Consciousness Videos

How Our Consciousness is Used to Create Reality- Loosh Explained

The Alchemist

During a spiritual awakening, we start understanding just how important our attention and our focus are, but with that, we start understanding that we create with our emotional attention as well. So today, it is my honor to explain to you how we create in this reality with Loosh.

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28 thoughts on “How Our Consciousness is Used to Create Reality- Loosh Explained
  1. Based on the information you are providing , now I understand more about the limitations of the 5 senses and how this sensorial jail works . We were created with this limitation to perceive reality only at a very low vibrational state so they can harvest all those negative emotions or negative loosh .We are kept entertain creating in this physical reality while they harvest us , am I right? If not can you go further on how we are energetically harvested , thanks 🙏

  2. I'm trying to stop watching news. Even though most news appalling, its still fascinating, and therefore the information is still a form of entertainment.
    If you are a host to helpful positive entities, its important to remember they are being educated and entertained by ourself, so go watch something hilarious &/or beautiful instead 🍄

  3. 🤔… mmm… differing perspective than what I have, from personal observation.. 

    Some of the concept I completely agree with, but… there's a missing aspect that governs reality, that isn't being presented in the explanation.. few if any, can understand the profound effect; the governed reality has in all things, nor comprehend the body we are in… which makes the word 'humanity' a deceptive term, and the idea of 'being creator's' not accurate.

  4. This is why they created conflicts and wars between us, also the often happened “natural” weather disasters, group murdering such as in concerts, school shootings and religious group suicide and other so-called Earth’s natural catastrophes etc… because they want our loosh, we are nothing but their food source and slaves. Wake up people.

  5. Thank you Sarah for sharing your knowledge and everyones comments here, im learning so much so fast all those beautiful beings onyoutube channels and everywhere in life and the universe bless you , research everything and behold the good , may love be youre guide and you become love❤❤❤

  6. Hi Sarah, thanks 🙏 a lot for this, has been really useful to my personal spiritual journey. I have been working a lot with the Monroe tapes and achieved a 3rd eye activation, Kundalini awakening and also a few OBEs. Since my 3rd eye activation, I was able to notice and experience electromagnetic phenomena. Do you think the Loosh substance is linked to electromagnetism?

  7. But it is also important for us to release the rockets of our desires as well don't stay in fear but do find out what is wrong and turn it to desires of the bestter world then kick back and enjoy every moment (I think)

  8. Sarah The Alchemist has literally changed my life…meeting me exactly where I'm at, thank you to the divine algorithm 🙂 This makes everything make a lot more sense when you consider it from an energy perspective, definitely watching the energy vampire one next. May we all protect and nourish our loosh!

  9. @The Alchemist, hello and inifinite love and gratitude to you.

    Derek from Veritasium just shared this video and at the time linked, said ""The only problem is that all these geometries require an exotic kind of matter with a negative energy density"

    The video so far is incredibly fascinating.

    Could this relate to the theory that fear-based awarenesses in power/etc are feeding off of fear/negative energy/negative "loosh", possibly to learn how to harvest negative energy and use it for specific, more fear-based purposes?

  10. If creation depends on emotional reaction, I'm screwed. The more aware I become, the less I experience emotional reactions. No happiness, no sadness – just a neutral, peaceful state of being.

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