Consciousness Videos

Quantum Mind (Mental Transmutation)

Ancient Melanin

The man of the Sixth Sub-Division will be “The Super-Man”; he of the Seventh will be “The Over-Man”
-The Kybalion


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11 thoughts on “Quantum Mind (Mental Transmutation)
  1. The brain is anarea of neurophysiologyactivity. Neurophysiology activity consists of electrochemical reaction. Thus at any given time, the brain state is defined by a subset of electrochemical reactions, derived from a large set of possible reactions. Consider the phenomenon of a. conscious thought. As at any given time the brain physical state consists of a collection of electrochemical reactions (events), it can be inferred that they are collectively responsible for the conscious thought. This means that at least in part, simultaneous events are responsible for thought. In other words, thought creates a connection between simultaneous events. This is in contradiction to the consequences of special relativity, which states that the fastest connection between events is the speed of light and thus excludes the possibility of connection between simultaneous events. Consider the memorizing of, say, the value 5. This would necessarily involve more than I point in space as, say, if it is assumed a single electron records 5 by taking a particular potential. Then it by itself cannot define (or know) 5, as its magnitude would be defined only with respect to another datum or event defined as a unit potential, thus involving at least 2 simultaneous events. Consider the experience of vision. While we focus our attention on an object of vision, we are still aware of a background and, thus, a whole collection of events. This would mean at least an equal collection of physical events in the brain are involved.
    Take the experience of listening to music. It would mean being aware of what went before. Like vision, it would probably mean that while our attention at any given time is focused at that point in time, it is aware of what went before and what is to follow. In other words, it spans the time axis. Many great composers have stated that they are able to hear their whole composition. Thus their acoustic experience is probably like the average person's visual experience. While focusing at a particular point in time of their composition, they are nevertheless aware of what went before and what is to come. The rest of the composition is like the background of a visual experience. Experiencing the composition in this way, they are able to traverse it in a similar fashion to which a painting is observed. In this sense, an average person in comparison can be seen as having tunnel hearing (like tunnel vision) when it comes to music, thus making it very difficult for him or her to reproduce or create new music. It can be seen that consciousness is a 4-D phenomenon. If it is a physically explainable phenomenon, such an explanation would involve EPR type effects and as such physical explanations at a quantum level will be involved.

  2. i think or just guess, that for achieve the singularity, the key is not to combine our biological form with a machine, is more to create a shell with the ability of interact with a quantic version of ourself,in some manner our mind can be exported like electrical information, an organic human brain fusioned with an cybernetic body may cause many faillures and incompatibilities, after all like Queen say in his song, Who wants to live forever. Regards!!

  3. I feel so much better now I know that obama and other powerful interests have invested a billion dollars into mapping the brain in order that they can cure mental illness, oh wait, the next thing ahe says is you can then combine the brain with computers. That's more like it, spending a billion dollars to cure mental illness, like any sane or rational human being actually believes such nonsense.

  4. No you want to destroy the pineal gland. So full of shit pineal n melanin! I hope the earth blows the fuck up and kills us all! These people are Devils. Your not fucking human!

  5. Seems the "law of attraction" doesnt work for all the starving children in Africa. Or rape and assault victims. Victims of war. You still believe in this?

  6. you know I'm a true believer in "life's what you make it". Positive thoughts equal positive reactions. negative thoughts equal negative reactions.

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