IoTBench Consortium
FlockLab 2: Multi-Modal Testing and Validation for Wireless IoT
Roman Trüb, Reto Da Forno, Lukas Sigrist, Lorin Mühlebach, Andreas Biri, Jan Beutel, Lothar Thiele
ETH Zurich
The development, evaluation, and comparison of wireless IoT and cyber-physical systems requires testbeds supporting inspection of logical states and accurate observations of physical performance metrics. We present FlockLab 2, a second generation testbed supporting multi-modal, high-accuracy and high-dynamic range measurements of power and logic timing and at the same time in-situ debug and trace infrastructure of modern microcontrollers allowing for reproducible evaluation and benchmarking. We detail the architecture, provide a characterization and demonstrate the interface, the supported services and the tools of the FlockLab 2 testbed.
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