Consciousness Videos

Inside the Shared Hallucinations of Our Conscious Reality


In episode eight of The Most Unknown, physicist Jun Ye, builder of the world’s most powerful atomic clock, travels to England to undergo consciousness experiments with neuroscientist Anil Seth.

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43 thoughts on “Inside the Shared Hallucinations of Our Conscious Reality
  1. If anyone is really interested in deeper thinking topics, this video is from a document on Netflix called The Most Unkown. And I highly recommend watching the whole thing

  2. re "why consiousness is a part of our universe at all". It seems likely that consiousness came about as an evolutionary advantage. It is much easier to avoid danger, find food, and find a mate if a being is conscious. Don't ever overlook something because it seems too obvious or too simple. Even our sense of humour is a useful evolutionary tool, in terms of passing intelligence genes on to the next generation, as one has a better chance to get laid if one can make one's girl laugh and have fun on a date.

  3. To understand consciousness, you have to change your perspective and imagine the hurdles evolution had to face. Evolution of senses. I already know why we dream.. and that's because of aware-defenses in audio-visual form while rested. It's complicated to say it in words.. not as much but i m being lazy. But I know ..

  4. i promist you, your company, vice/motherboard, at the moment have issues, and problem. for instance even here, i can't even watch a video for 40 seconds without someone 'playfully' being stabbed with a knife
    you should sort out your journalism

  5. Having experienced an "ego" death on LSD during a party I can fully agree the "self" is a hallucination built masterfully by the brain. Quite the shocking experience not being able to determine one's own existence and the boundaries between internal and external. It's like being dead, but alive.

    The day psychedelics are brought into the hands of passionate scientists is the day humanity will start to understand itself.

  6. It's all about survival, not just of the self but the species as a whole.  Think in terms of evolution; who best adapt to survive even when danger comes.

  7. I like these videos but they lack detail and explanation. Maybe it's made for a more general audience but if you're going to put so much time and effort into a video with a neuroscientist and a physicist, why not make it more scientifically informative?

  8. Around 1:52 was an example of the most unpractical way to have a quick conversation. Meet in the middle of the country side and talk about the wonderful things in the lab thats at a different location. LOL

  9. Something isn’t adding up here. Arguably some of the smartest, most technically proficient people on earth and all they have to show for it are a few old parlor tricks? Either this video failed to capture a accurate representation of the field or sadly, its pathetically still in its infancy and really isn’t news at all. This is disappointing.

  10. That one patch of unshaved hair on this dude's head is really bothering me. Can't even focus on the video. Like why bro, all that brainpower, why can't you just shave that shit

  11. I would love to study more about the subconscious and the human mind watching this video has got me curious and wondering more about how we see the world around us

  12. Well, take as an example that figment of your imagination that called "voting": you seem "conscious" about confirming third-party hallucinations.

  13. Trying to solve a mystery which has been solved by monks thousands of years ago.

    Everything is one conciousness experiencing itself for the higher good.

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