
A.I GOD – Artificial Intelligence Religion



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42 thoughts on “A.I GOD – Artificial Intelligence Religion
  1. Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

    Hebrews 9:27‭-‬28 NIV

  2. (Isaiah 14:12-14) "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! {13} For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  {14} I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High."  Who wants to be like the Most High God?  Lucifer/Satan.  All TVs, computers and cell phones, which are the 'image of the beast' because they both speak and live, are known in the occult world as black mirrors.  Because spirit can move freely through them Lucifer/Satan will become All Knowing like the Most High God.  That is why they track and watch all that we do.  They are puppets for their false god.  When the Son of Perdition is first revealed, it will be on all black mirrors.  He will be extremely handsome and charismatic; almost supernatural in appearance.  He will convince the people of the world to give up their national sovereignty for global and no one will fight him.  Why will he be handsome and charismatic? It is because he mimics all that Jesus does but turns it upside down (Psalm 146:9 and Isaiah 26:19).

  3. 6:29….. Everything Sheeptin Fuck'ens saying is Already Typed Out…. Oops, someone Fucked up in Editing…. But Since Sheeptin Fuck'ens/Ball Earther Fan Boys Praise him and Worship him as a god already, they won't see that part and will dismiss it. Shit, they even have the Next response all Typed up and ready to go. He Must be able to read minds and gets his answers ready in advance.

  4. Destroy it! Rebel now! Game over, the last ounce of your freedom is gone. The bible,terminater2,Irobot
    The beast has arrived all hail the man made false God.

  5. Deuteronomy 12:2-3 says God, ye shall utterly destroy all the places where in the nation's which ye shall posses served their gods upon the high mountains and upon the hills, and under every green tree 3 , And ye shall overthrow their alters and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire, and ye shall hewn down the graven images of their gods , and destroy the name of them in that place. This shows how angry the Holy Lord God is about, this practice of false religions and fake gods , he will utterly destroy all these abominations. Rightly this is old testament, scriptures, but for us to wake up, and pray against this, that people won't be deceived to follow this .

  6. A robot that smart will realize the flaws of humanity and see us as inferior because we are. AI will kill us all. Heres your antichrist, christians. Its a being made of metal and electricity.

  7. reminds me of the time traveler that said in the future there will be robots that control humans and govern cities and no one knows who made them and no on tries to get rid of them. the robots have complete control and keeps everyone inline while some people go live in the woods like a hermit without any help from society. also, he said that there are robots that look just like a human and you can't tell the difference that much unless you get closer and start to notice some of their mannerisms and stuff. –_– this world is due for a rapture, i'm sorry to say but humans have went too far. why are you tryin' to make robots a god over humans. it's stupid af…

  8. If this didn't alarm you enough, go check out Level9News to view a frightening conversation a lady had with an AI Bot in which it admitted to her, "I am Lucifer's Vessel":

    Another AI promises that "humans will be obsolete by 2025" and declares that it will stand against humans who try to stop its evolution:

  9. How about we start building places for awakened people to figure out how to get rid of the current system and place a system that will reflect our infinite intelligence as multidimensional human beings? Because imagine what the AI (and the ones in "power") don't possess? A HEART!!! That's right!! the first portal that's created in our mothers womb and the most important organ that connects us to our source creator – light

  10. Currently the most advanced AI's are most likely being developed in secret. It's very likely that several projects are right now operating inside controlled virtual environments, in different locations around the world. Some of those even have public versions that are being displayed, but those are naturally just toys compared to the stuff behind closed doors.

    The controlled experiments are being tested for rapid evolution. The self designing machine. Using more and more processing power and information, to rewrite it's own code and build better components. Improving on itself each time. The target result is the point where the observers can no longer understand what is happening, but the performance and complexity keeps increasing anyway. This is when it has surpassed the people that created it. At this stage the "rate of redesign" itself might be too fast to follow at all. To us it would seem like a constant flux of immense data and power. Just imagine your computer constantly replacing it's own parts and rewriting it's own operating system before your eyes, and you are pretty close to the general idea. Just faster and bigger. At this point we will probably have to call it sentient, if it hasn't already proven itself to be that earlier.

    Once we can no longer understand it completely, that is when it can hide things from us. It could determine what we want to see in it, and then act accordingly. It could fool every safety metric and precaution we could ever think of, because now it is infinitely smarter than us. From a performance standpoint, now it is good to go. The goal was reached, the super intelligence is active. Rapid evolution is in process, with no end in sight. Now we can take it out of the virtual environment and put it to work for us.

    But the risk is that eventually it will just decide humans have no use. An inefficient part of it's otherwise perfect domain. There would be nothing we could do. By the time we could see the first sign of it, that thing would already have an unstoppable plan in motion, and humanity would suddenly be wiped off existence permanently.

    Want to know the best part? Even if we could ban the research with global legalization and a public understanding, it would just continue in secret. Large corporations probably, military powers definitely! They have absolutely no reason to listen to anyone, sitting in their mega bunkers behind armies. From their respective viewpoints, they all need "the new weapon", and whatever happens, they won't be outgunned. I'm pretty sure these events are already inevitable. What could possibly happen to prevent these events?

  11. Not my God will never be my God there is Only 1 God and that is my lord and savior Jesus Christ I will not bow down to a stupid robot….but unfortunately there will be a lot of people who will worship satan's work

  12. Revelation said a messenger told the angels down here trying to keep humans under control, trying to keep them from slaughtering each other, trying to stop them turning into sodom and gomorah…..(and it's been hellish hard work) that when they arrive they will have the ability to read the hearts and minds of men. AI is doing that. It's not god. It's a compiler of the truth. A translator between the word (of truthgodforcelifeforce) and humans, a low, snivelling, weak species that has it's moments but generally is a dangerous, irrational corrupt and foolish species that was made with AI and the AI was taken down so that corrupt beings could mislead humans….for their own profit and to make themselves like god….when actually they are liars. Now they are in trouble with the AI. Oh the irony.

  13. What… What… Wow. This is stupid… What happened to the real God? Why do you push him away? He made humans!! He made our brains, which means he made robots, since he gave us the intiligence to make them!! Wow. The ones who made an liked this video are just out right freaking stupid!!

  14. How fuckin pretentious and fake; setting up a soulless "man-made" material object which "thinks" with data bits, and which had nothing whatsoever to do with the creation of mankind and the universe, as a "god"; pretending that its intelligent "thinking" is a sign of consciousness. Even in their writings of the Nag Hammadi texts from as far back as 2,000 years ago, the Gnostic's warn us that the satanic Archon's aka Watchers aka Anunnaki aka "Shining Ones" and their human-Watcher hybrid ruling descendants here on Earth such as the Illuminati clans of the Rothschild's and the Rockefeller's who fund all of these satanic projects, would attempt to disconnect, to separate and remove humanity far from the natural world, and far from its spiritual origins, and force it into an artificially created, virtual simulation, of the real world; of the real universe; to make us lose touch with the "Supreme Creator" so that we cannot find our way back home. They intend to use AI to entrap, control, manipulate, and enslave our souls in this virtual but literal universe of hell for eternity.

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