
Top Ten Most Effective Martial Arts

In this video I share my personal opinion on the top ten martial arts in order of effectiveness.

NOTE: When I say “traditional” karate, I actually ment “Sport” karate, I apologise for this linguistic imprecision.

I have practiced two styles of Karate (Shotokan, Kyokushin), Taekwondo, and Wushu Kun Fu, so although I’m not an expert I do have first hand experience of martial arts and the martial world.

Ofcourse I do realise there are many factors to keep into consideration and martial arts like Karate and Kung Fu have many different styles which have variations, but in this video we want to have an interesting opportunity to share out opinions as martial arts lovers.

Thank you for watching

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intro ES_Knights Templar 1 РJohannes Bornl̦f

outro ES_Knights Templar 2 РJohannes Bornl̦f



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27 thoughts on “Top Ten Most Effective Martial Arts
  1. moron in TKD they use punches…also there is WTF and ITF learn your shit. Regarding the rules in the kyokushin, you are a moron again if you noticed these guys dont use gloves or padding, you dont hit someone in a controlled competition to head without protection – the fact that the kyokushin karatekas have this rules doesnet matter they dont know how to do it properly to be very honest in a proper fight between kyokushin black belt and boxer without gloves i bet on the karateka because of the variety of moves and because they train to hit with bare hands, most boxers will broke their wrist without the bandages and gloves as they are hitting with big force which their wrists are not used to, for instance Tyson broken his wrist i a bar fright.

    Kung fu means art, shaolin kung fu is not a single art, wing tsun is completly on the other hand a combat style not a martial art. Last bot not last you forgot the Sanda, which is not the most popular sport in the Shaolin schools its a bascially chinese kickboxing with some wrestling.

    You know jack shit about martial arts and sports.

    Bottom line there is a big difference between martial art, martial sport and a combat system.

  2. problems with Thai boxing is the punching is not of high caliber, the left jab is poor, the uppercut virtually nonexistent, the hook is inadequate. gloves prevent the use of the finger jab and the palm smash. lead foot attack lacking in that there is no shin/knee lead attack plus their is no grappling tactics. no under the belt tactics. scientific economical structure is lacking. lack of sophistication in cadence, timing, and broken rhythm. the advantages are the use of the elbow, knees and actual combat. -Bruce Lee

  3. problems with Thai boxing is the punching is not of high caliber, the left jab is poor, the uppercut virtually nonexistent, the hook is inadequate. gloves prevent the use of the finger jab and the palm smash. lead foot attack lacking in that there is no shin/knee lead attack plus their is no grappling tactics. no under the belt tactics. scientific economical structure is lacking. lack of sophistication in cadence, timing, and broken rhythm. the advantages are the use of the elbow, knees and actual combat. -Bruce Lee

  4. I think all martial arts have so many things that truly do work and they are all good at the end of the day its what you like i truly dont believe 1 is superior then the other all the there was a time i did then i relized in any aplication it all comes down to the practitioner and how he or she reacts and moves.

  5. It seems like you put a lot of thought into this assessment, and I would tend to agree with you. I've been studying Northern Shaolin Kung Fu for a while, and over the last few years I've been supplementing it with Muay Thai.. and they complement each other perfectly. Kung Fu provides an incredible range of motions and fast, accurate strikes (and yes, is basically war-training since we use spear, long sword, saber, dual sabers, staff, whip-chain, kwan dao, hook swords, dual long swords, short staff, sun and moon rings, and even paper fans), and Muay Thai fills in the gaps and has allowed me to reflexively block punches with my elbows.. and let me tell ya, when someone's knuckles hit an elbow, they start to think twice about punching. lol 😛 One of my students is actually from Myanmar and grew up with Muay Thai (and Lethwei), and he absolutely loves the variety of Kung Fu (and his technique is incredible for having come from his background).

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