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The Observer Effect of Quantum Physics : Physics Concepts


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In quantum physics we have discreet systems. Find out about the observer effect of quantum physics with help from a physics professional in this free video clip.

Expert: Walter Unglaub
Filmmaker: bjorn wilde

Series Description: Physics plays a larger role in everyday life than a lot of people seem to give it credit for. Get tips on physics with help from a physics professional in this free video series.


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21 thoughts on “The Observer Effect of Quantum Physics : Physics Concepts
  1. Wow. That “many worlds” theory just spun me out. So the universe branches out when a measurement is taken and we find ourselves in the branch where that measurement is fact.

  2. Do anyone tried double double slit experiment? I mean two double slits placed one after another. And we observe the electron going through first double slit. Just because we observed, we collapsed the wave function for that electron. Now when same electron passes through second double slit without any observation will it act as wave or a particle?

  3. so basically following copenhagen, an unobserved system is an undecided cluster of sub atomic parts only to form when observed, and following the many worlds theory it is one of X systems, one being chosen when observed?

  4. Without consciousness and observer effects, everything is just snow. Like old school TV between channels. Its a harsh reality   Now you know. Stay woke .lol

  5. Walter Unglaub, the age of the hippies is long gone. You need a haircut. Of course, this video was posted over three years ago, so perhaps you have already come to your senses.

  6. when observed (watched) we see dounle bar pattern ….when not observed (not watching) we see interfierance pattern

  7. Nice video. Just a qn if its ok. Got here due to curiosity abt how Einstein was said to be wrong with his "spooky action at a distance". So the qn is why do we know that the measured physical properties of entangled particles aren't predetermined prior measurement?

    Did look up some wiki pages about hidden variables and Bells Theorem etc but didnt feel like I learnt much from them except how his inequalities were violated etc.. Alot of it sounds overly complicated and round about. I get how the properties are random and we have to measure to know it and how entanglement led to correlation. But not sure how that concludes as Einstein being wrong. For instance, the properties that are unknown until measured surely can be considered a "hidden variable" even though that may not be exactly what he meant when he said that. I guess its more like a known variable whose value or state is indeterminate but I guess I just need to know why is it necessarily assumed have meant to be uncorrelated based on what Einstein said?

    Any good clean way to explain it all?

    Forgot to add. My unds of the topic is obviously weak. For instance I seem to unds that entanglement suggest definite correlation between physical properties of a particle pair but I somehow still feel that if I changed the properties of one particle, somehow, the entanglement nature will fall apart? (Correct me if I'm wrong). Anyway, so does making measurements count as external influence or interaction somewhat similar as how I would make a change in a physical property?

  8. What method is used to "measure"??? I can't find that simple answer anywhere. Is it a sensor that the photon passes through? In which case, the logical explanation is that the sensor is disturbing the wave.

  9. Since no one ive seen said it, you are either a total BADASS at writing mirrored, or you cleverly videoed from behind the the glass then, "mirrored" the video stream?

  10. Thanks for this. Keep making them.
    Crisp n clear.
    (And you could spell Copenhagen in front of students without hesitating…. as a teacher, I recognise just how impressive that is… 🙂

    great job

  11. What I wanted to know is:
    1. what is happening at a measurement?
    2. how does a particle know it is being measured?
    3. How does measurement differ from other types of interaction?
    4. Does it require a conscious being to do the measurement. Would recording it with a computer do?
    5. Could a frog make a measurement?
    6. What's so special about measurement?

  12. Why isn't the interpretation that we just don't know what something is until we measure it? When I play poker the next card "could" be any card left in the deck but its only one card, not all of them at once.

  13. youve practiced writing backwards, i see. youve become quite good at it. I doubt most people would notice. The Observer Effect is truly fascinating.

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