Consciousness Videos

A Unified Harmonic Matrix: Quantum Geometry & the Physics of Consciousness – Adam Apollo

Adam Apollo

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What is Consciousness? Journey to the heart of spacetime itself, and discover the quantum geometry of the fundamental lattice of energy which composes all things. From first principles, Adam Apollo will share leading edge developments in Unified Physics, and their application in understanding the mechanisms of consciousness and the spiritual faculties of being. Explore the microcosm, metacosm, biocosm, and macrocosm, and discover the fractal holographic synergy between all layers of the Universe, and the ways each layer relates to our experiential awareness. Interweaving the work of Buckminster Fuller, Nassim Haramein, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and other great thinkers of our Age, gain a transcendent and unifying view of our ongoing dance of self-discovery.

Explore the fundamentals of dimensionality from both physics and consciousness perspectives, and unfold the geometry of the pentagram, hexagram, and heptagram, and their relationship to the fundamental structures of spacetime itself.

A Unified Harmonic Matrix emerged from a series of visions that vividly reflected the interconnectedness of all things on all levels of existence. In these visions, Adam Apollo witnessed a single Eye connected through layers and layers of systems, becoming an entire Body. The Body was just one part of the land around it, woven through food, water, and Sun into the fabric of life. This fabric forms whole Continents, and each Continent in turn weaves together to form the whole Earth.

Adam Apollo describes the Earth’s patterns, interwoven in dance with the Moon and other planets around the Sun, and the Sun in turn flows in sync with other stars around the Milky Way Galaxy. The Galaxy itself is traveling in a web with other Galaxies that form our Virgo Galactic Cluster, and that cluster dances with countless others across the expanding Universe.

The Universe, as seen in these visions, is one of many Universes, forming threads of energy that weave through a fractaline Infinitiverse. These threads become geometric structures that eventually form even larger toroidal flows that connect in spherical coherence. These spheres are clustered, surrounded by many colors and vibrations of light, Electrons around the Nucleus of an Atom. The Atoms dance in interwoven chains as electromagnetic waves pass from one to another along a helical spiral that becomes DNA. Chains of DNA weave spiral after spiral layer around protein spheres that become Chromosomes, and these in turn radiate energy webs like Galaxies in a cluster that are surrounded by the Nuclear Membrane in the core of a Cell, an entire Universe of life in itself.

Organelles form patterns around the Nucleus, finally forming structures that complete the whole Cell, which is then braided in interwoven patterns to form Tissues. The Tissues interconnect through structural patterns and purpose to form whole Organs, one of which emerges in the visions as the Human Eye, interconnected with the rest of the neurological system and the other Organ Systems of the Body. Finally, as all these connect together, the whole Body emerges, another complete Universe of life, energy, and information.

After years of research, Adam Apollo realized that there is a natural organization to these dimensional layers of the Universe, in which there is a coherence across lines of scale that mirror the processes of our consciousness. This video is an introduction to this research and Adam Apollo’s visual expressions of this understanding, integrating and explaining A Unified Harmonic Dimensional Matrix through a description of what might be called the Ray of Creation, and numerological progressions.


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37 thoughts on “A Unified Harmonic Matrix: Quantum Geometry & the Physics of Consciousness – Adam Apollo
  1. No such thing as gravity. Time comes from a parallel electromagnetic field called plasma tubes. There’s only seven dimensions

  2. I know it’s just an opinion of mine, but this is truly the best explanatory video of the field I’ve ever come across. Im a career student always in self imposed school and have watched many o videos on this subject. Idk…it could be fact that this may be the best presentation still to this day…maybe…just maybe 😉 Been rewatching this here and there for years now. Always so wonderful.

  3. Gravity and radiation are the polar inverses of one another. Anti-gravity is radiation; gravity is radiation that’s pointing inward. Visible light (one type of this radiation) propagates as a wave through aether in a way that’s analogous to the way sound waves propagate through matter.

  4. A hard try, but not a nice try from this entety named Adam Apollo.

    He will have us believe that meaning and feeling, both true and unique human phenomena and to date not being replicated by any supercomputer/program, is merely a question of sticks and triangles!

    Put a sock in in, ‘Adam Apollo’!

    A helpless as any previous attempt to explain away that cannot be explained, the Source.

    The source of all creation including life itself. The selfnamed ‘Adam Apollo’ never gives us the answer but skips cleverly around and ‘fogs up’ any possible innsight and clarification on his part with extended use of seemingly relevant words in meaningless constellations.

    This becomes abundantly clear in the Q&A. At around 1:18 I was impatiently waiting for the answer to what ENERGY really is but no explaination came. Just more words. Spacetime is NOT numerology or geometry. Both are just our descriptions of our world as sen by us. It is quite easy to imagine a world without our physical reality, a pureley mental world. And the most pressing question in string theory was never answered: what er the strings vibrating in?

    Mr. Apollo does not seem to have grasped the essential insight that before the word, and thus before the creation of the physical world, before that came the insight, the revelation that; I AM!

  5. Dang! I feel like a math idiot. I take all this in and it just gels in a lump inside some black hole of my body. But the other thing I was thinking was he was me up there and I did a damn good job.

  6. Actually, protons are made up of three smaller particles called quarks, and their mass is given to them by the Higgs field. And photons are electromagnetic waves, not disturbances of spacetime. All this is well established and known, and if he had really studied physics properly he would know it too.

  7. I love this thank you Adam. Im a bioresonance therapist. New to it. This therapy gave me my life back after a decade bed ridden with Fibromyalgia. So Im super interested in the quantum and the zero point/Ether. Im sharing this youre amazing !

  8. My first real questions is … ( I know you’re trying to be politically correct) but when you see it … how high were you and on what??!??!!?? Hahahahaha 🤓🤗 anyway thank you for this amazing video! 🙌🏼

  9. Oh wow, I just came across the male version of myself in this video!🤯 Honestly though, I have had an extremely similar experience to what he explains, personally, having, which also awakened and fascinated me; sending me on a massive, many-years-long journey, of studying all aspects of physics and quantum mechanics, diving deeply into spirituality, ancient geometry, various theories and techniques, meditation, so on and so forth. I ultimately reached these exact same conclusions, that are expressed in this video, and have made it my life's mission, in recent years, to educate, and help others to comprehend the true nature of our being, and of our reality. It is incredibly validating to see that my precise understanding of the universe is 100% paralleled by his views as well. I love this video, and the way he so effortlessly conveys this important information to the world, and I am thrilled to see more and more people beginning to awaken to this truth.😊🧡

  10. Wow, blow my mind! Thank you for the new to me connections to the number seven, something I've been curiously following for a long time. The seven indicating a push out to a next dimension, the manifestation of Radiation. Expression. This is suggestive of something else I noticed, in music, the seven of a scale is "the leading tone" to the next octave. I'm thinking about how what constitutes a "seven" in a scale of music is relative to the matrix I choose to tune in to when playing the sounds. The sound of that Seven can be any other scale position determined according to my consciousness, I can decide that it is the Two of a different scale, and so it is, and thus I pop into that alternate scale matrix. Beautiful, my friend. Thank you for sharing your exploration!!!
    My first encountering of you was at a presentation in Sedona about Private Irrevocable Express Trusts. !!!! Haven't found the presentation video online yet, that I was relying on to wrap my brains around that value. Great gratitude for your sharing.

  11. The ideas expressed in this presentation are interesting, but a few questions,
    1. Have you come up with a precise mathematical description of how the the curvature of space-time gives rise to mass, as well as a mathematical framework that describes the physics of
    consciousness within well defined parameters in which they can be proven true or false?

    2. Does your theory make specific or precise predictions?

    3. Have you written a paper on the subject matter and submitted it to a peer reviewed journal?

    The presentation given was quite vague and got even more vague as you progress towards connecting the curvature of space-time and consciousness. I don't know what your motivation is, but the three questions stated above must be answered, because they are the requirements for the Scientific community to take you seriously.If you want your theories to be taught in schools, they must be tried and tested, proven to work in nature after being tested and repeated over and over again, they must be able to bring about practical results in society and people's lives.

  12. Definitely a good presentation, but why the physicists aways talk about the energy without taking about the source of that energy. Why talk about the chakras without talking about the soul, which is the greatest source of energy in human body without which none of the chakras would even work… This way it is not a complete picture, sorry. It is missing the most important pieces… Then, the Greek alphabet is not the primary one. 24 might be a significant number, but in human chakras – there are 51 vibrations (4+6+10+12+16+2+1) which corresponds to the Sanskrit alphabet, of non-human origin. Not trying to criticize, but I wish you would go to the deeper knowledge.

  13. It’s sad that after every watch, I clap at the end as if It’s my first time watching this video lol. It’s just so clever how he brings it all together for you. I love this dude.

  14. Still studying and rewatching this video in 2021. Every time I feel lost or confused, I come back to this video.
    You are my favorite science Wizard 🧙🏽‍♂️

  15. 111 222…333 555 888 333… if you continue the fibonachi sequence in sums you will discover exacly where the portal are. ( it reloops to the begining a certain points in the spiral…)i am sure you will love that one. little code bro…uni code 333 fibo uplift…lol ascended joke ahhaahhaha lol

  16. Bravo Adam, ON PoNT BRo! Thank you for facilitating the understanding to align designation of human love values of are humanity! And so the divine path is even more and faster and faster back to the center of reality. eternaty now. Naturally a great teacher and speaker. top galactic perspection to live by! bravo!!! contact me christal knows me. i want to be there. lol

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