
Build a Game AI – Machine Learning for Hackers #3

Siraj Raval

This video will get you up and running with your first game AI in just 10 lines of Python. The AI can theoretically learn to master any game you train it on, but has only been tested on 2D Atari games so far.

The code for this video is here:

I created a Slack channel for us, sign up here:

Tensorflow install instructions here:

Gym install instructions here:

Great course on the brain (I really love this course):

Original Deep Q Learner Paper:

Lots of info on convolutional neural networks:

Lots of info on reinforcement learning:

I’m a fan of for cloud GPU computing since they are the only free-to-try cloud GPU provider I could find. Let me know if you find another!

I love you guys! Thanks for watching my videos, I do it for you. I left my awesome job at Twilio and I’m doing this full time now.

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40 thoughts on “Build a Game AI – Machine Learning for Hackers #3
  1. it took a lot for me to understand things you were telling. I had to go back to math algebra physics 😛 and man lot of maths. but now i'm able to get you.

  2. My question is simple , can we create an AI for any recent game, that can learn from you and by trying…for exemple , i launche the AI in a sort of "observation mode" where he can learn the basics from me , obtain the reward anyway when i do a goot action , ect ? that be intrestring….

  3. Siraj im recommending you to all my cs friends….
    Your passion for this is amazing
    Do u have any ideas on how this would possibly be grown to handle 3d games? without ramping up impossible computational loads

  4. I think you're a super smart dude and I'm enjoying your videos!
    In regards to first person shooters, is it possible to simply create an AI to make the character in a fps just walk around and then build upon that? I have no coding experience.

  5. Can you make a video on ideas for creating a chatbot-like entity that controls the state and responses of a non player character in a visual novel, based on text input?

  6. I'm trying to implement this using python 3.6 and have it so it is able to complete the training portion of the code, however, when i get this error at this part of the code:
    line-  env.gym.monitor.start(args.out, force=True)
    error- AttributeError: 'TimeLimit' object has no attribute 'monitor' 
    so i tried changing this line to env = gym.wrappers.Monitor(env, args.out, force=True). Which is what sources have told me to do, yet I'm still getting nowhere with it. Does anybody have some insight on how i might fix this.

  7. hey can anyone help me so what is happening is gym dont want to go into the later version of python and universe done want to go in the earlier version what should i do?

  8. @sirage raval could you help us with this "Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:Python27game", line 1, in <module>
    from environment import Environment
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'environment'

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