Consciousness Videos

Declassified CIA Document REVEALS YOU ARE GOD | The Gateway Process UNCOVERED


A declassified CIA document from the 1980s has been uncovered, and it reveals a mind-bending truth: the world is an illusion created by your own mind, that there are alternate dimensions waiting for you to access them and ultimately, this information shows you are god. Sound crazy? I’ve devoted my life to studying consciousness and hidden information and this is one of the most incredible declassified documents I’ve ever encountered. The shocking information within reveals a method for accessing other realties and a way to tap into the power of your own consciousness to transcend the limitations of time and space. This is not science fiction, this is a real document, and the secrets it holds are waiting for you to uncover them.

The document begins by revealing the incredible fact that reality is an illusion constructed by your brain and the senses. It explains that the brain is capable of constructing a ‘virtual reality’ through the process of perception, taking raw sensory data and organizing it into a coherent picture of the world. Think of the brain like a computer that processes programming code to construct a video game world. The document explains the brain operates in a similar way but that this process can be transcended, or “hacked”, allowing you to have out of body experiences and tap into dimensions beyond space and time. I’ll be revealing exactly what this document says about how to do so and by the end of this video you’ll have uncovered a what’s described as a powerful method for breaking out of the confines of your body and the physical world and learned the ultimate truth about yourself and all existence. ..

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46 thoughts on “Declassified CIA Document REVEALS YOU ARE GOD | The Gateway Process UNCOVERED
  1. People like you, divulging this information, will be responsible for the coming spiritual revolution/ascension process. THANK YOU!

  2. If reality is just an illusion created by our brains but our only way of verifying that it’s an illusion is with data that’s within our own illusory perception of reality then how do we know that we can trust the conclusion that our reality is just an illusion created by our own brains because if that’s true that means us thinking we have brains in the first place is just an illusion

  3. you keep saying the absolute knows it self trough humans, I think this is wrong, I think the absolute know itself trough every living being to know every aspect of himself even those humans can not even fathom , just saying

  4. I had received the same info during a channeling. We are God (Consciousness) and we created man/avatars that looked like us (in God's likeness) exactly like you would pick out an avatar that looked like you when you start a video game. We are playing an interactive simulation consciousness game that we control with our subconscious mind. We are one and everyone in the game (mirrors) show us our beliefs. We can control it by reprogramming our subconscious mind. Nothing exists until we accept it as being true and upon that acceptance, we allow it to be present in our 3D reality. We are perfectly healthy (in truth) but if we believe otherwise, we will experience that. Same goes for love, relationships, wealth- everything.

  5. Body is always stuck in one dimension mind can travel but physically you are a prisoner of this earth plan till body expires and then we have no clue if you keep your consciousness or just dissolve in the big void

  6. Are You looking for direction?


    There is no meaning in life.

    There is Meaning in YOU!

    You create meaning in life.

    Blessings on your journey,
    From a life advancement YouTuber!

  7. A different state of mind isn't necessarily a different reality.. so ur saying if I take a bunch of acid I visit a different realm of reality? Come on bro..

  8. No shit sherlock but the ZIA listens to the fallen swine that make this place hell so they can act like gods in heaven! Do the fallen wannabes want to step it up a notch? Once a man realizes who he really is he realizes he is in prison and doing time. All He wants at that point is to get out. This means you can't scare him with death anymore, does that make sense, Smiths?

  9. Welcome to Christianity …
    Genesis 1:26-27 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

    Psalm 82:6 "I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."

  10. I did the gateway program. The 3 first waves in loop for weeks. It works but this is dangerous. This is when these faculties started to pop-up every time I woke up (my whole body was vibrating and I could control the vibration with intention).

    I also started to make out of body experiences in an alternative (and twisted) version of my apartment. I thought I'd never go back to my body. The scariest experience of my life.

    I wouldn't say I will not keep doing it in the future, but I knew I needed a protection first, to explore this. Few years later, I became a Christian.

  11. "Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration"
    "That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively"
    " There is no such thing as death, and we are the imagination of ourselves" – Bill Hicks

  12. If death is ordered then there's order afterward, so right after death you work for the government and become a part of its global consciousness

  13. The Government is the Firmament, being alive is the lowest on the pyramid, we're all slaves to being milked and life is just to gather information so that the universe will expand.

  14. As far as the Matrix is real that is true, the fact we have the ability to manifest our reality with the Matrix this is true to fo Christ said if your faith is as big as a musturds seed if you tell the mountain move it will move, but what is a reception from the abyss is that the individual is God. You as man comprise of the 1.Power (Which is of Christ) 2.Soul (Real you) 3. Counterfeit Spirit (tempts you into mischief) 4.Body( The Avatar in this realm which you live behind) 5. Destiny (That accompanies you and determines in what way you depart from the Earth.) The Power which is of Christ is a vesture for the soul strengthening it with will and power this is why you stay in the body of Christ. The Soul is angelic in nature but not God. It is the Power that is of God. Please do not be deceived and committee the abominable sin of thinking or saying you are God like Yaldaboem(Samuel).

  15. I will warn as I have been instructed to warn, all those preaching doctrine of error to you is the relm of the outer darkness in the jaws of the dragon faced one where the fire burns 7×7×70 time hotter than Amenti and 7×70 time hotter than the midst. Repent from your doctrines of error.

  16. I call it source instead of god, but it's true. I experienced it, and it makes this place feel like a dream you forgot as soon as you opened your eyes.

  17. Brain 🧠 is a quantum computer.
    Sensory perception limits this function and make the brain to act as a normal computer!
    To activate the quantum functionality of the brain 🧠, one should limit the senses:
    ie 3 monkey 🙈 🙊 🙉

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