
Cognitive systems – shaping the future with human and artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive systems and machine learning play a transformative role in bringing about the economy and society of the future. For international business and industrial value chains, this means a fundamental structural change, as these technical systems are capable of learning and are increasingly able to apply what they have learned to new situations. They can plan processes, make forecasts and even interact with people.

At many of its institutes, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is developing key AI technologies and applications in such areas as robotics, image and language processing, and process optimization. This includes machine learning techniques for industry, the use of cognitive systems in cyber security and the requisite research into artificial neural networks. Our research makes major contributions to the theory and the ethical design of AI while also being closely aligned with the practical needs of our customers.

However, the use of new technologies not only offers exciting new opportunities: it also constantly presents us with challenges.

The development of cognitive systems needs not just technological solutions, but also social dialogue. Fears and myths must be countered with scientific facts. Machines will extend our sphere of influence, but they will not take over and become our leaders.


Christian Friedrich 3D Artist

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Research


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