
Daniel Dennett – What is the Nature of Personal Identity?

Closer To Truth

What makes one a person or a self? If he or she sees, hears, thinks and feels, is that a person or a self? How can separate perceptions bind together into a coherent mental unity of a single person or self?

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25 thoughts on “Daniel Dennett – What is the Nature of Personal Identity?
  1. I'm not a religious person by any stretch of imagination but , as a 'student' (though I teach as well) of Philosophy, I would get failing grades i my undergraduate first module of Philosophy of mind if I say all what Dannet has to say on the topic.

  2. NOTES :
    1 – Ability To Choose Action. (necessity)
    2 – Maximum energy-economic value. (evolutionary utility)
    3 – Center of gravity="preferential decidability" (seems not only common but universal)
    4 – Competitive centers of gravity (common, but one observer?)
    5 – Undecidable centers of gravity (uncommon but … solipsism to autism?)

    The common Error of mechanistic and material (cells), rather than persistent information within the limits of human actions that the cells make possible. Information can persist across cell lifetimes if only by revisiting memories.

    We evolve from 'mostly personality' to 'mostly memories'.

    As someone who has had many episodes of unconsciousness it is very clear to me that as we 'wake' the 'self' exists prior to memory, and is identifiable to the increasing layers of introspection.

    It has made me extremely conscious of the change in my 'self' how it relies upon my personality's biases, and then as memory increasingly becomes available, how we adjust perception as we retain consciousness.

  3. Dennett does not make any sense. He is like the DADA-ist of the philosophical community a bit of an active clown. I don't mind, it is good to have someone with different ideas even if they are outrages and preposterous.

  4. What a waste. That analogy to Theseus revealed his wrong perspective. I can't believe this guy gets paid to teach people. He has mastered nothing and his philosophy is irrelevant.

  5. He never answered the question of personal identity. You can't answer with metaphors and philosophical thought experiments. Who is aware of the memories? Who is aware of the multiple personalities? We are talking about 'that one'. You can't equate the qualities of personal identity with the identity. I am not my arm. Mr. Interviewer, why do u even bother to ask the question?

  6. My favorite hammer has had its handle replaced twice and the head replaced three times. Great hammer! My self likewise. Continuity of memory gives the illusion of the continuity of self. Combine that with the illusion of time, and you get the illusion of a single entity I call ME. But am I me? Or am I just an illusion? Do I even exist, or am I a simulation? Where do I go when I'm asleep? When I awake, how do I know it's the same me?

  7. The reason he laughs is that truth is sometimes amusing, even funny. The “interviewer” is Robert L Kuhn, an exceptionally intelligent and knowledgeable person.

  8. I'm able to grasp my self in an act of self- consciousness just by saying 'me' to myself, with no reference to either memories or projects. Dennett does not explain why such memories and projects are lived like mine in the first place..His explanations are extremely poor.

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