AI's Latest and Greatest

The French strategy in the field of artificial intelligence

Defining artificial intelligence (AI) is not easy. The field is so vast that it can not be restricted to a specific area of research: it is rather a multidisciplinary program. Originally, its ambition was to imitate the cognitive processes of the human being. Nowadays, its current objectives are rather to develop automatons that solve some problems better than humans, by all means available.

Thus AI comes at the crossroads of several disciplines: computer science, mathematics (logic, optimization, analysis, probabilities, linear algebra), cognitive science… not to mention the specialized knowledge of the fields to which we want to apply it. And the algorithms that underpin it are based on equally varied approaches: semantic analysis, symbolic representation, statistical or exploratory learning, neural networks, and so on so forth. The recent boom in artificial intelligence is due to significant advances in machine learning. Learning techniques are a revolution from AI’s historical approaches: rather than programming the rules (often much more complex than one might have thought of) that govern a task, it is now possible to let the machine discover them itself.

AI is also fast developing in the context of “dataization” of the world (e.g. big data), which affects all sectors and by the exponential increase of computing power and data storage capacities. Applications are multiplying and directly affecting our daily lives: image recognition, autonomous car, disease detection, content recommendation, are some of the countless outlets that are being explored. The universality of the AI and the infinite variety of its variations announce a revolution full of challenges and rebounds.

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French version :

With the participation of: Emmanuel Macron, Cédric Villani, Cathy O’Neil, Stuart Russell, Noriko Araï, Mounir Mahjoubi, Demis Hassabis, Sam Altman, Yann Lecun, Yann Bonnet, Célia Zolynski, Fei Fei Li, Eric Hazan, François Sillion, Bruno Lemaire,



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