
Revolution Of Artificial Intelligence | Future Technology | Digital Economy | Documentary


Revolution Of Artificial Intelligence – Artificial intelligence is developing and the digital economy is expanding. To enable this millions of people are doing underpaid work that insults human intelligence.

Revolution Of Artificial Intelligence (2019)
Director: Sandrine Rigaud
Stars: Thierry Baubet, Janine Berg, Lukas Biewald
Genre: Documentary
Country: France
Language: English
Also Known As: Cash Investigation: Ghost Workers
Release Date: September 2019 France (TV premiere)

We’re at the beginning of an artificial intelligence revolution that promises to change everything. Already, virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa have become a part of our daily life. But in order to run their applications, digital giants like Amazon, Google and Facebook, employ an army of invisible labour. These are disposable workers, paid as little as 10 cents an hour to feed information into compter systems. They receive neither benefits nor contract and normal labour law don’t apply to them.

Whilst millions of men and women are training artificial intelligence for next to nothing, others are being hired and hide out of sight to clean up social networks. We went undercover as one of these web cleaners, working as a content moderator for Facebook. To meet the workers hiding behind your screen, we’re taking you to the factory of the future, one of the digital economy’s best kept secrets.

Also Known As (AKA):
(original title) Ghost Workers
Finland Näkymättömät työntekijät
Finland De osynliga arbetstagarna(Swedish)
France Ghost Workers
Greece Αόρατοι εργάτες
Spain Trabajadores fantasma(Alternative Title)
World-wide Cash Investigation: Ghost Workers(English, Alternative Title)

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#futuretechnology #documentary #economy

COPYRIGHT: All of the films published by us are legally licensed. We have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the rightholders by contract. If you have questions please send an email to: info[at], Moconomy GmbH,


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20 thoughts on “Revolution Of Artificial Intelligence | Future Technology | Digital Economy | Documentary
  1. Please I want to work for this figure eight kind of work, please could someone guide me on how to get started. my location is River State in Nigeria. Thank you.

  2. This will be our life with AI , we (human) program the AI.. Soon AI will be managing our(human) daily task(or in every hour task, or mybe in every minutes task) more accurately and more faster. Aside of that AI will create jobs specifically for human only. ❤❤❤

  3. Jarrod can afford to make 30 cents and hour at Figure8 because he has a full-time job selling chickens at a supermarket? At $1,500 a month on that job, he makes less than $7 an hour, I figure. The poor guy is not doing well at all.

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