Consciousness Videos

Tom Campbell and Brough Perkins: A Model of Reality and Consciousness

Tom Campbell

Tom Campbell, retired NASA physicist and colleague/friend of Bob Monroe, joins Brough for an in depth interview on out of body experiences and Models of Reality.

Brough Perkins is a Psychic Medium from Canada as well as a broadcaster online & television host.

Please note: The title “Dr” is an assumption made by the interviewer and is not a title used by Tom Campbell. Although he completed all his PhD work in physics, he did not collect the degree. Tom Campbell Tom’s Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness 501 c 3 Tom’s events.programs, appearances


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25 thoughts on “Tom Campbell and Brough Perkins: A Model of Reality and Consciousness
  1. i believed most of what this man said ! but now after many years of additional work he is just another governmental hack, selling us half truths and straight out lies like he has said whatever it takes

  2. I have an answer for you Campbell: OBEs are a consciousness phenomena, a form of disassociation due to trauma, unprocessed issues and tendency to escapism based on simple understanding of survival psychology, that a patriarchal a-hole like yourself who goes around for 40 years, and tells victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence to accept what was done to them GRACEFULLY because 'there is no other way' will never comprehend, why? Because you are incapable of understanding your own biases, privileges and abuse of power, doing so requires ability to honestly self-reflect that patriarchal a-holes are not shining at. The world will not become a better place until your kind dies out and gets replaced with honest power-imbalance understanding rational people. I feel sorry for your family, especially the females in it. You are a residue of everything that has been wrong with the previous generations.

  3. I like Tom he is cool. I feel like he's closer to knowing what's going on here than most people. We are all evolving and expanding our consciousness as we speak. We are one.

  4. To :Tom Campbell and Brough Perkins.
    Gentlemen thank you for contacting me recently.After much thought , Tom and Santos should meet in any forum for discussion on much.Because sometimes a person can be to close to anything and sometimes will miss that HA Ha moment.
    I don't Know a great lot in this incarnation yet,I am 58 years old.But i can see that Santos Bonacci would help Tom greatly with added insight and maybe help Santos as well.Let alone all those who have ears to listen to great knowledge and truth.
    Thank you once again .Beat wishes and love ,Vincent.

  5. It's kind of hard to believe when he says he can shift from a reality to Another in a second and shows nothing to back it up. You are just left to take his word for it.

  6. Hey, MBTEVENTS. Has Tom ever talked about the reasons why he postulated the psi uncertainty principle? What is the evidence that motivated him to think this is how reality works? Is it personal experience, like he can do things considered to be paranormal when he's alone, but when he tries to show them to others they simply don't work? Or did others show him paranormal things, which HE could experience because he's "in the loop," so to speak. But when they tried to show them to others, they never worked? Or is it more anecdotal than that, like he read or heard about others who said they could "do things" when they're by themselves, but not when others are watching? (Which would not really be evidence in the last case, but more like hearsay.) Thanks

  7. Tom is likely correct about all the science based ideas he believes and wrong about all the woo woo beliefs about how this is all for us to learn how to love and play nice with each other. That is obviously so wrong it's hard to believe a supposedly rational scientist believes it. He provides not a shred of evidence for these beliefs. He's really scared of what this reality may really be about IMO. Read Ernest Becker's "Denial of Death or Escape from Evil" for evidence for what I'm saying here. No one wants to consider that this might all be malevolent even though there is overwhelming evidence for this possibility. Just look at the world we live in. Everything tearing apart other living things and devouring them and then taking a big shit. An unusually painful process for the life form that gets eaten and will often result in it's babies back in the den slowly starving , look at disease, war, decrepitude, mental illness, depression and a thousand other slings and arrows that humans are heir to. IMO this is the creation of a Demiurge.

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