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47 thoughts on “The bankers guide to art
  1. Very interesting ….I worked with Yigal Ozeri for awhile and got to experience the high end art world ….it's kind of amazing that you can take a blank canvas and create currency

  2. An artist gets paid through galleries, usually low thousands and the gallery takes 50% commission. When the art goes to auction the artist gets nothing even if the art sells for millions….it sucks.

  3. It's high-time that a Painting Artist should be provided the commission or whatever every time his art goes on sale/re-sale / auction/ Exhibition. May be the artist sold it for $500 cuz he was new or couldn't put the right price for various reasons; but say after few year it's value went to $50,000 it's a blow-hard for the poor artist. It should be as similar to media artist, movie actors, singers,,, who's movie, tv drama & programs, etc, gets the commission every time it's sold or broadcasts, even after the programs are over. Someone should start this revolution.

  4. 30 years ago … maybe… The problem is that nowadays everybody, but EVERYBODY loves sushi, so knowing the best fish and chips is probably more in than liking sushi 😉

  5. "The Artist's Odyssey"
    I've spent the last 3 years documenting my art works into memoirs and picture books as it progressed since I've been fortunate to survived to this internet age on the earning of my arts and crafts, dating from 1965 to 1998.
    The photo-journal contains 180 + pages of art's, travel-photos and paintings, many are in the homes of private collectors.

    "The Artist's Odyssey"
    (Should be a must read for art collectors & lovers)
    See details below:

    ENJOY & Share.

  6. #1. Have lots of money to spend on art
    #2.Spend lots of money on art
    #3. Make it known to the" art world" that you have spent lots of money on art
    #4. Simmer
    #5. Re-sell your art for more money than you originally paid for the art
    #6. Repeat
    (Note from the author: Please do not delete this comment: "We kid because we love"-really!)

  7. Step 1: Be jewish.
    Step 2: Make a lot of jewish connections.
    Step 3: Invest in the ugliest, most meaningless, nihilistic, vapidly pretentious garbage you can find in the big musea.
    Step 4: Launder lots of dirty maffia money using the 'art world' as a cover up

  8. I would never buy art…it's not liquid. Once you buy it, you're basically f-ucked.
    At least with a sports car or fancy home…you can recoup around 70% if you need to sell it back to the market in a reasonable amount of time with the demand floating around for it.

  9. Wanker society. , reminds me of the emperors new clothes , poor artist , maybe this is their way of rising the dead, zombies gorging . I want my own art museum?….

  10. to be honest, the art has no importance in this industry. If you used cheap painting on a cheap canvas and had no name, you could sell it for 300$ if you could convince people the value is going up and it will sell for thousands in a couple of years.Again, you could sell for thousands if you could convince people it will gain lots of value in upcoming years and so on. They are buisness man. Like the guy at 17:13 says, Fomo.fear of missing out on a peace of art that will gain considerab;e value.

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