Tom Campbell
This interview focuses on the exploration of other virtual realities within the larger consciousness system. Tom begins with a definition and explanation of the so called “out of body” (OBE) experience. He clearly describes the altered state called point consciousness — the launching point for all things paranormal — accessing information from the available data bases, communicating telepathically, and exploring alternate realities. (See the program Exploring Consciousness below to learn how to achieve these abilities)
The MBT concept of reality is R=I, or reality equals information. All experiential realities are virtual while only consciousness is fundamental. From Tom’s viewpoint, accessing another reality is simply a matter of switching data streams. “Logging on” to another “physical” (tight rule set) reality is also possible but requires permission granted only by the executive element of the VR’s server. Because these experiences within consciousness are subjective, the evidence one gathers and the information one receives is primarily for one’s own benefit. The value you receive from such experiences is what makes them worthwhile.
And in your dreams (day or night), there are opportunities for learning and choices to be made just as there are in the VR we call our physical universe. It is through these choices that you evolve or devolve your quality of consciousness, that you fulfill the purpose of your existence.
Happy travels, and choose wisely!
-The question presented to Tom is what might help heal traumatic events in addition to understanding the situation intellectually, and in conjunction with professional help, and how compassion might come into the healing process to assist the healing.*
If you are interested in learning more about developing your paranormal abilities and intuition, and reducing your fears you may like Tom’s Exploring Consciousness program available here:
Exploring Consciousness and Everything Paranormal with Thomas Campbell* A Virtual Imaginality(tm) Product is available on the Soundwise platform here…
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*The reference to healing in this video and in links or programs, if any refers to consciousness exercises, and is not meant to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure and disease. Please seek professional medical advice for all physical and mental conditions.
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wow, this is crazy (in the best way). Really want to try my best to get as much out of this opportunity of human existence as possible (tho can't deny i'm stuck on a bit of a plateur here atm haha)
❤❤❤ thanks 🙏
Ok…IF we as consciousness, explore other realities, what do we need to process it? I’m asking because it seems we need this body to process this world we are in (seem to be in)? Seems that we have to keep this informational body to perceive this informational world, so what are we using to evaluate another reality that possibly doesn’t obey this informational realities rules?
If nothing but consciousness is necessary, then why have a “body” to see in the mirror? Is it so that we can become “lodged here” long enough to lose the fact that we used be free, and so that we can learn a little bit without taking off at the slightest bit of discomfort.
Finally, if I can go to other realities, and I have briefly, but very clearly, what keeps yanking me back to this information body when I’d just as soon stay in another?
Why do I almost every third night it seems, I realize that when I move, I’m not gonna be able to. Sometimes I try to yank out of it (and I guess it’s sleep paralysis), because I’m wide awake and it’s difficult to keep yanking my arm or leg and get control of my “body,” so sometimes and most times now I just say to hell with it, and see where we go. It would seem as if it were lucid and it is to a degree, amd I realize that this is not normal at all, and sometimes I’ll think I’m out of it, then I’ll try to move a foot or leg, and can’t, and the dream continues. However, it’s turning very lucid because it’s happening more and more. I see and talk to my grandmother who passed a year ago at 88 and my mom at 61 six years ago of cancer, but me and her have not been able to communicate.
Finally an example is that a couple of nights ago, I was hugging my grandmother and crying, and my mom come around the corner with a blue jumpsuit and looked at me and I looked at her, and I’m thinking “What the hell?”
I still can’t get out of the dream until my body releases me (I know you would use another term, but you know what I’m saying if I don’t lol).
Finally, the brain does something??? Or, does it do nothing except inhibit what can come thru I guess.
Thanks Tom!
You know that the “silver cord” was mentioned in Ecclesiastes by Solomen, its author so to speak.
Boy that horrible place Tom talks about in this video sounds really awful!!
@ Tom, what you explain does make lots of sense. The book from Tuesday Lobsang Rampa i think it was the Cave of the Ancients or the 3rd Eye. Totally the advice he gives not to attach your beliefs to what u experience. I used to meditate and stopped after freaking out. I stopped due to fear.
Also I have heard Tom say these words hundreds of times over the years and thought I really understood it but when you actually experience what it's like to let go of this data stream and be beyond it then you understand it with such clarity and it surprised me how far away from really getting it I was, even if I could hear him on an intellectual level.
Wow, when I was meditating and finally got it at an intuitive level that there is no body, then I'm there whether I want to be or not. No matter what bodily sensations come through in the data stream as long as you keep interpreting it through that understanding that there is no body then you are beyond it. I certainly can't log into any other data streams with as much definition of this universe yet though, just float there in the void after letting go of it
I appreciate these one-on-one interviews and lectures.
In other words, the larger consciousness system is an all knowing God and we are all individuated units of consciousness made in the image of God by God and He gives us this body as an avatar to live our life here on earth. The rule set (physics, chemistry, biology) is set by God, the larger consciousness system, and we have to follow that rule set. How is your theory any different than what religions such as Christianity, more specifically Catholicism, preach? All you are really doing is using the framework of Catholicism and replacing the word God with the term larger consciousness system. Your theory is essentially what Catholicism is all about. I bet many people do not realize that. I like your theory though, you are just using the most modern terminology you can to describe Catholcism, so people can better understand. The concept of God is pretty abstract, but if you call him a computer, people get that.
If this man was a pastor…I would be an attendee in his church. Wow!!! Ty.
We love u sir
I have no clue who "Jaylonda" is, my YouTube channel has been Hi-jacked or something, I am Mike, not Jaylonda.
I've been – watching, listening, tracking, read MBTOE, countless times & referenced it a million times, re-watched probably every video Tom, has been on, & audio interviews on internet shows & etc.. >> I have witnessed him extrapolating on his model, bringing forth deeper clarity , beyond the book, & I still have found NO ONE
that has presented "their ", Take on – the nature of Reality/life/existence/ Awareness/ Consciousness, – > even tho , I do not like some of the concepts/ precepts, – > (not saying he is not incorrect, on those concepts I don't like, I presume it's my human personality & it's ego/fear , that doesn't like those few concepts, because of my aquired belief systems in this PMR.
Great Interview. Very easy to follow and understand even for people who are not familiar with Tom's work yet.
Many thanks! ❤️
Is there a way to contact this man in private????? Anyone please help me
How can we change our current matter reality for the better?
I found the questions too rambling and not concise enough imho. Enjoyed the interview very much, however, thanks for posting. 🙏💖
How can going out of body only happen if it’s in your belief system. I once popped out of my body and at first had no idea what was happening. As for many other who pop out during an accident or operation. ?
All that is true. At 22-51 Tom said that you can ask the system, the server to send you another data-stream and it does send you another data-stream and you’ll get into another virtual reality. Well, it ALSO could be done while you’re still in your body, just by PRESSING YOUR EYEBALLS (by slowly increasing the pressure on them by yout fingers), as I did several times. And the server may send you visions of some other reality. As for me, when I did that, on many occasions (apart from those when it just produced multicolored dots and splashes) I saw a grid of lines forming rectangles of various forms that started flying onto me and breaking onto my foreground with a flash of light. That could have been not that interesting if not for one very significant particularity. Inside every black rectangular that was flying towards me, there were… white SYMBOLS like a figure (shape) of integral, paragraph, quotation, equation, zigzag (like SS) dash, slash and other symbols, letters, geometrical shapes. I was stunned and amazed, just flabbergasted. But then I realized that that’s just another data stream. And when asked, Tom told me that it is LCS showing me the connection between this reality and the mathematical symbolism. And that isn’t produced easily and not always, but one may try (at his own risk of course) to experiment with one’s eyes that way to reproduce this effect.