Consciousness Videos

Internal Shifts To Save Your Marriage: Seat of Consciousness

Geoffrey Setiawan

Learn The Proven 5-Step Process to Empower Yourself to Rebuild Your Relationship/Marriage

How to Properly Lead Conversations to open Up & Heal Your Partnerā€™s Emotions


When diving into my client stories, one truth stands out about all healthy relationships, especially healthy romantic relationships: internal shifts matter most. These shifts, often glossed over, hold the key to success. Neglect these, and your partner will NEVER believe your changes are REAL!

But, for some odd reason, nobody gives you true healthy relationship advice. No one tells you what healthy relationship building actually looks like. Internal shifts are THE secret behind lasting change.

In this video, I’ll go DEEP into the WHAT, HOW, & WHY behind the Seat of Consciousness.

So, welcome to Internal Shifts once again! The journey to reconciliation and healthy romantic relationships progresses!

Don’t forget to watch the previous 2 videos of the Internal Shifts series!

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2



My Clients Who Have Reconciled After Affairs

What To Do If She Needs Space

Dealing With Stonewalling in Relationship

How to Communicate Better in Relationships

Marriage Separation Advice

Facing Divorce? Hereā€™s What You Can Do!



Mastering Your Emotions in Relationships (Bulletproof Vest)

How to Stop Divorce By Avoiding The Paradox of Logic & Emotional Debt

Relationships Revival Program – An Exclusive Look Inside

Youā€™ve Changed But She Still Wonā€™t Come Back? | AVOID These Mistakesā€¦


*Why This Video Is CRUCIAL*

00:00 – Why You Should Watch This Video

01:07 – Word of Caution

*Seat of Consciousness*

07:07 – #1: WHAT is Seat of Consciousness?

10:32 – #2: WHY is Seat of Consciousness So Important?

31:08 – #3: HOW to Find Your Seat of Consciousness?


42:23 – Want to Apply for the Relationships Revival Program?


#GeoffreysSetiawan #RelationshipsRevival #GeoffreySetiawanReviews


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32 thoughts on “Internal Shifts To Save Your Marriage: Seat of Consciousness
  1. Hey guys, hope this was helpful! Leave me a comment with your thoughts!

    If youā€™d like to see if our program would be a good fit for you & what you NEED, be sure to check out my brand new masterclass on the 5 Proven Steps to Rebuilding Your Relationship/Marriage. (Warning: Spots are limited).

    At the end of this masterclass, we will provide you instructions on how to apply for the program, and we will be able to honestly inform you if the program would be a good fit for you, or not!

    Here is the link to the MASTERCLASS! ā†’

    Download the FREE GUIDE! ā†’

    To see how all my clients have achieved massive success through dire & hopeless circumstances, click here!

  2. hey Geoff I got a question about soc.
    when you go in to soc do you write what you feeling and do you write your thoughts down.
    or you just do soc all in your head. before shifting the negative feelings in to positive ones.

  3. Hi Geoffrey
    I thoroughly enjoy your videos, especially the one on untethering.

    To be come fully untethered
    Is it to be come totally untethered in my daily life, work RELATIONSHIP/MARRIAGE.
    So I
    So I become independent and non dependant of my neediness for my partner/wife and relationship?
    Which will remove my insecurities.

  4. I've made significant internal progress because of these videos, man. I appreciate the tough love, Geoffrey. It was 7 months ago when you and Jason N. gave me a reality check (slap in the face). Although it hurt, it was much needed. Wasn't even about attracting her back but becoming a better leader for oneself.

  5. What do the daily practices look like for your students?

    Daily autosuggestions
    Daily visualizations

    Is there anything else in the daily process?

  6. Just came here to say a few things.

    Haven't watched a video on this channel for nearly two years now, i learnt alot from the content when me and my wife were going through some difficult times.

    We are happily living our lives together again and share a much improved relationship. I have taken alot of the learnings and applied them to my work, fitness and lifestyle goals.

    If anyone reading this can take somthing constructive in their dark moments, its that right now your in the 'messy middle', embrace the change in your life and look fowards, enjoy the journey and keep in mind your goal.

    You might not end up where you expected, but thats the journey, if you enjoy the journey you will enjoy your destination.

    I live my life by these 3 simple steps. I show up, I put effort in and I always try to improve myself, little or large.

    Keep going and remember to be kind to yourself.

  7. For the longest time, i used to avoid having negative emotions by diverting my mind to other areas… But this video has been eye opening so far…i have been practicing SOC since last ten days.. while i am sure i have not perfected the process i m no longer running away from my negative emotions and at somelevel its deeply empowering

  8. Soc is awesome. I still have a lot to learn yet to effectively create autosuggestions, but this is a super valuable technique.

    I believe that this client interview really depicts the power of SOC and Autosuggestions once learned.

    Can't wait to apply for the program again once I have the finances, I am really looking forward to gaining the experencial knowledge it provides. Also thank you again for publishing these longer format videos that go deep. I find every time I go back and rewatch your older videos I pick up on new things I have missed, and even find many similarities to these new videos.

  9. Hey geoff can you do a video based on the mental map. I have watched a alot of ur clients stories and they talk about this mental map which i have no clue about.

  10. Great video šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ Have done mindfulness practice before. Like so many on this channel. But mindfulness by itself is kinda flat. But as a neutral place to make internal shifts, this integration, is super powerful. Great stuff, Geoffrey!!!

  11. Hey Geoffrey. Me and my girlfriend have lived together for 4 years now going on 5. We have a 3 year old son together. She finally asked to break up two months ago, but we are in a situation where we have to renew our lease as Iā€™ve been the provider and she has no place to go. I found out sheā€™s been talking to someone long distance, but has been keeping it from me. I wanted to enroll in your program, but canā€™t afford it as Iā€™m struggling a bit financially at the moment. A huge issue for us was definitely a huge lack of safety. She lost trust in me and told me she doesnā€™t see a future with me anymore. Iā€™ve been applying what Iā€™ve learned from your videos and we definitely do communicate a lot more. Any advice on how to deal with a situation like this one. I know I have to continue to shift my mindset because the truth is, knowing sheā€™s talking to someone else while living together has been a challenge for me, but Iā€™m working day and night to shift my way of thinking. I agree with you on no situation being to dire. I know I just have to get past the whole talking to someone else thing. Definitely know I have to keep working on my self esteem and building myself up and continuing to understand her and respect her. Thanks so much for all you do!

  12. Geoffrey in my early days of viewing I was definitely a conceptual kinda guy, just to be better and understand myself and her more. As someone who didn't have a lot of dating experience. emotional safety was the big thing that got me into your videos. Over this past year of really bonding with a potential partner I kinda just realized with the constant cycle of arguments that it was definitely a me problem. I've seen so many of your vids and it came back to one thing, being a better person.

    That came back to me once again after our hundreth argument by my hands, we were having an amazing time and she's repeatedly told me she wasn't ready for a relationship just yet. and while distance was being created I exploded, I was scared we wouldn't be as close as we used to or just find someone else
    I didn't know what to think. everything that I've worked on and days of just crying constantly I knew, that I haven't fully changed. That good enough really doesn't cut it if the one person I truly cared about, and love was an object of my pressure, my anxieties, my pushing, the guilt. Lashing out to her with just ugly words. I kinda just knew right then and there that it's not enough, that if theirs one time I disrespect her or put her in a low position that I don't feel good inside me. That she deserves better
    The only person I could be mad at was myself. In your interview with Therapon you said 'some people need to feel the pain' and I felt it. That I can be a good man and at the same time be an ugly person. I would have powerful imagery of just self hatred in my meditations, letting my mind wonder while discovering how I felt during my low points, my trauma abandonment etc. Your right, it goes much deeper than just 'here's the emotion cause, you flip this'. Logically you know how to change but doing it emotionally is a whole nother task. Being able to be content with yourself, being able to embrace my self hatred and ask 'Where, when did I learn to be so ugly to myself?" I cried. I attacked myself in moments I didn't feel 'good enough' when we didn't share calls, when distance grew, I would tell myself I'm not good enough and it was shitty cause I wasn't even in my own corner to give myself compassion and grow. I hated being in my own skin. I hated beating myself up and twisting myself for other people and recognizing that learning to love myself give compassion and embrace myself was one of the most liberating feelings I've had in a long time. Freedom to grow and express
    I still fucking cry and I'm so proud to have been able to come so far cause to me it isn't just about healthy relationships, it's about a healthy one for yourself, being a better person, showing the love that you yourself rightfully deserve and giving it to others. I deserve better from myself, to actually live a more fulfilling life and love myself
    I've evolved and changed so much cause of you Geoff and I'm truthfully thankful, paradigm shifting and healthy interpretations got me moving again. I've always thought of myself as a Phoenix that evolves and dies over and over again, changing coming back from ash into something better into something more beautiful and I really don't have the proper amount of words to thankyou and everyone apart of what yall do.
    I still have so much work to do, so much to learn I personally haven't enrolled cause I feel like I don't have a long term relationship but your videos have helped me work on myself more than you'd know. I personally have trouble with healthier interpretations cause I can see negative thoughts but sometimes finding the right 'Why's' can be difficult for myself and really structuring healthier thoughts around that. Still I do my best to understand myself and build healtheir paradigms. I do my best to grow and atm I'm growing and learning to untether to really give myself a better type of love and let go to better give myself and this girl I care about a better version of me. I'm tired of just being lackluster in some ways and to anyone here I'd say –

    (think of being here as a place of self healing, Betterment to yourself, be accountable, be responsible, recognize your flaws and grow from them!!!) I'm sure the program is so much deeper, with these videos I've honestly grown and it's a privilege being able to learn about self growth internally)
    Your work is amazing bruther and I honestly love taking time out of the day to learn about relationships and the self. You do amazing work Geoff! Much love- Oscar

  13. Hey thanks for the indepth video. This concept is very in alignment of radical acceptance. I do worry the concept of dissociation can easily be incorrectly incorporated and result in negative outcomes if not practiced in the right mindsets. Many dissociative disorders seem like they can begin from similar backgrounds, so I'd love some extra guidance on that. I know myself often fall into the trap of trying to mask the emotions rather than truly accept the emotions/ situations.

  14. Hi Geoffrey
    I have & still learning from you amazing videoā€™s I canā€™t afford to join the program because of the situation Iā€™m in unless I have same how lol , my question is me & my wife are separated but living together we are talking better then ever but not dating but she still wants me to move out what should I do please?
    Thanks Arthur

  15. Geoff than you for these videos. When my wife first separated from me 3 months ago I didnā€™t understand what you were saying. I was constantly trying to show her what Iā€™m doing instead of focus internal shifts so I donā€™t have try itā€™s just apart of my nature.

    When I changed my expectations from her to expect nothing to very little is when she grasped on.

    Last Thursday my wife showed me the papers. I maintained my composure took a deep breath and said okay. I went towards fear and out of my comfort zone instead of running away from it. After a discussion she told me that I seem so much happier without her šŸ˜‚.

    I let her know I am happy because Iā€™ve used the space sheā€™s given me as an opportunity to work on myself and my past trauma. I didnā€™t have relationship problems I had me problems that came up in the relationship. I told her make no mistake I want you and our family but I will be okay either way.

    This must have done something to her because she says I told our marriage counselor I printed divorce papers Months ago shortly after I left (January 27th). She says I want to see if we can heal. Iā€™m not sure if we can heal but Iā€™m going to try.

    In the beginning of this she said there was 0 chance sheā€™s moving on with her life she doesnā€™t love me and has no feelings.

    After 3 hard long months of true internal work we are making plans to go on trips and even hanging out with each other. This morning actually was the first day in months she gave me a hug.

    Anyone telling you you have to have both people working on it to make it is straight BS. It only takes one with consistency and time until the other notices and wants in.

    Thank you brother from the bottom of my heart. Iā€™m not out of the woods yet and reconciliation is a long process that has dips. Durning these dips is where youā€™re being tested so you cannot fake change.

    Keep up the great work youā€™re out here saving lives and marriages!

    I believe the next update Iā€™ll give is when she decides to move back in. Anything is possible!

  16. Thank you Geoffrey for the great content. I have learned a lot about my feelings/emotions with your videos. I have a lot of emotional illiteracy and lack of empathy. It's very hard to understand as a guy to understand your feelings and emotions because we were taught through society to never talk or express them. Can't wait for my interview call this week. Wish I found you sooner.

  17. Iā€™ve watched these videos at least 20 times each and growing. I just want to absorb it into my souuuulll!!! I want to memorize every lyric like a rap song. I need this to sink. Iā€™m using these to keep my mind in the right place while awaiting my acceptance into the program. Took me 10 weeks to get approved and I have to save up for the program. But Iā€™m really still here. I donā€™t want to be anything like the ā€œblack eye guyā€ (Iā€™m definitely not even close) I understand that I canā€™t even interpret these videos correctly because I would be doing things my own way, which I know, doesnā€™t work. Again I do appreciate these videos so much. I need to get an extra job just to move forward with this but itā€™s necessary.

  18. Hey Geoffrey, first of all, Thank you for posting this video despite there being so many reasons not to. Thank you for being so strong and considerate. I am truly grateful.
    And about this video now, it is amazing how SOC is enabling me to untethered from the outcomes. I will be coming back to this video multiple times for the next few days if not weeks because Jasonā€™s teachings and lessons have made me realize no matter how great of a learner I am, It takes time to learn in a right way and not have any blind spots on the topic Iā€™m learning.
    Once again thank you ā¤

  19. I cant express how grateful i am to see notification from jeff's newest video eventho i still struggle with my marriage. Guys,..if u reallt value your relationship, jeff is a must. Worth more than u can think of

  20. I made a misinformed comment and my apologies for that. I have removed it.

    On that note, big fan of your content. Really opened my eyes on a lot if things i completely ignored thruout my life.

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