Consciousness Videos

Does Consciousness Survive Death? | Prof. Donald Hoffman | The Tim Ferriss Show

Tim Ferriss

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Watch my interview with Professor Donald Hoffman:

Donald Hoffman ( @donalddhoffman) received a PhD in computational psychology from MIT and is a Professor Emeritus of Cognitive Sciences at the University of California, Irvine. He is an author of over 120 scientific papers and three books, including The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes. He is the recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Award of the American Psychological Association and the Troland Research Award of the US National Academy of Sciences.

His writing has appeared in Scientific American, New Scientist, LA Review of Books, and Edge, and his work has been featured in Wired, Quanta, The Atlantic, Ars Technica, National Public Radio, Discover Magazine, and Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. His TED Talk, titled “Do We See Reality as It Is?,” has almost 4M views.

Please enjoy!

Show notes:


About Tim Ferriss:
Tim Ferriss is one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People” and an early-stage tech investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Shopify, Duolingo, Alibaba, and 50+ other companies. He is also the author of five #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers: The 4-Hour Workweek, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef, Tools of Titans and Tribe of Mentors. The Observer and other media have named him “the Oprah of audio” due to the influence of his podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which has exceeded 500 million downloads and been selected for “Best of Apple Podcasts” three years running.

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44 thoughts on “Does Consciousness Survive Death? | Prof. Donald Hoffman | The Tim Ferriss Show
  1. Science is unable to prove life after death. However, how can we ignore the out of body experiences of yogis, other deep meditative experiences, some psychedelic drug experiences, and millions of near death experiences that have been reported, where consciousness leaves the body. Those reports are less fantastic than a neutrino, leaving the core of the sun, traveling to earth in 8 minutes, going through walls, going through my body, going through earth and continuing its journey. Science can prove that behavior of neutrinos and consciousness leaving the body seems easier to understand in comparison.

  2. My late sister and her husband, A heart consultant, went to India and studied under Maharishi Maresh and they taught me, A lowly carpenter, and what I heard in this video is so pure, so true that I had to add, in my humble unlearned knowledge that what is spoken of here is true. There are no words to explain but I have felt pure joy that as a human I could not express, yet I try. What they try to convey here is so, so true that anything I say could not explain what the pure joy of BEING will answer every question that you could think of, yet when you experience this transendence, you don't need to ask, you know.

  3. we all have to accept that when our brain dies, we will be back to nothingness. Tell me, what do you remember when you are not yet born? We all came from nothingness and into nothingness we will return.

  4. I guess we're actually something different. No human. Maybe we are machine elves having a human experience because otherwise we would just be happy all the time. =)

  5. I suspect so. I'm hyperperceptive, so is the American fantasy author Katheryn Kurtz. I'd followed her work for some time before what follows happened.

    In 1997, my wife reached the end of Stage 5 cancer. She was dying, and in her last moments, I blessed her on her way. Nobody else was in the room. About six weeks later, Kathryn's latest opus was published, Death of an Adept, and in it, the death scene was word for word identical. It had been written months before, but I only learned of and read it afterwards.

    Now, to demonstrate that hyperperception is not chronologically bound, in 2015 I precisely anticipated a major strategic question coming my way. Not for the first time, but when this one landed, I was under test by Prof Arshad Rather's private practice. They observed me answering the exact question put by a foreign potentate, straight from file. I knew six months beforehand it was headed my way, I'd spent four months considering the reply, and winning the deal for the UK took exactly half an hour. It may well have inspired Dominic Cummings' search for weirdos and misfits in 2020, as half the Cabinet was watching, but that's another story: you can interpret that as High-functioning NeuroDiverse. I'm probably a genius, per Craig Wright, the Head of Yale's Genius School, after I took one of his own theses from his previous tenure in the History of Music, slapped details from two works of van Eyck alongside it, showed they were examinations of the mystic philosophy of Jan van Ruusbroec, forming an academic case per the pre-Enlightenment norm of the Quadrivium, created by Cardinal Pierre d'Ailly with the intent of ending the Papal Schism. Ruusbroec's thinking passed to Gerardus Groot and the Windesheim School, becoming the Devotio Moderna (modern Christianity to you) and the Enlightenment.

    So, time can be flexible. I didn't tell Mrs Kurtz, she put her version on record long before mine, I just didn't know it. This is drifting into Wendy d'Andrea's world of crossover interoception, as a form of attunement, and it's entirely possible similar minds think alike. But if the message passed was from my dying wife, then the thesis is correct.

  6. it is easy to see Eastern philosophy here but also, as Hoffman has explicidly expressed elsewhere, Western Idealism of the classic German 19th century formulations. Hoffman is often purely Hegelian in this talk.

  7. 100% in concurrence. Came to the same conclusion on the headset/avatar concept long ago. What is 'reality' after all? Space-time is a conceptualization. Physics and thermodynamics you describe is simply a manifestation of this 'reality' which could be a thin curtain that is pulled back at 'death'.

  8. Consciousness is above the minds limitations, the mind is what is witnessed by consciousness it's SELF.
    THE SELF pervades within everything, it is that silent awareness. Just as the eyes see, consciousness witnesses within and is One without a second.

  9. Talking to people who have experienced a NDE (near Death experience) reveal that have gone far beyond such theories as 'mathematics' or other learned concepts; death is merely a transition from one level of awareness (consciousness), to another.
    It's a pity that so many who consider themselves to be 'learned' came up with such complicated theories which merely complicate matters. We are not the physical body— this is only a vehicle via which we have various experiences.

  10. …it's suchness…no birth or death…consciousness is network, your body/your brain…is like a device…iphone/ipad/nokia, samsung, huawei etc….how 3G, 5G…each of you….when your device broke/dead….like your bio_body dead….the network still exists and your new device can connected_reborn…but in another ip_address….right? and your past imformation…still in the CLOUD…right?

  11. I am from the future you see

    Where we are forever fleeting

    Between you and me

    Parallel lives and deaths

    Mold us all the same

    Consciousness into

    Awareness drains

    To energy levels

    In our brains

  12. I’m not a materialist, not a physicalist, but can’t stop asking the question; if consciousness is beyond the physical mind, why do people who wake up from comas have NO outer body experience? No dreams, no awareness of time passing, zero, nada. The same goes for being under anesthesia. Even tho you may have an out of body experience under anesthesia, you’re still experiencing via your brain. Even people who have near death experiences where there heart stops for several minutes, the brain is still on, working, giving you an experience. I’m not mocking anybody, I believe everyone’s experience and stories. I just need an explanation for why that doesn’t happen when you’re in a coma. And I love Hoffman, his lectures are amazing and I do believe in game theory and the notion that what we see are icons and not actual reality.

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