Consciousness Videos

UFOs, Consciousness, & the Nature of Reality: Jacques Vallee’s Extraordinary UAP Research

Jonas Rosen

When it comes to the mystery of UFOs & UAP, Dr. Jacques Vallée is undoubtedly one of the most influential thinkers of our time.

In fact, Vallée’s visionary work singlehandedly transformed the entire field of UFOlogy.

His research directly links UFOs to consciousness, multiverse theory, near death experiences, religion, mysticism, ancient mythologies, and to something called “high strangeness”…

This video shares why UFO research could truly revolutionize our understanding of the nature of reality, and over the coming years, could transform life on earth as we know it.

It’s a key to the evolution of humankind, at a time when we desperately need it.

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0:00 – Intro
2:29 – Interdimensional Hypothesis
3:59 – Setting the stage : Unprecedented Times
4:46 – UAP Congressional Hearings
6:11 – Incidence of UFO Encounters
7:00 – Project Blue Book & Jacques Vallee
8:24 – UFO Hypotheses
9:28 – 7 Arguments for Interdimensional Hypothesis
10:29 – Multiverse Theory
11:54 – Vallee’s Research
12:58 – 1) “Super Physics”
16:11 – 2) Inexplicable Frequency of UFO Sightings
17:35 – 3) Ancient Historical Connections
20:22 – 4) UFOs and Religious Miracles
22:42 – 5) Manipulation of Space & Time
24:50 – 6) UFOs & High Strangeness
29:16 – 7) UFOs and Consciousness
33:56 – Implications
35:53 – Vallee’s “Control System” Hypothesis
36:57 – Conclusion

Filmed and edited by Jonas Rosen.

This video is educational and not-for-profit. All footage used with permission, or in compliance with fair use/fair dealing.


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35 thoughts on “UFOs, Consciousness, & the Nature of Reality: Jacques Vallee’s Extraordinary UAP Research
  1. “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” My favorite Nikola Tesla quote!!

    What do you think of Dr. Vallee's research?

    Personally I have no doubt that in coming years, the UFO enigma WILL revolutionize our understanding of consciousness and the nature of reality…

    More videos on the way!! Please check me out at to learn more about my work… Much love and see you back here soon ❤🙏

  2. Virtual reality end game will be infinite being(s) and eternal consciousness(s). The creator of the game is the game and the players of the game. The prophet Jeremiah describes shared consciousness or "Christ consciousness" in the first book of Jeremiah.

    Jeremiah said,

    "The word of the Lord came to me, saying,

    Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”

    -Jeremiah 1-4

    This verse from a perspective of shared consciousness;

    "The word of the Lord came to me, saying,

    Before I formed you (body) in the womb I knew you (consciousness)."

    And then God told Jeremiah,

    "You must go to everyone I send you to and you will speak whatever I command you."

    Jeremiah 1-7

    From a perspective of shared consciousness;

    You (consciousness) must go to everyone I send you (body), and you will speak (shared consciousness) whatever I command you."

    God tells Jeremiah that the very words that come from Jeremiah's mouth belong to God.

    "Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth."

    -Jeremiah 1-9

  3. All these aliens are just fakes, fantasies, 💩👽💩👽💩👽💩fairy tales and the cover legend of the special services. They mask military programs, real UFOs, flying saucers and triangles – it's all purely terrestrial technology. First they were made in the USA, and now they have been copied both in Russia and in China. Now, in conditions of global tension, the appearance of Russian UFO-type reconnaissance vehicles near American military facilities is more than justified. But it is important to remember that this technique is secret, first used by the Americans themselves in 1947, they actively used UFOs for many years… But this technology, plasma propulsion panels, it is still not very convenient to use. Firstly, during the operation of high-frequency pulsed railgun cells that make up the motor panels, strong microwave radiation occurs. It (even when shielded by a Faraday grid) has a harmful effect on pilots. Therefore, it is impossible to fly on these devices all the time. Secondly, because of the microwave, it is impossible to maintain radio communication with the devices. And, thirdly, the lifting capacity of the devices is still small. That is why "flying saucers" are used in secret mode for espionage purposes. However, recently such a spy function has become irrelevant due to the opening of borders and the availability of new technologies (satellite tracking). I advise you to read Christopher Buckley's book "Little Green Men", which satirically talks about the secret UFO technique and the spread of misinformation about aliens and even about fake "kidnappings" to support the legend. K. Buckley was a speech writer for Bush Sr., he knew many secrets.

  4. hello jonas, have you read law of one ( the ra material)? It explores very very similar topics in which a meditative state was used for communication with beings from higher conciousness densities (dimensions)

  5. i would add there was legislature passed about ufos in 2021 and 2023 the shumer amendment will also be reintroduced for 2024 and some of the legislation requires the gov to turn over all information thats older than 25 years old and deadline is october 18 2024

  6. I’m curious about your opinion since you cover both UFOs and psychedelics, imo these entities seem to be both archetypes of the subconscious and external entities at the same time. What do you think of that and does that resonate with your own views?

  7. Note to self: 'Listen often/on repeat to succinct last 4 minutes of this presentation.' Thank you, Jonas, for your hard work on this brilliant piece. Beyond UFOs on order.

  8. I can also recommend Ross Coulthart at Close Encounters Australia, some great Q&A with likeminded people. Naturally much better than any of his "Breakfast TV" appearances.

  9. Congrats for the video! It's been quite a while I haven't seen such a brilliantly dissected set of aspects underlying the hidden connection between human consciousness and the UFO phenomenon. It does not necessarily mean they are extraterrestrial. In fact, like you explaindd so well, accumulated evidence seem to suggest their interdimensional nature. They have already interacted with humanity in the past for thousands of years and they are simply continuing monitoring us.

    I used to be a skeptics until 2019, when I saw a weird light in the night sky from my bedroom window. I quickly took my cell phone to start recording a video of it, which I promptly uploaded here to my YouTube channel, so everybody can take a look and figure it out by themselves.

    Before 2019 I used to believe in the Einstein's theory of the speed of light as the ultimate possible speedness in the universe, which easily demonstrate how prohibitively long interstellar travel would take. Didn't think much about the subject between 2019 and 2023, when David Grusch's famous testimonial in front of the American Congress shook the world with his revelations and I finally became a believer on the phenomenon. Since then I arrived to the very same conclusions exposed here on this video, and I would also like to shed some light into this connection taking into consideration our thoughts, emotions, desires and intentions. I'm not writing it here today but I hope to be able to expose my POV tomorrow or at most by the end of the week, though.

  10. Great job! You're better at this than I could ever be. I intend to send this to people I think might understand and care. I don't really know the world any longer. It was simpler only a few years ago. Thank you…

  11. I tried CE5 meditation to ask for a cure for a friend who is in vegetative state due to brain injury from a motorcycle accident. In my mind, I zoomed on his address from space like google earth, down to his apartment and room and then into his brain. I did this for 4 or 5 days in a row. I had no feedback. But a week or so later, I had an out of body experience during my sleep, at around 5:30 AM, on the 25th of December, in which a purple entity showed up in my dream, grasped my body with a magnetic force, shook it like a bottle until my "consciousness" popped out of my body. Now I could see my body (fully dressed) in the bathroom, with half of it out of the apartment walls, passing through the tiles which were painted with purple reflections of the feminine force that made me pop out. She mustered a green orb and then sent it through my right arm to my heart that was racing. My body was buzzing from head to toe with an oscillation close to speed of light. That's how fast and intense the buzzing was. It was a blissful buzz though. In my dream, I thought I was having a heart attack and thought I was dead. I said to myself, huh, so this is how dying is. It was not terrifying at all. I was very calm, blissful, and objectively curious. Just as I thought of my observation during the OBE I opened my eyes in bed. To figure out whether this was a psychosomatic experience or an independent third party being actually visited me, I listened to my breathing. Even though my heart was racing, my breathing was as smooth and slow as a baby during sleep state. That's when I confirmed to myself that this wasn't a subjective occurrence but an objective one. The feminine force was human like, had a beautiful but a bit cat-like face. As she inserted the green orb to my heart, I heard an octave of ascending notes in crystalline tingle like sounds. It was a great experience. I recorded the melody I heard in the morning on my computer. I checked the meaning of seeing a green orb in a dream and to my surprise I found out that green orb was associated with the heart chakra, which was quite humbling because I had made fun of this chakra stuff my whole life.

  12. Love your videos Jonas, and still loving the content in this new the format although personally not a fan of having a lot to read on the screen when I'm watching a YT video. If you could remove or trim down the text it'd be an improvement imho. It also looks too small for text on TV. Food for thought 🙂

  13. The gravity drives with Element 115 could support this theory. What exists in the space-time or slip-space created by the gravity drives? There could be other beings living in that space-time the gravity drives travel through.

  14. This is not surprising at all. I went to Peru last year and tried ayahuasca, expecting to see beautiful things. Instead, I was approached by interdimenonal alien beings who explained to me that they ruled the Earth since ancient times. I was traumatized to learn that we are their experimental subjects or pets. We have to spiritually evolve by loving one another or never get out of this matrix set up by them.

  15. Great video, Charles Upton wrote a nice book on the topic as well along the lines of Vallee's understanding, though does not pronounce a particularly positive value judgement on the phenomenon, all the while recognizing it's link to altered states of consciousness.

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