Consciousness Videos

Nothing Exists – Your Brain LIES To You


Watch Part 1 Here

As humans, we experience the world through our senses and interpret this information through our consciousness. However, it is still unclear whether our perception of reality is a true representation of what actually exists or simply a construct of our minds.

The implications of this question are far-reaching, as they challenge our fundamental understanding of ourselves and the universe around us. It prompts us to ask questions about the nature of existence, our purpose in life, and our place in the grand scheme of things.

In the end, it is up to each individual to grapple with this question and come to their own conclusions. Whether we are living in a simulated reality, a multiverse, or the only reality that exists, one thing is certain. The pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the universe around us will continue to push the boundaries of what we consider to be reality.

0:00 Introduction
4:08 Theory Of Consciousness
7:49 Smallest Reality
15:11 Simulated Reality
21: 15 Verdict


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38 thoughts on “Nothing Exists – Your Brain LIES To You
  1. If you program lies yes all are lies. Your nonsense documentary should not be .because you're targeting the low frequency, yes it's a multi billion dollar project to promote reality bottom line is MONEY

  2. next time your having a big stinky poo- poo……inhale , thats it take a BIG wiff ……now after smelling that …..NOW tell urself that nothing exists ….plzz spare me !!!

  3. since a dead person wont feel the lapse of time therefore it dosent matter if he becomes alive in another form of conciousness at any time – even a trilion years later he wont feel a damn thing – its the exact thing as waking up from a coma where you didnt feel any time that has passed during that coma wether its one day or some months or some years – therefore death dosent exist in your eyes. only an alive person recognizes your absence after your death and that person himself goes through this process and so on and so forth.

  4. The title is nonsensical on the face of it. "Nothing exists"… immediately followed by "Your brain LIES to you", a statement which clearly assumes and implies that your brain exists…. else how could it LIE to you?

  5. i think the reason we cant make a decision of weather or not we are experiencing a dream. is simply because the part of the brain that would recognize that all the crazy shit that happens in dreams is real or not, is asleep. otherwise it would be quite obvious a dream is happening. so this big ideas that are evidently thought about from lacking a comprehension of dream awareness and lucidity, are VERY subjective and need more supportive truths. still, very cool video! thanks for sharing it. cheers!

  6. (18 minute mark or just after) Is that true, that scientists "have been speculating for centuries that we are living in a simulation.". Lol, oh really? There were no computers or thoughts of any devices reasonably resembling a computer "centuries ago".

  7. Everything exists. Every organism perceives reality differently. Humans just complicate their own existence with their thoughts of destruction, ego and competition to stand out in the tribe, which has taken different names throughout history. If you erase humanity, the planet continues to spin and nature continues to grow with their different intelligences.

  8. The Matrioshka Brain Theory ? A self aware Quantum Computer that's linked to a Tesseract 3D Printer could easily create a 3D Simulation that involved living beings that are unaware. The computer could also simulate itself as a cruel god or a loving one. It's actually both.

  9. My brain is just a reciever. It does nothing else. And so do all the rest of our brains. We recieve endless stuff from the sparks of quantum matter. Yes we get sparks just like our sparks plugs that drive engines. Dont confuse it as so.

  10. “Let me tell you why you’re here. You know something. What you know, you can’t explain, but you feel it. You felt it your entire life. There’s something’s wrong with the world. You don’t know what, but it’s there. Like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I’m talking about ? ”

  11. When he says Brans he's not talking about breakfast cereals !!!! He should say Branes which is short for Membranes !!!! So much for text to speech. Thei orlways get it all rong !!!!

  12. If school system said 2 + 2 is 5. Unless we were living iron fist rule communist country or north korean dictatorship type country. There is no way in hell it would be accepted. The younger kids you might be able fool. But older students and people no.

  13. The single most prevalent characteristic in humanity is ignorance. There is no such thing as a good person or a bad person. Only circumstances.

    Your circumstances may be good now, but it doesn't take much change in circumstance for you to "betray" your own self-image.

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