Consciousness Videos

How Physicists Proved The Universe Isn’t Locally Real – Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 EXPLAINED

Dr Ben Miles

Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger conducted ground breaking experiments using entangled quantum states, where two particles behave like a single unit even when they are separated. Their results have cleared the way for new technology based upon quantum information.

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0:00 The 2022 Physics Nobel Prize
0:51 Is the Universe Real?
1:58 Einstein’s Problem with Quantum Mechanics
5:09 The Hunt for Quantum Proof
7:37 The First Successful Experiment
11:06 So What?

#Einstein #nobelprize #entanglement

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31 thoughts on “How Physicists Proved The Universe Isn’t Locally Real – Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 EXPLAINED
  1. Made a statement at the beginning of this video that information cannot travel faster than the speed of light. And I beg to differ.
    I know that it was some time ago, I think somewhere in the mid-1980s there was a test done where they established a beam of light. What they then did was put a piece of information into the beam of light to measure how fast the information would travel through the already established light. As it turns out they were able to consistently measure it with the ability at the time at 5 times the speed of light. So the information can propagate through the light faster than the light is traveling I do not recall who it was that did this test. As he shortly thereafter disappeared and was found dead some years later when he was traveling out to California and ran off the road but it took them years to find his vehicle. But I still do not recall the person's name or other aspects of the test but the function of that test proved that information travels through light faster than the light itself travels.
    My only supposition would be that once you put information into the light it changes the nature of the light regardless of what part of the beam you put it into it affects the game of light throughout its existence.

  2. All Religions Are False!

    Soul does not exist! afterlife does not exist! jesus does not exist! satan does not exist! God does not exist!

    hope nonsense does exist!.

    everything has a cause! Can you make yourself? no! how can god make his own? can't!

    evidence! god doesn't exist!

    energy! the cosmos! the universe! cannot be created or destroyed, that is to say,

    has no beginning and no end!

    it has always existed! and will always exist!

    evidence! god didn't create universe!

    can you prove or explain that god exists! no!

    then god doesn't exist!

    everything has a cause! but god has no cause? what nonsense!

    god making his own out of nothing! and god who makes everything out of nothing! without evidence! or explaining anything! is logic? no!

    is madness!

    Soul and afterlife!

    People talk about energy! and a soul! that goes to afterlife! while that energy which is nothing more than body heat!

    What cannot be destroyed that's right! spreading everywhere! and perishes in everything! so what!

    Not going anywhere specific! is not consciousness either!

    There is no evidence for soul! and there is no evidence for afterlife!

    You have to prove something like that first before you can say that!

    Evolution and origin of life!

    You really think god made a man in sand blew on it and there's adam grab a rib from adam and there you have eva!

    That's how it went? because that's nonsense

    You never looked up origin of life!

    You never looked up evolution!

    Even if they don't know everything yet! they try to explain! and prove things! which isn't easy! is better than nothing!

    And claim things without evidence or explanation! that's the easiest thing to do, but that doesn't make it true!

    Origin of life talk about blocks of life! who by circumstances! originated!

    Step by step! small changes over time!

    And small mutation over time!

    And that counts for evolution too! they don't claim that something came out of nothing!

    The bible does that without explanation! without evidence!


    you need evidence first! that god exists! and has always existed!

    you need evidence first! that god has created something! especially what cannot be created! energy! the cosmos! the universe!

    you need evidence first! how god made his own out of nothing! and made everything out of nothing!

    you need evidence first! what does it matter to anyone in this world!

    you still have a very long way to go! for proving something!

    let alone explain something!

    before you can say anything about it!

  3. Did they really prove the universe isn't locally real, or just that they aren't able to prove it is locally real? We will never know.

  4. 1:53 no law most places you can put cats in boxes and do whatever you want, least round here cops don’t care…called them on my neighbor who caught in cages and abused strays blatantly n never did a thing

  5. 2:27 "The property of two particles can be inherently related" wrong and incomplete statement.

    What two particles? two particles from a split particle or two particles of a similar element in a similar state.

  6. Maybe localness is only local for things stuck in our dimensions — but for the flying spaghetti monster and light, it's a very short distance in their higher dimensional space.

  7. What if the universe is An infinite loop in scale of size when bacteria looks to us can it see us or comprehend us or are we so massive beyond anything we could possibly describe that to them it’s perceived like endless nothingness. is it possible the universe is a living entity or organism that is so large beyond our comprehension, that we are merely bacteria on a cell in the “body” of the universe
    like a psychedelic pattern everything repeats we have cells and antibodies that are represented in pictures as similar to planets but at a subatomic level meaning so tiny beyond comprehension that you would have to become smaller than an atom to get that size just like earth to a galaxy (smaller than a grain of dust)

    beyond the border of space at the possible edge of the universe could be a repeat of the same phenomenon in a kind of Russian doll fashion a doll within a doll within a doll infinitely creating the same pattern but the pattern is increasing in size each time another layer of “Russian Doll” or the boundary between us and what’s beyond our universe which could be a much larger version of a planet shaped object, with the same scale difference as bacteria is to a planet

    in an infinitely expanding cycle like a symmetrical psychedelic pattern or the after effects of an optical illusion the same illusion you see when taking psilocybin or LSD an infinite dimensional geometrical diamond shaped pattern endlessly rotating now imagine that on a scale that would put us at the equivalent of a sub atomic particle neither could comprehend the other if either was a conscious entity because of the scale and size difference therefore we may never understand our universe because we are so small that we could never understand what it is we are possibly living inside

    could we be living inside the brain of an ultra massive being that is so large that to them even a planet is just as small as an atom or is the pattern algorithm infinite and we are living inside a supermassive endless pattern that repeats itself while increasing significantly in size each time the cut off point is breached

    are we just so tiny and insignificant that it would be impossible for us to even imagine what the entire universe could look like from the outside
    If there is such a thing

  8. As the late, great Wallace Thornhill calmly points out:

    If Earth were not at all times aware(!) of its position relative to the current position of the Sun (rather than the Sun's position circa eight minutes ago,) then Earth would not be able to maintain an orbit around the Sun, now would it?

    Which then infers, that everything must be aware of everything else at all times.

    Because everything is alive.

  9. A couple of questions: I know this is a year old but here goes, LOVE your channel by the way:
    1. If two particles are entangled from the moment they divide so before they are a Universe apart then their aren't values detertermined at that moment?
    2. Doesn't that mean, once we've measured the state of one particle we know the state of the other, even if it's traveled a Universe away.
    3. But how does anyone get that means any of those states were determined at the time of measurement rather than at the time they were created? If one was spinning clockwise and the other counter-clockwise, wouldn't they have been doing so since they divided?
    4. If the anwser is no, then how? How are they not spinning? And it can't just be because we haven't measured it yet, I would think.
    We know these particles are in fact actual physical object despite their size. They have to be. Otherwise trillions of them wouldnt make up a physical object, that seems to go against common sense to me.
    Of couse that could be the nature of Quantum Mechanics, but my gut tells me it's more a limitation of our measuring technology and that one day we will be able to do things like measure both spin and location at the same time. On the other hand, I'm also a layman hobbyist when it comes to physics and science so what do I know compared to Nobel Prize winners or an optical theoretical physicist, heh.

  10. Gday mate.I am 52 yo and left school at14 years of age.I do enjoy wisdom and have a broader general knowledge than most people i know however often feel stupid thinking i obviously missed the stepping stones to learn things most educated people take as a given.. my wife is a veterinarian surgeon and often while talking with her colleagues i feel totally out of place perhaps even deliberately made to feel stupid,tickling some sort of ego by a few. thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart for explaining concepts above my understanding in way that even i CAN understand. especially your demeanor tone and body language without any arrogance or self superiority makes listening to you much much more to than just educational… i simply cannot say THANK YOU as big as i mean it.

  11. Do black hole event horizons collapse wave functions? And if not what if one entangled particles wave function collapses after passing a black holes event horizon? Would it still collapse the wave function of the other entangled particle?

  12. BYT the "noise of a tree in a forest" is a bad analogy. It indeed DOES NOT make any noise if no one is around to hear it. This is because "noise" is something that is a perception inside an eardrum. Without an ear to convert it into sound which we can define, it's just waves of vibrations in the air.

  13. The one thing I don't understand is why the curve should be linear if the universe is locally real or look more sinusoidal (for lack of a better term) if the universe isn't locally real. talking about the graph at 9:33

  14. 8:54 – You didn't explain why, if the photons are entangled, why they would be at 90 degree polarizations to each other. I thought entangled photons (photons of lesser energy obtained from splitting a photon of higher energy) possessed the same polarization. So why then would anti-aligned (90 degree delta angle) polarizations produce agreement by the 2 observers? The video was fine up until here…but at this point it has lost its explanatory power.

  15. Yeah, the last bit is pretty convenient… There it’s random at the point of origin and it’s random at the point of measurement? It’s one way or the other at the point of creation and it is one way or the other at the point of observation and if they are in tangled, one is one way and what is the other way. Of course, you don’t know which way they are until you look at them.

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