
Alva Noë – How Does Philosophy Illuminate the Physical World?

Closer To Truth

We think we understand the physical world but we do not. For example, some features of the world are derived from others, which makes the latter more fundamental and the former less so. Some scientists believe that only science can tell us how things work. Philosophers do not agree.

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4 thoughts on “Alva Noë – How Does Philosophy Illuminate the Physical World?
  1. "Only the physical is real": Then what exactly is a 'field' ? (in the context of an energy field).
    What exactly is "space"? What exactly is "time"? And if 'speed' is 'distance' divided by 'time', (distance being two points in space with space between those two points), and if "space" and/or "time" are not physically real, then 'speed' cannot be physically real. Therefore, the 'speed of light' cannot physically exist. It would just be a concept with no real basis in physical reality.

  2. Robert had him on the ropes here. Noe completely dodged the question and just started talking about how to divide phenomena in the material world.

  3. Any philosophy that can't be put into a nutshell can not and does not speak of the Sacred Centre. It will always remain on the outside describing the surrounding garden.

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