Actualized Clips
Exploring how the universe manifests physical reality, using will or intention. If you shift your identity to that of the entire universe, your experience of being in control radically changes.
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Does Free Will Exist? – What Is Will?
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Disclaimer: Some of the advice provided in these videos could be dangerous to your psychological or physical well-being if applied improperly. By listening to & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences. You agree to waive any legal recourse against Actualized LLC, Leo Gura, and staff. This is not medical or psycho-therapeutic advice.
Warning: Spiritual work is inherently risky and dangerous if misapplied or misunderstood. teachings are not suitable for people with serious mental disorders such as: suicidal depression, schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar, ADHD, drug addiction, or other psychiatric or medical conditions. Leo’s teachings assume you have a stable and well-ground mind and life. If your mind is ill or unstable, these teachings may lead to a deterioration of your condition and even suicide if misapplied. Self-help and spirituality are not substitutes for professional treatment for such conditions. If spiritual work is causing your life to unravel in unhealthy ways, discontinue the work until your mind has stabilized and you are safe. teachings are very advanced and can easily be misunderstood and misapplied. Nothing Leo teaches ever promotes physical self-harm. Any time Leo talks about “facing one’s death” he is NOT talking about suicide or physically harming your body, but rather ego-death and spiritual awakening. Never confuse these two things.
All is made out of thoughts and the believes in to them.
yes i member now that i drop the wheel some point to otherguy… ok take the wheel now.. yes
So the ego is an unfolding mechinism but it has none because it cannot escape the unfolding nature of law of oneness
photon cannot be split, & having zero mass it cannot decay=it's eternal energy empowers Electron….new principle of photoelectric conversion or photoelectric energy wireless network transmission just as Nikola Tesla wanted, soon will empower cities and transport, unfortunately after the universal income tax in few decades…
Yes and no, not always=light as universal unconscious mind is impersonal substratum= reason for lack of Devine intervention>I achieved Nirvana freedom from limitations so you can understand that there's no such thing as free will or no Free Will, Contradiction means there's no Will….soul is independent of Will as God=Light is independent of intention=reason why it's totally unconscious and free from any limitations other than Blackhole, but Blackhole is only optical illusion… light appears as bent=but nothing can change electron or photon…
Uhh, total word soup.
But what does this "UNIVERSAL WILL" want? You beat around it so much my IQ dropped.
Yes, everything is Gods will, because God’s will is freewill for all individual mind centres to choose freely.
The definition or purpose of love is the action or energy that restores balance so that life can occur. Love is of the highest vibration as it is the function of the Universal I Am. Love is For-Giving just as the Universal I Am gave the Gift of Being to many others and the ability to freely choose.
The Universal One, simply shared the gift of Being with many others, and provided the opportunity to experience life & bliss. The Universal I Am’s will, is that you have freewill to choose life or not. Alignment with the Universal Laws is alignment with life itself. Ignorance of Universal Laws leads to death, disease, destruction, constricted consciousness ect…. With each thought word and deed we are choosing life or death, to rise or fall. We must become knowers of the field and ourselves if we want to ascend and transcend our animalistic fleshly natures. The amount of truth you hold will allow you to climb to the next rung up on the ladder of Being. Fail to make use of that truth and you will loose it, fall. The hour is late. The water is going down the drain. Don’t get caught up in the downward spiral. Let go of the ways of this world and start swimming up stream.
As a freewill Being, we only have 2 choices. Either to align with the Universal Mind / Universal Laws that allow life to occur or not. Currently most human are fixated on the material world and sense gratification and live in ignorance to Universal Laws. With thought, word and deed we are either rising or falling upon the ladder of Being. Our current form or body is not what we are, but is only the lamp that holds the vibrational frequency of our consciousness. Change your frequency and you will change your body and the realm you manifest into. The great danger is to get caught up in the material world, where we run the risk of becoming shipwrecked and falling into the unconscious realms. The material realms are more dense and as a result consciousness is constricted. The further we fall, the harder it is to climb back up. Let go of this world and it’s ways. A mill stone has been tied around humanities neck.
The amount of Freewill a Being has, would be in accordance with its level of conscious awareness. The form of a rock runs along unconscious lines of Being, therefore it is unaware of itself or if it even has a choice. A Human on the other hand still has conscious awareness and therefore still has freewill, but is still being controlled by the collective river. In other words, if you can’t let go of the behaviours of the lower realms of Being, you will be swept down stream with them into the unconscious realms of Being.
This man is a master of saying nothing substantial.
Flow with life instead of opposing it.
Thanks Leo😊
God's Will is Goodness itself and limitlessly Great and Powerful. God will not force His Will onto you, just push you a little, and you will eventually surrender to His Will for your own liberation, and really, in actuality, you have no choice.
You either submit and surrender to God's Will or the ego's will, which is in resistance to God's Will and you will see it trying to will you to suffer and remove you from God by doing filth etc.
Seeing this and God's Good Will which is your only Good, and as the Will of God infiltrates you slowly as time goes by, it comes a moment when you sit down, and YOU FUCKINGS SURRENDER TO GOD'S WILL!
And in that very moment, the ego has totally lost, as it invetiably MUST do, and as time goes by and surrendering to God's Will happens from you MORE AND MORE, I swear on MY MOTHER, the ego WILL BE CRUSHED TO DUST.
God is Great!
Please leo What do think about the teachings of neville goddard about manifestation and imagination?
No. Reality creates consciousness. Consciousness is called 5th skana. if you want to sound like you know what you're talkin about then start using the word *awareness more instead
so much knowledge thank you so much
love your videos!
This Leo is beyond the TOTAL MASOCHIST. He's probably not going to stop until he destroys the life of millions of people
This perfectly explains the difference in behavior between let's say the encounter between Europeans and native Americans. Severely limited ego-minds meeting including, loving being in harmony with nature (mostly). The result isn't pretty.
And keep in mind these same European egos are still in control today, as seen by the total dysfunction of society lately.
Okay, so now how do I give myself (or manifest or whatever) the money to survive for 1 year?
Leo the modern day Allen Watts.
Such a key point I’ve tried making in my videos. You nailed it on the head though 🙌🏼
My will is paralyzed, I think of many things but I never do anything.
This is what I'm talking about
I would love if you would do a talk on simulation theory – I've seen it and most people do not know about it. Be well ❤️🩹
That is why dopamine and serotonin are directly connected to creating or doing something productive. Not entirely for survivals sake only, but we become one with the the universal mind in our participation with life itself.
Made it ♾️💜 where is my illusion Leo I luv that part of God 💋💋💋human kisses 💋💋💋
Feel yourself & know that THIS is everything you wanted
Thank you.
👉 🌑
Do not try to bend the spoon, that's impossible. Instead, try to realize the truth. The truth is, that there is no spoon. Then you'll realize that it's not the spoon that bends, it's only yourself.
Love and light to everyone 🤗