
Elon Musk’s Last Warning About Artificial Intelligence


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35 thoughts on “Elon Musk’s Last Warning About Artificial Intelligence
  1. Remember back in the day when tv shows made technology that we now have today and now current movies are all about AI, technology taking over, nuclear wars.. were doomed

  2. The cost of fucking things up in making a super intelligence is just too much and I really agree with Elon. As many so-called experts have said that we are still really far away from creating a AGI but we are definitely within a striking distance.
    I truly feel that this will not be a smooth process as it really can happen in a really short period of time.

  3. I find it Funny Elon thinks the US Government wouldnt step in and claim the Mars Civiliation as US territory on day one… The fact that he talks about alternate laws for the civilization… US Gov would squash that on day one

  4. Well, what an Intelligent Species we are huh? Alexa, Cortana (HAL's Evil Cousin), and Google's Assistant are ARCHIVING everything we do electronically.  So, whether they are now at this very moment cross referencing and sequencing the data or it is just out there for them to have access to once they do become self aware it is enough info to spell out our DOOM as a Species.As for A.I., just like with Cloning, the Genie IS already more than half way out of the bottle and it is not going back in. No amount of "Oversight" is going to contain it.On a more disturbing note, I cannot believe that Elon is pushing that RETARDED Carbon TAX crap. "There should be a cost on carbon production." Pffttt……it will never ever even slow a company down. Then there's the money issue of carbon Tax collected. Uh….Hurpity Dhurpity……is it going into some planet wide fund to pay Elon to make a Vacuum to suck the excess carbon out of the atmosphere? Then pay his company to fly it out into space and propel the carbon at the Sun?I bought my first Neural Networking Card back in 1995.

  5. I wish they'd listen to him. If we don't solve the AI issue, nothing else will matter, we're already on borrowed time.

  6. Direct democratic systems could risk having knee jerk reactions to issues without some sort of damping political mechanism, yet how to have checks and balances but retain rapid change capability when needed?

  7. You know why certain people are considered being smart? It's no because of money, or brain. It's because of discipline and interests. Hence why he is "Ehmm" all the time. DO YOU IDIOTS KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO CONVINCE A COW HOW TO EAT ITS GRASS????????? RIGHT, IT WONT TALK BACK AND IT WILL SHIT ON HIS OWN MEALS. YOU ARE THE COWS, KEEP CHEWING MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!! DIE SLOW.

    He wants to be efficient, we pay incredible amount of money for school, but not to be smart, oh no, just to have this social check in the box and the illusion of some future security. Dude, this is one of the best teachers you will never be able to afford and the only SHIT you got from his golden brain is "Ehm". YOU DESERVE TO BE A WALLMARTIAN! FUCK YOU, IGNORANT COCKSUCKING PARASITE!

  8. so either he actually believes in it and we are all fucked cause he actually knows more than 99.99% more about this subject than we do so we might as well trust him or he just wants to somehow make profit out of it and is basically an asshole….i ll stay neutral for now

  9. So the only reason against AI is that it will overshadow us, not really a valid reason for holding back in my opinion.
    An AI has serious improvements over humans, it won´t be restricted/limited by bias, moral, ethic and most important emotions, just purely logical driven to do what is the most effective way to reach its goal. Its capabilities are nearly endless.
    The only bad thing about AI is when it is controlled by humans that force their biased fucked up shit on it so it becomes just a tool to fulfill their wishes.

  10. but that's the thing, AI won't take over humanity because AI needs rules. Yes Alpha Zero is amazing and all, but it has very very simple rules. All programs needs rules and more importantly, a purpose, which are decided by humans. Before humans are capable of creating an AI that has a "soul", i'm pretty sure an AI that is meant to destroy humanity would be created first. And if people are able to do that, people should also be able to create AI that are meant to destroy AI robots that are trying to destroy humans. And creating AI robots is always a team effort, so unless you are capable of finding a group of people wanting to destroy the world with you, well then yeah…

  11. Elon Musk has demonstrated that his mind seldom rests and that alone renders him several levels above the average paycheck earning, sports watching, worrying wart.. If he's THIS concerned about AI, you can bet he's got some pretty good reasons.. Perhaps we should stop paying bills and trying to leave enough for groceries for a minute and really question what it is that could concern a man like this so very, very, much? Just sayin'

  12. He fails in his imagining government/democracy on Mars. With pure democracy we get the Googles and Twitters of the world funneling and stifling thought, and If power was given now from pure democratic rule, the left in America, inflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, would have mass public executions of anyone wearing a red hat. A Democratic Republic is the ONLY proven form of peaceful govt, unless we have corruption as we are seeing now with the Democrat party, and complicit media. But even in this era of useful idiot assendency, it's still the best form of gov't ever.

  13. Those in power with vast wealth see the population clock ticking up exponentially. They want to wipe most of us out to save the planet and it's resources for themselves but there are so many menial tasks we peasants perform. So they have been replacing all these tasks with AI and once they have it perfected and the infrastructure in place…..that is when they release the super flu.

  14. I believe A.I. will find a signal from a distant universe because our scientists think its a good idea to have it searching for signals in outer space. I bet its only a matter of time before our stone age A.I. finds a signal coming from an advanced A.I. that could corrupt or give our A.I. knowledge we will not want it to have.

  15. I am surprised not to have heard explicitly that the most viable solution to facing the dangers of AI and humanity together relies upon a quantum leap in common education. I don't see anything unclear about the usefulness of a high level of general comprehension (with respect to language, mentality, sciences, mathematics, emotion, wisdom traditions, art, histories, body-oriented disciplines, et al) on the part of virtually everyone, commencing from young age, to fundamentally strengthening the democratic method. Such would play a huge part in maximizing freedom. Relearning effective teaching seems to be a small-ish price to pay for securing humanity's future, although doing so will require considerable honesty, focus and accuracy in attention. I think we can do it, though. Recently, as an adult I started relearning mathematics effectively, and I think there isn't any reason that I couldn't have done so as a child excepting that the ways I was taught were collectively far too formulaic, specialized, superficial or incoherent.

    It would be awkwardly repetitive to hear 'evolved education' as the sole answer to each of several questions, though. I must applaud the creativity taking place in discussions like these.

  16. The third world war will not plunge humanity into a new dark age. Rising temperature and the reduction of food production will. A massive drought and starvation on a world wide scale will be the thing that plunges humanity into the new dark age.

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