened long time ago? but a friend of mine a Syrian of Damascus said no Damascus is an ancient city, never been bombarded, then t'was two years ago was it Sept 2019? Isaiah 17 was fulfilled in the ancient city of Damascus,,,,

  9. So blessed to see these two Israeli believers together, "Behold how good and how pleasant it is, for brethren to dwell together in unity" (Psalm 133:1 NKJV). And one day, we shall see all Israel saved (from Romans 11:26 NKJV). What a glorious day that will be. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah will rule over His people, both the House of Israel and we gentiles

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