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Noetic Science vs. Infosomatics – Spiritual Sciences of Higher Consciousness


Noetic Science
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Many of you have probably heard about the research of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). It is an Institute that conducts research in noetic theories, human potential and consciousness. The main fields of IONS research are alternative healing, meditation, psychic abilities, psychogenesis and similar areas. Even though the work of the Institute is currently not accepted by the general scientific community there are a lot of interesting findings in the research of the Institute.
There is also another field of modern science that is even less known than Noetics – the name of this scientific field is Infosomatics. This new science is based on the law of transformation of information from higher planes into energy and further into matter while taking into account the flow of time. According to this law, human body is an object of the material world that is formed according to the informational programs on the higher planes of consciousness. Any sickness of a human body or interaction problems in professional and personal life are mainly caused by the disturbance in the energy-informational bodies of a human on the higher planes. As Einstein said: “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them”. In other words the cause and the solution of the problems on the material plane lie on the higher levels of consciousness. Infosomatics studies the way human energy and informational bodies interact and how this knowledge can be useful in everyday life. Info – stands for information and somatics – means body manifestation. Infosomatics is the main field of study in the International Institute of Social Ecology and even though the area of research is quite similar to the International Institute of Noetic Science the approach is different.
Noetic Scientists mainly rely on the equipment and devices in their research. Scientists in the field of Infosomatics have chosen to use practice as the criteria for testing the truth and the main device that is used in the research for proof of any phenomena is human brain and reactions of a human body. If there is a problem in human brain the only true solution to the problem can be found by using the brain itself. Any equipment or device is the results of human brain activity and certain physical manipulations with the matter. Thus, material devices and equipment have certain limitations as to what higher plane they can reach to receive information. Human brain is a much more complicated system than any device known to man, and learning how to correctly use it can be very beneficial in finding the answers to many questions and improving the quality of life.

There is really no reason to argue which approach is more correct or better – they are just different and they are both needed. If we take the definition of science from wikipedia: science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe, then we can see that both Noetic Science and Infosomatics correspond to that definition and can be reliable source of information. Both mentioned fields of science are essentially directed to help people evolve and find a better living. The ultimate goal of any scientific field …..(click the link to continue to the text version of the Noetic Sceince vs. Infosomatics: Spiritual Sciences of Higher Conscousness)

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International Institute of Social Ecology

Institue of Noetic Science

Noetic Science


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18 thoughts on “Noetic Science vs. Infosomatics – Spiritual Sciences of Higher Consciousness
  1. purpose of life is to surface truth, not to be happy. You can go down a false road for a long time while being happy only to end up in ruins. Truth is the root of all good, because knowing truth aligns you with nature.

  2. Are you South American? Like Silva Mind Method Creators? Gold for high fidelity, Silver for Cross signals, and bronze for noise? In pursuit of the originating signal that bore us the fruits of scientific enlightenment, if not Judeo/christian thought itself? But who's to say which is which am I right? Noise over Signal? Determining what is kept in and what is edited out and left on the cutting room floor, as static, irrelevancies or dissonance? Does the collective central nervous system decide then? What is affirming and pleasing to mind and physiology in other words? As we instinctively strive away from trauma and jarring impacts? Especially when violence is often a result of sense of self is being under threat. So what happens when the predominant psyche is shaped by as traumatic an event as the "nailing of the sun"? Even if on a symbolic level, of narrative and myth? That is the primary script and operating system that social bodies move to after all

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